The campaign really has no plot or real direction until the last two levels. Also the campaign is very short and has you back tracking through envronments from previos levels which are very bland and boring.
Erm, noes. Troll mebe? And, regarding the master chief appearance: YouTube - Halo Reach: Master Chief is in Reach "Easter Egg"
ODST had the easiest campaign of any halo game. you could take more damage as an ODST than a spartan in the other games. And you should have the same power as a Spartan II. the only major difference between the IIs and IIIs in terms of power was their armor, but noble team got Mark V armor instead of SPI armor, so they are basically on the same level as a spartan II. you just hide behind the cannon and dont even get in and shoot until the thing is in range, then jump in and hit it real quick.
They should have elaborated Cortana more. Halsey made it sound like she's forunner AI. I love chiefs cameo though. Snoozin like the Rookie.
By the way, "According to the Halo: Reach Legendary Edition Developer Commentary, Jun is still alive. ". Source
I apologize, a moderator unrighteously removed my post. Anyways, on with what I was saying: Noble Six is still alive. On the last level, there is a spot where you can remain indefinitely without even being shot at.
Erm, no. Did anyone else notice all the dead Spartans lying around in Lone Wolf? The one at the starting area looked a lot like Jun, except his chest piece was different and there wasn't a scarf. And I finally finished my solo legendary playthrough. Is hard.
The spartans lying around are randomly generated, so it's probable just a coincidence that one ended up looking like Jun. Really? How could that be possible? Surely Jorge wouldn't have been able to activate the slipspace drive and escape in time. Unless, of course he did a Master Chief and is floating somewhere halfway across the universe in half of a ship. Imagine if he "coincidentally" ended up on the same planet we see John-117 approaching at the end of Halo 3 :L
even if that happened, he'd die pretty quick floating out in space. unless he somehow figured out how to use a covie cryo chamber. assuming there is even a cryo chamber in the small part of ship that he may or may not be in. and that said cryo chamber still works after the ship was ripped apart.
The supercarier is enourmous, and he's inside half of it. I'm sure there is still atmo being generated.
hes not inside half of it. in the cutscene, it looked like it just got split in half, so at best hes in a small portion of the center of it. Kat did say half a frigate when she was talking about the plan, but most likely she was making an exaggerated approximation and it was a significantly smaller portion than half. and even half of a frigate would only be a tiny portion of a covenant super carrier. and he would still need to know to work the cryo chamber if he could find one.
Remember how he took off his helmet? Kindof hard to find a cryo chamber when you're choking to death...
i agree, but there is a small chance that he is inside a part of the ship where there are still working airlocks with air inside.