Found this video posted on another site, and at first I was quite doubtful of it's credibility, but it looks like they are being serious with this. A lot of people are complaining about it and don't wish it to be televised - your thoughts? Please note, if you are squeamish you probably shouldn't watch. YouTube - How to Cut Carbon Emissions
I can see what they are trying to do, but this is a bit over the top. And by a bit I mean ridiculously over the top. And to be honest 10% isn't really enough...
Umm Grif, humans produce 4.5 gigatonnes of CO2 a year. That's a lot until you consider all the animals and bacteria of the world produce 150 gigatonnes a year. Global warming is a cycle.
Ok so I don't know where you got your statistics, but I have it clocked around 26-29 gigatons of CO2. About 40% of human CO2 emissions are being absorbed, mostly by vegetation and the oceans. The rest remains in the atmosphere. As a consequence, atmospheric CO2 is at its highest level in 15 to 20 million years. A natural change of 100ppm normally takes 5,000 to 20.000 years. The recent increase of 100ppm has taken just 120 years. Whether or not you subscribe to the idea of global warming, you have to admit that we pollute a **** ton.
YouTube - The Great Farce Of Global Warming 1 It's a REALLY long series of videos that keeps getting deleted, renamed and reposted for some reason so you may have to do some digging if you try to watch all of it. I'm inclined to believe it because the organizer of the International Panel of Climate Change is in it around the 7th video (when the videos had a different name) so yah, you can say I don't believe in global warming. I do want to try and see if I can sell carbon credits though.
That video is a touch creepy. Just a touch. And to all climate change sceptics out there, who gives a damn whether global warming is real or not. If it isn't and we cut down on emissions, then we have a cleaner world. If it is, we pretty much save the world. Either way, it's a win-win scenario. The human race can't lose. Unless we do nothing.
Global Warming: A cycle the earth goes through to re-balance the planets ecosystems. It's completely natural, and even if we do speed up its process, its still going to do what it normally would. It's just a cycle, global warming, ice age, global warming, ice age... etc. Us changing our emissions isn't going to change the fact that we WILL go into another ice age.
You guys are CLEARLY missing the point. The point of this video is to raise awareness about the 10:10 thing. Being HIGHLY controversial stirs up a lot of talk, and thus gets the word out. You guys are doing EXACTLY what they want you to do, and it is for a good cause anyways. L2 marketing, kids.
I want to sell Carbon credits for money. Al Gore's buiesiness plan is to sell the carbon credits of already existing forests. He makes money making sure trees eat CO2 and produce Oxygen, like they have for millions of years. It's an amazing buisness model. That's baisically my biggest problem with the whole thing is that people just use it as a way to profit. But hey, blowing up the announcer woman, I guess that means that won't be put up with much longer And ya, you're right Brodellsky, we kind of have fallen into there trap, their crafty, crafty trap.
I can't stand people who are "green" for money. Added after 1: The point is to talk about it because it is a very important topic. It sucks that we even need a vid like this.
So you're saying that it isn't a problem if we speed up the extinction of animals species and possibly humanity?
I am not going to argue with any more anti-global warming people. They are just going to point to something else instead of taking responsibility for their actions.