Forgemates! Are You Looking For Someone to Forge With?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Agamer, Jul 29, 2010.

  1. vbg

    vbg Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Gamertag: vbg17
    Times you can get on: evenings
    Mic yes/no?: yes
    Something describing yourself: perfectionist and a beginner. Not a good combo
    Some of your work: (Optional) A link to your maps.
    Kind of maps you like to make:Have made just a couple mini game style maps.

    A suggestion would be to set up a mentor system. I would like a forge mate but I need someone to teach me the ropes. Maybe next to peoples names could be what they are looking for. Some people need an extra set of hands, others a mentor, while some want to teach. I dont want to chase down a forge mate to find that he really needs someone that knows what they are doing.
  2. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Gamertag: TheClubhouse
    Times you can get on: most weeknights, sometimes week-ends
    Mic yes/no?: yup
    Something describing yourself: Not an annoying squeeker.
    Some of your work: Space Station, One-Eye Strikes Back

    *EDIT - I am cancelling this request. My name hasn't been added to the master list yet, so don't worry about it. Thanks.
    #82 TheClubhouse, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2010
  3. Red Shirt KRT

    Red Shirt KRT Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Gamertag: Red Shirt KRT
    Times you can get on: mornings some evenings
    Mic yes/no?: yes
    Something describing yourself:beginer invisionary
    Some of your work: Tower of Power remake
    Kind of maps you like to make: Fun, many player, fast paced games.
  4. AdventBlood

    AdventBlood Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Gamertag:RtG AdventBlood
    Times you can get on: MON&WED: 1pm-1amEST TUES&THUR: 8pm-1amEST FRI-SUN: LETS PLAY
    Mic yes/no?: ALWAYS
    Something describing yourself: Silly but i can be pretty serious about making maps, got great knowledge to input.
    Some of your work:
    ind of maps you like to make: Symmetrical, Competitive, fresh ideas, well thought, well planned and excuted. (need someone to bounce ideas with and test our work)
  5. jovial1

    jovial1 Forerunner

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    Gamertag: jovial1

    Times you can get on: Just about any time at the moment - though not so much in the evening.

    Mic yes/no?: Yes

    Something describing yourself:I'm probably one of the older folks around here. I didn't really spend any time with the Forge in Halo 3. (Heck, I didn't spend that much time with Halo 3 after beating the campaign.) Reach is the first Halo game that I've invested a lot of time in.

    Some of your work: I've got one map up on my fileshare - a Territories map where the team on offense gets a bunch of vehicles and the defending team has the big weapons and some defensive fortifications. I've got no idea how it'll actually play though. It's the only one I'm working on that's far enough along to actually try.

    Kind of maps you like to make: I'm still figuring that out. :)
  6. Hippie Gamer

    Hippie Gamer Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Gamertag:HIPPIE GAMER
    Times you can get on: Mon-Thursday 4:00 PM-10 PM..Friday-Sunday- All day
    Mic yes/no?: Yes
    Something describing yourself: Very mathematically driven
    Some of your work: SAW (3.0 Puzzle), The Cube
    Kind of maps you like to make:Maps with themes, Puzzlemaps
  7. patrickcanttype

    patrickcanttype Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    You can take my name off the list
  8. CubicalGangster

    CubicalGangster Forerunner

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    GT: CubicalGangster
    Times: weekends/evenings
    Mic: duh
    About: My favourite multiplayer game of all time was UT, and a traits common in their maps were tricks and treasures that weren't accessible to all players. In Reach there are elements that cater and dissuade from making similar maps but I intend to find them all!
    Works: I've made on map you find it on my fileshare (but the hillzones don't work yet 'cause I just found out how do that.)
  9. Spwee1494

    Spwee1494 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Gamertag: Spwee1494
    Times you can get on: Weekends and weekdays after 5
    Mic yes/no?: yes
    Something describing yourself: very meticulous forger looking for some more creative ideas.
    Some of your work: (Optional) A link to your maps.
    Kind of maps you like to make: Competitive
  10. Dread458

