Bungie.net : Halo: Reach Forum : Would you like this new game mode Just to make you'll aware of this idea. *note* this is not me claiming its my idea or anything like that, I just want to make people know about this topic.
It's a nice idea. Extremely nice. But i think it is pretty impossible. And it looks pretty much like Invasion. But still it is a nice idea.
For some reason it makes me imagine Battlefront 2 gameplay and I really like that idea. Large-scale warfare map and mode is very cool. That'd be great if they designed this. There was a game that tried to pull off 32v32 online right? I think it turned out to be a bit of a disappointment, but at least the notion exists already.
"probably like 20 vs 20, and it would only be possible with dedicated servers, due to lag." I stopped reading after that. It will not happen.
I actually love the idea of a symmetrical, phased gametype. There is a slight chance that bungie might enable something like this in an update for invasion, but the idea of 20v20 and an entirely new game mode is almost guaranteed not to come in an update. Some DLC like this would probably come already on the disc so you just pay to enable it, but I doubt Bungie is trying to sell out like Dice. Additionally, dedicated servers cost money so that's not happening either.
It's an ok idea, but why would it need it's own spot on the main menu? That would be like giving Invasion or Headhunter its own spot on the main menu.
I don't see it being possible at all, but it does sound pretty cool. The weapon buying thing is a little odd in my opinion, but I like the idea of being able to call in a vehicle drop, that's pretty awesome. Really epic huge battles seems super awesome, with a niche for each play type... But really, we could create something somewhat similar (much smaller scale obviously) on Forge World in invasion (minus the whole scoring thing) and have one section be large and open, the other smaller, close quarters, or something, etc. However it would still end up being unbalanced because the Elites don't have a real dang sniper!!!!!