Sorry wrong forum, moved to Aesthetic Well, Iv'e decided to make a giant robot, but with a twist. It's a girl?!?!?!?! It took me hours to put all the detail onto this, it's got loads of details (look somewhere and you might find a surprise) I've named it L.I.Z after a girl in my school (if she finds out i swear she will turn into that robot) Yeah L.I.Z is very angry you see and likes to slap people and breathe fire. I don't really know what else i can say, It can be used for slayer or infection if you like but i don't think it would be very fun, It's mainly for looking at and messing around on. I've only got afew pics because tbh there's not much on the interior, you should go and find out yourself. Anyway please post and download and have fun!
big breasted gaint robot... lol. sweel job you shouldnt have this. in this group. it should be in Aesthetic Maps edit: up no problem just thought id tell you b4 someis bein a **** abot it.
great job. You really man it look like a girl. PS what will you do if the girl at your school finds out??