    Dread458 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    GT: Dread458
    Times: weekends and evenings
    Mic: yeah
    About: Love puzzle maps like Dig to China and Brain Grinders. Big custom game infection maps are the best!
    Works: I am not new to forge but am new to putting my stuff out publicly i have a map that is near ready to be released.
  11. Mr Lamar

    Mr Lamar Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Gamertag: Mr Lamar
    Times you can get on: Weekdays after school, but Weekends are preferred.
    Mic yes/no?: Yes. I'm 14, but don't worry; i don't usually talk much and try not to be annoying (I hate annoying 12-year-olds as much as you)
    Something describing yourself: I'm 14 and love to forge.
    Kind of maps you like to make: "Just for show" maps. Maps such as the Normandy Invasion and other Battlfields. I usually dont make maps that are playable
  12. Tripp

    Tripp Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Forgemate Application

    Gamertag: Tripp717
    Times you can get on: After 3:00pm Central Time, Whenever I need to.
    Mic yes/no?: Hellz ya.
    Something describing yourself: Delicious?
    Kind of maps you like to make: Anything as long as it's amazing.
    #92 Tripp, Oct 3, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2010
  13. ObamasButcheeks

    ObamasButcheeks Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Times you can get on:Weekend 2:00pm to 11:00 pm. Weekdays depending on how much homework i got to 8:00 pm Pacific time
    Mic yes/no?:yes i am 13 but i have a really deep ass voice so i doubt people would get mad
    Something describing yourself:Funny talkative and i love mini games
    #93 ObamasButcheeks, Oct 4, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2010
  14. Tomch

    Tomch Forerunner

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    Gamertag: TOMCHxBOx

    Lonely Forger looking for buddies to make maps, and try em out. I've made a couple so far, and I'm pretty good with the creative/ascetics part, but not so good with the technicalities parts like setting up spawns and such. Don't care how old you are, just so long as you're not annoying. I'm 33, and often times find Xbox LIVE intolerable because of all the foul mouthed little vermin.

    Granted, I can be foul mouthed at times, but I don't sound like a chipmunk. Just be cool and you'll find I'm a good guy to game with.

    I'm also in Asia, so would be cool if I could get some buds that play at the same time. At night for Asia, or morning for US gamers.

    Here's some screenies from my first effort, : Reach : Player File Share


  15. Mr Lamar

    Mr Lamar Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Where exactly in Asia?
  16. Tomch

    Tomch Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    I live in Hong Kong.
  17. PrivatePony117

    PrivatePony117 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Times you can get on: Most times only working 2 days a week
    Mic yes/no?: Yes
    Something describing yourself: Imaginative!
    Some of your work: Havent posted any yet
    Kind of maps you like to make:Team maps, Invasion, large maps
  18. Zaboomafoooooo

    Zaboomafoooooo Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Gamertag: Zaboomafoooooo
    Times you can get on: Weekday nights. Weekend Mornings.
    Mic yes/no?: Yes.
    Something describing yourself: Tall, dark, and handsome.
    Some of your work: Nothing released yet.
    Kind of maps you like to make: Well forged, competitive, slayer, MLG, CTF, and anything awesome.
  19. Lots Of Zomb1es

    Lots Of Zomb1es Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Gamertag: Lots Of Zomb1es
    Times you can get on: I'll get on at around 2-4 pm central time and usualy be on til like 12-1 am, depending on my work schedule. Almost every weekend.
    Mic yes/no?: Yes
    Something describing yourself: I love to laugh and joke, but I can still be serious if I'm forging or helping forge.
    Some of your work: N/A for the time being.
    Kind of maps you like to make: Any if I'm forging I'm having fun.
  20. LTCOL Awesome

    LTCOL Awesome Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Gamertag: LTCOL Awesome
    Time on live: All the time (on days off)
    Mic: Yes
    Maps: Like to make 2v2 to 5v5 maps that are fun to play over and over again. Original ideas with complex architecture

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