Alright, I've got a question for you guys: How do you think Campaign Matchmaking will/should work? It's already been confirmed that you vote for a mission, but will there be a playlist for each difficulty? Will there only be one playlist under the Heroic difficulty like Firefight? And what about scoring? Will scoring be off, will you work as a team like in Firefight, or will you go lone wolf? Or will you have some kind of choice? Here's how I think it should work. There's four Campaign playlists in the Cooperative section: Easy, Normal, Heroic and Legendary. Also, team scoring will be on so players can work cooperatively to get a high score. So the new Cooperative section would look like this: -Easy Campaign -Normal Campaign -Heroic Campaign -Legendary Campaign -Firefight -Score Attack
I'm not even sure they'll have a Legendary option. It will most likely be like Firefight and have Heroic with Skulls activated.
But theres also another issue, What level. If people are just missing the last 2 levels, It could be a drag just to start from the begining. I hope theres a search engine like with maps. Put the difficulty and Level and then find others. Thats how it should work.
TBH, I think this feature is useless, to me anyways. It will be great for challenges I guess but I know I can count on at least 2 friends to do them with me.
That's why Bungie is waiting a while to release Campaign Matchmaking, so that people will have time to complete the Campaign. I don't think Campaign will be for finishing levels as much as it will be for earning Credits, getting high scores, completing challenges, and just having fun. Sadly, it's been confirmed that you vote for a mission. And sense when could you search for maps?
Well you can just wait till it comes out to find out But you choose things like "difficulty-Level" like the firefight options except for gametype its difficulty.
Along with Bungie waiting to release it. You also have to be at a certain rank to play Campaign matchmaking.
I strongly suspect it will be Heroic. Most of the daily challenges involving Campaign have been on Heroic difficulty. There may be variants with different skulls activated, but I can't see Legendary being an option. If two people vote for Legendary and two don't, its going to really hurt the two who perhaps aren't prepared or aren't good enough to handle Reach's Legendary.
I heard there will be different playlists for each difficulty. Since it's cooperative they shouldn't care about having enough people that you don't play with the same Randoms multiple times.
Yeah, I know I basically just echoed what you had already said, but I didn't want to just say "I agree with Shroomz" because that could constitute spam, methinks. That aside, do you think the option to vote for skulls would appear if skulls were included, or do you think the 'standard' ones, such as Tough Luck and Catch will always be enabled?
My guess is that skulls would be generated similarly to how they are for Firefight. I don't see them having playlists based on difficulty level. If that were the case, why didn't they do that for Firefight?