A Letter... To Map Forgers w/ Custom Gametypes

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by DiJaDi, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. DiJaDi

    DiJaDi Forerunner

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    Dear Fellow Forgers,

    I love this community, and that includes you. Even though I'm relatively new here, I feel a sense of camaraderie that is inexplicably awesome. I love the creativity, the enthusiasm, the strongly-flowing stream of endless activity, and the eager feedback and new topics that I see every day I log on!

    However, there has been one thing which has given me no end of grief even since the days of Halo 3's Forge. You guys, with your awesome powers of creation, your brilliant intellects, your horrible grammar but inexhaustible exuberance and persistence... you all create such awesome maps. And even make awesome gametypes for those maps! But I can never figure out, while sitting in my custom game lobby with the massive list of downloads begging me to choose one... I can never figure out which gametype goes to which map!

    So, if I might make one small, teeny, tiny suggestion, which you might hear patiently and take into consideration...

    Please put the map's name in the gametype's description! At least do that! Save me the hours of trying to match gametype after gametype while all my friends complain that we should have gone into Matchmaking, that it's taking too long. Yes, I know that the Author's name is listed, but that's just not enough! It narrows it down, but who knows how many gametypes you might end up publishing? Thousands? I, myself, already have a dozen!

    If you could please do this one small favor for me, I'd be greatly indebted. I'd even be tempted to bake you a virtual brownie. It's certainly a possibility.

    Thank you for your time, and your epic awesomeness, and your boundless patience. Keep up the amazing work!

    On Behalf of the Rabid Downloading Community,
    ~ me

    P.S.: Thanks to the people who already do! <3​
    #1 DiJaDi, Oct 5, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2010
  2. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    you can always come back here, search our wonderfully organized and awesome database for the map you downloaded (by clicking "search this forum" on the top right, or sorting the map list alphabetically)

    after doing this, you can see the thread again and double check which gametype it was that you needed! should only take 1 minute to do.

    glad to have solved your problem good day sir
  3. patrickcanttype

    patrickcanttype Forerunner

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    Personally, I always do this with my maps. But if I download a map that doesn't have the gametype in the map description, and vice-versa, I'll add it in myself.
  4. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Agreed, this always bugs me when they don't match up. I usually will just edit the title of the gametype according to the title of my map--for instance, the Assault gametype for my new map Vadmont's Ossuary has been named "One-Bomb VO"--and then I stick the name of the required nap in with the gametype as well. It's really irritating when people don't do that, regardless of the fact that you can come back here and look. Idont want to have to boot up my laptop or go find my iPod every time someone's map and gametypes don't match up.
  5. DiJaDi

    DiJaDi Forerunner

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    as shocking as it might seem, i usually don't have my computer anywhere near my xbox; nor do i always have a decent internet connection for my computer, due to its being across the apartment when it's here (my Box is much, much closer to my router, and has a better wireless connection). So this doesn't help. Thanks for the attempt.
  6. Skorpius47

    Skorpius47 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If I may use your thread ot hit a tangent, I'd like to say that it disappoints me when the majority of maps I download to check out also require a gametype to play properly. It would be nice to see a custom-created map that can utilize the default gametypes while also providing a unique experience. MLG maps don't cut it for me; most of them are symmetrical and soulless, but they're at least heading in the direction I'd like to see most maps move towards.
  7. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    1st of all, sure ill make sure i will do as a always have done and have the gametype's map in the discription.

    2nd of all, that virtual brownie sounds very moist and yummy

    and anyway, if you download content via forgehub thread usually it says the creators name. same with the gametype
  8. shidarin

    shidarin Forerunner

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    QFT, it's cool to see really creative uses of gametypes- but the majority of maps should just be maps and not require a bunch of setting tweaks to work properly. Maps shouldn't come with instruction manuals.
  9. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Although some maps work best with a custom gametype, they should support standard gametypes. Custom gametypes, however, become an absolute necessity when it comes to specialized maps. Aircraft based maps are something I focus on, and one of the immediate realizations is that if air combat is to be sucessful, a regular gametype will not work. It's just a price to be paid for non standart gameplay.
  10. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Quite true. Some maps just need that gametype twist to work properly--since most of mine in the past have been objective-style games, or have been built based on a certain premise, custom gametypes are usually a necessary evil. However, I think one aspect that proves a good forger over an average one is the ability to create a map that plays well, plays fun, and isn't broken when paired with standard gametypes.
  11. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Or to make something something that has truly never been done effectively before. What makes me sad is not so much that people just make reruns of the same idea, but that when some groundbreaking idea appears, it is either poorly executed or displayed as a concept game rather than a good competitive game based on that concept. This mostly shows up in the custom gametypes for maps where people have some vision for the gametype and will not change that to fit the map.
    #11 pyro, Oct 6, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2010
  12. DiJaDi

    DiJaDi Forerunner

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    Definitely agree. With this whole tangent, actually. Although I think the concepts being designed now will at the very least inspire proper execution of them later. I mean, I'd be surprised to see the percentage of badly-made or badly-planned or barely-practical maps remain the same as time goes on. Hopefully, people will listen to feedback, or have the discernment and the experience to change what they messed up. Or others will do that for them.

    I really look forward to the next generation of Forge maps more than this one. Especially as there will hopefully be some updates by then.

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