I hate reach.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by LOL zombie, Sep 21, 2010.

  1. iTzSilverandrew

    iTzSilverandrew Ancient
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    Stop stealing walmart internet and buy your own.

    That's why you cant melee anyone and cant kill anyone.

    Hate the player skill not the game,
    you cant get headshots apparently.
  2. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Yeah, I think they tried to make it out to be more than it really was. Overall I probably have problems with everything.

    - One good thing was that they pretty much took the BEST and most memorable parts from the past 4 games campaigns and incorporated them into this game, but still making it original.
    - Unless it was on legendary, it was too short. Normal was about easy for Halo 3. Legendary in Reach is about Halo 3 legendary x2.
    -There's some nice original stuff in there. Obviously most of the new stuff is nice, and I love the invasion playlist.
    - There's not enough playlists. Some gametypes and maps just don't work (Big Team SWAT), some have terrible spawns (Multi-team on The Cage) and some maps are just so bad that it's indescribable (Hemorrhage). I can go on and on, but I'll stop my matchmaking talk there.
    - I like that they added so many new modes. Generator defense, versus, gruntpocalypse? Plus you can edit firefight gametypes? Amazing.
    - I tried a little bit of versus and it seems that the elites are pretty overpowered. One thing I really hate (which is really just gameplay mechanics) but when I had a laser designator and got hit by a phantom shot, it either hit an objject next to me, or dissapeared and killed me. I have no idea how that happened).
    Custom Games
    Cant say much here. New gametypes obviously make it nice. Most of the gametype options are an improvement.
    - But I don't like that teams in some games are just completely pre-set, no option to change them. Plus, they took out some of the best options - and VIP. It's small, but there's no "on" between the map and gametype, so it can't be used to create a full title, though that's hardly a problem.
    - Oh, so much to say about Forge.. Very little of it is good. But, the object color and forging mode (normal, fixed, phased) are definitely improvements. Coordinates are okay, but seem somewhat pointless since the player can be more precise. More items are nice. Changing it to specific gametypes is nice. They added some nice items.
    - I dislike forge. They took out some of the best things, much like with Custom Games. I hate that you need to end the game to change the gametype. Plus they took out some of the best items. My primary example is the gravity lift. The fact that it was destructible meant that some really nice switches could be forged. Plus, more movable objects also contributed to those switches. It's also really glitchy. If a merge an object, then go to move it using the right trigger, I teleport forward or back a good 10 or 20 feet. Plus getting object lined up nicely seems a lot harder then it was in Halo 3. I could go on, but I think it's not necessary.
    - Don't think they added too much.
    - I dislike that when watching a video you teleport to the other team at the beginning of each new round.

    I have much more, but wont bring it up unless anyone specifically wants to know.
  3. Drew Baye

    Drew Baye Forerunner

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    This is like going to your first martial arts class and talking about how shitty the style is afterwards because of how badly you got your ass kicked.
  4. Secnateb

    Secnateb Ancient
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    I traded in my Halo 3 for Reach. Other than not being able to play regular team slayer often enough, I have no real problem with this game. The fact that I have more control over my movements grants me so many more tactics I can employ. The other Halo games always seemed too sluggish for my style. I still loved them but always wished I could move with more grace.
    If you can't finish your kills, you're just not fast/good enough. Play more, get better.
  5. Prospect

    Prospect Forerunner

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    Uhm.... My answer for the first post would either be that your bad at the game OR your connection sucks balls because, FFA is SUPPPPER easy honestly speaking. I'm not that good of a halo player and I'm usually 2nd or 3rd. The beat down I find is fair, your a super soldier for christs sake, no wonder a hit by an elbow won't kill you, stop complaining about how the game was made, in one of their vidocs, bungie even said to forget all you knew about H3.

    Nades? are you kidding me? You complain about the reach ones even though you play CoD. CoD has the WORST nades I have ever seen IMO and its not that hard to get a multikill with them either.

