Okay guys, i'm having a little problem understanding some of the things in Reach's forge mode. Maybe someone here at Forgehub can make an extensive guide explaining some easily misunderstood things in forge. Well, back to my problem. I need a little information on the Spawning category of the Forge list. I understand the difference between soft kill/kill and soft safe/safe zones. But Im not exactly sure about Respawn, Weak and Respawn, Anti zones. Im at the midst of finishing a map (Not Final Product) and I want to know everything about the spawning items. Thank you in advance...
Respawn areas just changes the selected spawnpoints settings. To spawn only certain teams and such. They have the advantage of allowing the same spawnpoints to act differently in different gametypes. Anti respawn zones do the same thing but in reverse. Preventing a certain team from spawning somewhere (I think placing a neutral one blocks all selected spawnpoints). I'm not sure about weak respawn zones but I think they have the same effects as a normal respawn area but do not completely override any settings. There should be a forge 101 guide up soon.
You're almost right. You're right that anti-respawn zones block spawns for the team they're assigned to (or everyone if assigned neutral). Only rarely will you want a neutral team anti-respawn zone. Normal and weak respawn zones both have the effect of spreading any spawn influence such as recent deaths or the presence of teammates to all points within them. You use this feature to group things so that for example a red player standing in the far corner of the blue base blocks (negatively influences) all spawns inside the blue base's respawn zone so the blue team is not likely to spawn inside of their base once the red players get inside. The difference between normal and weak respawn zones is that normal ones force that team to spawn within them. No player will ever spawn outside of a respawn zone assigned to their team if one is present. Neutral respawn zones count as assigned to all teams, so having a neutral respawn zone on the map can screw up your base assignment in things like CTF and Assault. Weak respwan zones don't have the forcing feature, they only group spawns and spread influence. Only rarely will you want a neutral team respawn zone that isn't weak.
If my sources are correct(see one of the other 20 threads about this, ill find it later) the respawn zone makes it so that a person on the team assigned to it is more likely to spawn there. Weaks do the same, but with less influence. Anti's do the opposite. Now im gonna find that post... Edit: too lazy
It's not more likely, it's never. You will never spawn outside of a strong respawn zone assigned to your team. Neutral team counts for all teams, so strong neutral respawn zones can cause spawn issues if you're not very deliberate with their use.
Yet without a respawn point within that zone, it doesn't seem to work. I originally had initial spawns and strong respawn zones, no respawn points, and would not respawn inside the zone. Once I placed respawn points, this was fixed. Same issue both in Halo 3 and Reach.