Halo: Reach Alternate Equipment - Feedback

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by cookies4you, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. cookies4you

    cookies4you Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    I'm planning to post a DLC idea on Bungie.net, but first, I need some feed-back on it. I also need ways to appeal to other members to avoid getting this flushed to page 2. By the way, feel free to suggest anything.

    Please note that the follow weapons will be exclusive to Multiplayer such as Forge and Custom Games.

  2. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    Well firstly alot of the things you are talking about cannot be added. It would require EVERY SINGLE PERSON to download them which cannot happen. Alot of the weapons are useless anyways.
    The DMR[C] Its the dmr without a scope...... *facepalm*
    DMR A silencer is not that high of a priority in MP and even then the weapon is the exact same as the DMR, no point.
    Magnum[C] .... really its the exact same but without a scope.
    Magnum Silencer no point.
    Sniper Rifle We already have a perfectly fine sniper rifle that in no way needs night vision as none of the maps are even close to dark.

    The vehicles you list are already there so there is a possibility they can add them into future maps.
  3. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Civilian versions would just reduce the range of the weapons, and silencers would just allow a player to carry more ammo for that weapon, as if they want two of the same weapon. Night vision sniper is just pointless because there are no maps that are at night (at least that I've played on in my games of only invasion).

    As for the vehicles, Bungie I'm sure has already decided if they will appear or not in later DLC; what some kid posts on the bnet forums with all the other spam will not affect that.
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    YES. Please, for the love of God. It would enable this really good idea I've had since Halo 3.

    S'about all I care for though. A silencer? Really? "Yay my gun sounds funnier but I gain no tactical advantage since firing a gun shows my position hurrhurr." This is Reach, not ODST; we are SUPERSOLDIERS goddammit.
  5. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Part 1: Yes, bungie crushed my hopes and dreams too. There is no aircraft that can actually carry someone with a flag or bomb. WTF bungie?
    Part 2: lol, agreed
  6. Lovermango

    Lovermango Forerunner

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    I agree that most of your suggestions up there wouldn't exactly impact gameplay substantially enough to be considered, but I like where you are coming from. In fact, it made me come up with a small suggestion:

    How about the rebels' version of an assault rifle? It could have a blade attached to it (in a ghetto way) which makes it stronger for melee purposes, but slower. It could have a slightly extended clip due to some more ghetto extensions.

    In hindsight though, it wouldn't please many people. So few have a taste for those variations anymore.
  7. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    transport hog was one thing i was hoping for in forgeworld. i would love to see that, there could be some very interesting objective games
  8. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    Yeah, as stated previously, none of the weapons make much sense, except for the night vision sniper. Have you ever noticed in campain, invisible elites (or mostly invisible) are difficult to see normally, but when you go into night vision they pop out of the backround like crazy.

    I would love to see transport hogs/falcons, definitely a part missing from the game, imagine big team stockpile, with a transport hog full of flags, it would look pretty sick.
  9. StickyBarbecue

    StickyBarbecue Forerunner

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    Definately no point in having different types of the same weapon, not to mention the fact that they use the same ammo pool. If I can hold a DMR w/scope, or a DMR w/out scope, and they both use the same ammo, why would I ever use the one without the scope? The only thing I could think of that they could do to make a silenced weapon being anywhere close to useful would be if when you got shot by a silenced weapon, your HUD didn't give any indication to the direction of the attacker. Night Vision sniper is useless, even in campaign is useless. As the person prior to me stated that it would be useful because of the elites that are using active cammo can be seen using night vision, then just turn on night vision, no need to have a gun with a default night vision scope.

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