    Stayin on the CoD topic, it is unbalanced with the UMP killing in 3 bullets and well yeah you know the rest but at the same time, that's how they made the game and despite what you think, a lot of pro's from halo reach probably play cod and still like the game, it just depends on your play style, the two are insanely different, don;t go comparing them.

    And btw, obviously the spawning on "The Cage" in multi team is ****, the map is tiny so how do you expect them to make a balanced spawning in that?
  6. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    I'm not trying to compare CoD, and I really don't think I did. Someone said I was 'bad' at all FPS? And I was just telling them I'm not.
    I also have an open NAT, and don't seem to have connection problems.
  7. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    Its halo Reach because every other game i have no problem when playing it on live. Go on bungie an ask it. It is a problem.
  8. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Yes... because they have some "anti kill steal" system in Red Dead? Truth is, in EVERY online competitive-multiplayer video game, people are going to have the ability to steal kills. If you are going to play FFA, of course people are going to steal your kills. It was no different from Lone Wolves in Halo 3, why is it some huge issue in Reach? What could Bungie (or anybody) possibly do to prevent people from butting into a fight between two people to get 2 kills? Nothing... Also, you wouldn't do the same thing? You see two people fighting and you wouldn't try to finish them off at the same time? Either you are incredibly bad for refusing to do that or are a huge hypocrite for ranting about it if you do it.

    Hmmmm... were those 5 people possibly packed together in a corner? I doubt that the blast radius was large enough to stretch across a chain of 5 people... So if I get a killtacular with any other weapon, would I be screaming about how overpowered it is? No... the enemy just happened to be stupid enough to pack together and get destroyed by nades instead of moving.

    So every person in the game can't melee every person except for every person playing? Either that or Bungie specifically targeted you and made you the only person that can't melee... Maybe you are just exaggerating and need to work on your timing...
    #48 Loscocco, Sep 24, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2010
  9. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    I've already addressed the grenade problem, hurdur they were standing next to each other. I'd like to see you get a killtacular with a DMR. Full shields and everything. With actual people, it's unlikely.

    No, Melee isn't just me. Many people have complained about it.

    Of course I try to clean up two kills in FFA. It just seems like it's too easy in this game, is what I'm trying to say, I guess. In H3 I just seemed to get them taken less often. I don't know why this is, but it is. I know reach =/= H3 at all, but coming from bungie, it should be somewhat similar, but I just can't seem to grasp it.
  10. WarpathZone

    WarpathZone Forerunner

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    I would assume the kill stealing is because of:

    A: In Both Halo Reach and Halo 3, once your shields were gone, it was and is a one shot kill to the head by a precision weapon.

    B: I shall explain.

    In Halo 3 there were the Battle Rifles, the Carbines, the Pistol, Beam Rifles, and Sniper Rifles. In FFA's there are almost never Beam rifles and Snipers. Carbines are rarely placed, normally one or two a map. I have only been killed by pistols in SWAT, and I don't ever recall being killed by one outside of that. Battle Rifles are probably the most used precision weapon in Halo 3. So it's most likely your kill would be stole by a BR, and BR's only.

    In Halo Reach, The precision weapons are the DMR's, Needle Rifles, the Sniper Rifle, and the Pistol. Yes, one less gun, however, I have a theory. DMR's are just like the BR: a lot on a map, has a scope, it isn't automatic, etc. So it is also a candidate for stealing kills. It's the same story for the Sniper Rifle as last time, it's very rarely on a FFA Map. I have seen the Needle Rifle on a few FFA maps. I would assume it's because it has a clip, and only one scope in (as the Sniper Rifle has two). And lastly, the Pistol. It now has a scope, and I think it has a pretty nice ROF. Because the DMR isn't the only common precision weapon with a scope, more people are going for head shots from half way across the map against some guy without shields. It's common sense, and if I had the opportunity, I would take it.

