"Vultures" on The Barrens created by: TEETMARE and Smeagleton map download: download custom gametype downloads: Vultures Vultures alt Vultures is a kinda sorta reimagination of the classic gametypes Tremor & Mouse / Cat & Mouse. There are 2 Zombies, each in a Revenant. Human players drive mongoose. The object of the game is for the "Vultures" to kill all of their "Prey." There are two gametype options available to the player, yes thats right, TWO! During testing of the gametype, we couldnt settle on one variant. So we decided to release 2 gametype variants with the map!! Vultures: The "Vultures" gametpye is for splattering only. This gametype holds an additional honor rule: The Revenants are not allowed to shoot. Zombies must kill their opponents by splattering only. Unfortunately, this proves to be much more difficult to do with a Revenant than how we all so fondly remember with our beloved Brute Choppers. Thus, some compensations had to be made. In this version, humans health and shields are extremely low, making them more prone to dying from a collision hit. We found during testing of the gametype that the best way to acheive a splatter is a head-on collision. Another common way to get a kill is to use the Revenant to cause the mongoose to flip over, and the human player fall off, thus leaving them open to be splattered by your waiting teammate. This can lead to some interesting teamwork between the two zombies. Vultures alt: The "Vultures alt" gametype is for people who enjoy shooting. The Zombies are allowed to use the main gun of the Revenant to destroy their opposition. Humans health and shields have been increased to compensate for the OP'd nature of the Revenant's main cannon, Causing them to flip, spin, and launch out of control with every blast that connects, until they are eventually destroyed. -- The Map: "The Barrens" The Barrens is essentially a circular stunt course built around the bottom of the Rock in Forgeworld. There is a flow to the obstacles and jumps, and you race around the map doing stunts and avoiding the Revenants. (often not very well.) Players spawn in a garage filled with mongeese and scramble through the map. Humans spawn in a garage with mongeese: Zombies spawn in an elevated area. Zombie's movement is hindered, causing them to move very slow toward the Revenants, and giving the humans ample time to scatter. The first jump: Landing after first jump, Dish jump on left, Car Wash #1 on right. The car wash: There is a mancannon that launches players up through a net of one-way doors and onto the rock ledge above. Taking the lift can get you some serious distance on a pursuing Revenant, but runs you the risk of failing your landing and having to get back on your mongoose, costing you valuable time. Or worse, losing your mongoose off the edge of the cliff and having to risk going down to get it back, or a new one from the garage. After landing up here, you can either follow the ledge to the ramp leading down, or drop off the cliff and escape. If you choose to circle around, instead of follow the mancannon, back half of map: ACTION SHOTS: Final Note: As you can see from this last shot, The Revenant CAN be destroyed, even possibly splattered by your own teammate, so dont drive too recklessly zombies! Hope everyone enjoys the map, please comment and feedback. We're hoping to make a series of maps for this gametype if everyone is as fond of it as we are!! created by: TEETMARE and Smeagleton map download: download custom gametype downloads: Vultures Vultures alt
Smeagle put this on one day when I was hosting a couple of games (I'm the orange guy in one of the pictures) and the whole party found this to be a blast. Most of the people went to my School so, it was definitely honest. I was disappointed when I heard Smeagle was telling me that you guys were actually considering discontinuing it -- it's a blast!
Something that has already been posted beats this same concept. Rev and geese. Better map but gametype just to let you know has been down Cool map Ill see If ill download.
Why don't you let people judge for themselves considering your post is just spam. It beats it but you haven't even tried it. People like you, deserve no respect. I haven't even seen the other one but I think this one is absolutely amazing AND with the abundance of file slots (out of the thousand), I'm sure you can download all the maps and gametypes that are similar. That doesn't mean they're not fun to play on. It adds to the variety.
Yeah, we were considering scrapping the idea all together for awhile there. Some of our early testing sessions didn't exactly shine, but we endured and fixed up what we needed to, and changed up the gametype a bit. We also noticed that it isn't as hard as people think to splatter with the Revenant. As long as you've had a bit of practice, you will know how to hit 'em where it hurts. And you can even hook the Mongoose with the Revenant's wings to flip them over. I haven't played that one before, but how could it beat this concept if it's the same concept? Anyway, hope you give it a download and decide for yourself which is superior after giving each a fair shake.
Furry, thanks for the honest support and for defending the gametype. As in most cases in life, some people love something and others do not. Personally, I encourage players to try the Vultures alt gametype (the one where the Rev can shoot.) I find it to be much more action-packed. There's less frustration with trying to flip over a goose, and more fast paced rewarding kills and hilarious action. If theres anyone out there who gave this a try with splattering and didnt like it, try giving it a second chance with the alternate gametype. thanks again to those who support the map.
I have found three different versions of this and yours is the most creative. Although I have not played it, the screenshots make the map look fun. I will give it a DL
I love everything about this map except one thing: In my opoinion the ramp leading up to the mountain is a little messy. 4.5/5 stars ( fix the ramp and thats a 5 from me)