Imagine This: I'm creating a race map that will have sort of an "Indiana Jones" theme. It will have a Kill Ball spawn behind the racers on a 30 degree angle going down. I'll put landmines down so as the drivers escape the Kill Balls, they also have to dodge landmines. The track won't be too thick as to elude the Kill Balls easily. I'll make the track angled in a way to where the racers can ride it gently, but the Kill Balls also follow the road instead of fly off the track. So a big hill at the beginning (either a dragon design spitting out kill balls by using the man cannons or just spawn behind the drivers) with mines going down AND the Kill Ball follows the flow of the track. Make the checkpoints farther away than normal and Kill Balls constantly spawn (at least fast enough to where a person can't elude them easily after they die). A good 2v2 match would be interesting too, with the rider shooting rockets at the other team to throw them off course. I can't post pics, I can't post vids and I don't have LIVE (I also can't see youtube vids) but I've got some damn good ideas for forge world that is gonna take me so long to figure out where to put all this stuff in. I LOVE FORGE 2.0 and I'm not good at it, but it takes my mind out of slaughtering grunts when it gets boring (seriously, firefight isnt what it used to be and no one else plays with me and I've already beat up to the 4th mission on Legendary). Imagine if you will ^w^ And please post? It took me so long to type this (well not really... 70 gwam)
gwam???????????????? Anyway, sounds good. You should go do that, the 2v2 sounds pretty fun. I think you could make it two lanes with a killball that spawn 30 seconds after the first but its to the side of it, so that instead of going faster than the killballs you could also swerv to the side, but you still have to avoid the mines.
I think the idea is a really good one, but probably going to be hard to forge so that it plays well - the ball can't go either too fast or too slow, can't fly off the track, and the course has to be just complex enough to make for tricky driving without being outright annoying about it. So... hope you're a patient person, and good luck. My only other comment would be that I think this would be more enjoyable as part of a larger race track, rather than the entire idea. It would be really cool to be running a big race lap and have this be one leg of it. The first time through, seeing that kill ball roll out would probably terrify you (assuming you approached it from an angle where you COULD see it). One other thought occurs to me - it would be interesting to see how this would need to be set up so that if the players get knocked off course or killed, the ball was still a hazard. Make sure it's not something that works well only on a "perfect" run, because you want it to still affect someone if they get hung up or have to respawn and start over.
Well that's what Respawn Time is for. Shorten that for the Kill Balls and have them respawn after a certain amount of time to start rolling back down again. I just came up with another idea: what if the Kill Balls were rolling toward you on the track (thanks to you megapwn ^w^)? Complicated or cool? I'll try that today when I get home. The finish line is near the Kill Ball spawns... no that's too direct... how about just before them.
I really like that idea. Could be interesting with a wide track, say about 3-4 times as wide as a kill ball - have two of them spawn close to each other, and then obstacles on the track, so you're driving forward, weaving through the scenery, AND trying not to get rolled over by the kill ball. And hell, throw a dude with rockets on the back of both mongooses too. That would be crazy fun as long as it wasn't too hard.
Let me google that for you Sounds pretty cool, I hope you get LIVE soon; so you can post it when you're finished.
That's nice. How about trying to work on your paragraphs per minute? As for the map idea, sounds fun and doable.