    Perhaps that's why your kills are took more.
    #50 WarpathZone, Sep 25, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2010
  11. Arashi500

    Arashi500 Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure it's that not everyone is used to the gameplay changes, so they are going to be going out of their way to take kills rather than get their own because it's the easy way out. It's the majority that hasn't yet adjusted to the changes fault. Rather than make mistakes and learn they'd rather stalk n steal(my term for people who stalk the good players to take he last shot).
  12. a dying animal

    a dying animal Ancient
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    I think the onlines a little un-balanced and glitchey but my only real problems with the campaign, i think its one of the worst i have ever played.
  13. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    waaaah... i'm bad at the game.... waaaah.

    get a life
  14. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    That's a bit far. I can admit, it's not as challenging or epic as chief's campaigns, but it's not, quote, "one of the worst i have ever played."
  15. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    odd, I think its my favorite campaign thus far
  16. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    -My first point was with "any other weapon" not the DMR, but it is still possible with the DMR if you use a combination of melee attacks and maneuvers. Reloading at one point only makes it somewhat harder to do incredibly quickly. So let me restate this: if I were to get a killtacular with any weapon such as the rockets or shotgun, the weapon would be overpowered? It can't relate to enemy skill?

    -So the fact that everyone except you can melee better happens to "many people"? That makes no sense. That is like saying that Bungie gives every player some sort of weapon, but Bungie doesn't give this weapon to the person that is playing. Well isn't that everyone in the game? It is either that or Bungie devised a plot to make melee combat incredibly difficult for a certain group of people (does that really sound right?). You were probably just in a fist fight with someone that had connection host (1 per game) and they did something that doesn't look right, but really makes almost no difference.

    -Well unless certain people start with unfair advantages, then there is no "easier way" to steal kills. If everyone is given equality in their selection of tools that they start with, then it is just as easy for you to steal someone else's kills as it is for them to steal yours; this excludes any spawning situations.
  17. Mista Skittles

    Mista Skittles Ancient
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    Lol, I've been playing halo competetively since the CE days and I have to say this game is borderline ridiculous compared to the other 3. Plus the game caters to much to newbies.

    Oh, and I miss my BR and Melee system.
    #57 Mista Skittles, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2010
  18. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    Alright guys.
    I personally think that this has had enough discussion.
    I've come to like the game,
    and I've been trolling you guys for the second half of the thread, but that's irrelevant.
    If a mod could please lock this, that'd be coolbeans.
  19. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    I MUST SAY THAT I HATE JETPACKS....i guess really all loadouts are trash...ive gotten use to the game mechanics now but there still are a few things i disagree with...

    FIRST off i KNOW that this is NOT halo 3 so dont reply telling me that "they're (bungie) tryin to make a different game...i understand that

    - why the hell did i pay $60 for bungie to ship me a bunch of remake maps!!! did they run of imagination for the past three or so years...."brilliant, lets do a remake of accession, brilliant lets do a remake of ivory tower, brilliant lets do a remake of sanctuary...etc" <-----thanks bungie!

    - holy ****...JETPACKS! they might as well just put a Colosseum wall down with no cover so everyone can fly around...honestly why do the even make ramps and walkways if everyone is just going to ignore them and fly around!!!

    - heath packs! no longer can i "TEAM" dmr someone and stand in an fight...if my shield bust with low health its like..."hold on dude ill be right back to fight with you i just have to find a stupid health pack somewhere..."

    - ranking system, ouch what a joke....thanks for copyin MW. lol i want my rank to mean something like a 50 in h3...not i can be a general if i play WAAAAAYYYY to much!

    ....just a few points i needed to get off my chest.
    with all that said i am actually really good at this game...it is very easy per-say i just hate playing slayer DMR's
    #59 schleb, Oct 5, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2010
  20. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    i think this just about sums up what i wanna say.
    #60 xWooden leafx, Oct 5, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2010

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