This map contains a single room, a prison. But this is no ordinary prison, this is a child's bedroom. Kyle believed in God, but his parents didn't. For this he was refused freedom and compassion, and abused. And he is not alone, for he is one of many that do not have a good start to life. Child abuse must stop
I agree, child abuse must stop. Hold on… Feel free to take that if you want, I made it in literally like 5 seconds. And sorry it's bad quality, I don't have an actual editing program. Pages + Grab = this
EDIT: Just realised that the download link went to the wrong thing, it has been fixed now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Looks like a really good map, you did a good job making everything look realistic. By the way child abuse is GREAT, it keeps the little kids off of Xbox Live
Dude seriously, don't even joke. Edit: here's a better one: Edit2: darn, still off color, hold on… Edit3:Finally Edit4: Or if you want:
Looks very aesthetically pleasing, you did a good job creating a room, even the child is recognizable as a person. Kind of a messed up theme though, even if it is to spread awareness. :\
I think both topics (prevention and quote) is a little dark. It's a topic worth bringing awareness somewhere, but not so much in a game. I mostly say this because it may offend victims too (bad mem's). I'm going to ignore the slogan and think of this map, bad guy camp. It encompasses all bad guy's . Cool map idea. I like it in every other aspect.
So Apparently his parents were INTELLIGENT so they locked him in a cage? Well he wasnt searching for knowledge just lies and a false sense of acknowledgement. BUT you shouldn't lock your stupid kid in a cage thats just wrong... You should make a puzzle map where you start in a little prison cell and have to make your way out xD
Now do a Giant Gravity hammer and a baby Seal! *Joke* ON TOPIC: it's estimated about 4000 people in the US are sold through out the Human Trafficking System throughout the world. Majority of which are Children under the age of 5 sold for drug money.
i did not expect a map like this to appear. it is a very beautiful map. i really like the guy sat down by the wall
ok... So I'm slightly confused and a little annoyed... Child abuse... because his parents did not believe in 'god' ?? I'm wrong right? That's not what you mean and I misread your post because there's no way you would connect disbelief in a 'god' with being a bad person... because that would be wrong... and offensive... so you don't mean that.... right? I think what you were trying to say is that Kyle's parents are bad people. Regardless, you should never associate 'BAD' with differences in opinion. It could be taken offensively and it is ignorant. I don't believe in a 'god' and that doesn't make me a child abuser or a bad person. thanks.
very dark theme, definatly, nice forging, but an odd way to raise awareness. I agree though (somehwhat) Child abuse MUST stop (full stop) but theres ltos of 8 year old nuts on XBL who depress me. I once killed a guy in infection, and he wailed down the mic at me WHY ARE YOU HACKING WARBLEGURGLEGHHHEHFWEHF(WE etc etc MOMMY!!!! On the subject of the map, purely from a pixel related point of view; its nice On the subject of the theme, its dark On the subject of 8 year old kids on XBL, I agree.