This is a nostalgic throwback to Kakariko Village from Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time. Complete with teleporters that allow you to enter most buildings as well as into the well. Go shopping for a new weapon or armour ability in the weapon store. Explore the windmill complete with tunnel behind the blades and drop down the well to see whats down there. It's pretty good overall but is just set up for slayer as of now. I hope you enjoy. Pics in file set if you click the download link Thanks to Jo351 for helping get this thread working
Hey one picture or video is required, see my other post for instructions and it is usually a bad idea to double post, sorry I confused you, my fault. Anyways here is the BB code: (delete space)
Sorry for double post but i can't access it anymore. It says fatal error. Admins can delete if they want but I'd like to keep this one up.
And you have a broken picture at the bottom. Delete this:[ /IMG] All you need for the thumbnail is: [code][/code]
Ok so i got the pics working. Sorry everyone but I'm brand new to this and not much for coding. I meant to post this map in the aesthetics thread. I am trying to delele it out of competitive thread but can no longer access it. How can I get an admin to remove it? When i try to access it, it gives me a Fatal error message. I changed the thread to hybrid and then it gave me that message and now i can't view it or access it. Added after 1: Thanks for the help Jo351. I wouldn't have gotten it to work without you.
You will have to wait for a mod to delete it, and no problem man. I liked the map and didn't want to see it locked
Wow, just by looking at it I immediately recognize it as Kakariko Village. Everything is just where I remember it. 5/5, you're a great aesthetic Forger! LoZ FTW!
too bad I don't know what the map is supposed to look like, I only have windwaker if you could make a map of the outset island that would be beast!
This was so cool. Only flaw I saw was the energy sword. there is a problem with phased weapons, you can't pick them up after you kill someone with it. I only found that out after I "wall mounted" a grav hammer on my map Square Root of 16 Square and my friends kept complaining that they couldn't pick it up. other than that its fun to play. all it needs now are some chickens trying to kill me... *Removed map post link* Please do not advertise your maps or you will be infracted for it.
I must admit, my good sir, it is epic to see a fellow Zelda fan/Halo fan, and this remake of Kakariko village looks fantastic. I'm downloading it now. Can't wait to see how it plays. Bravo on the idea!