Based on a map that I made in Halo 3 (Control), with many needed improvements and changes to compliment the new style of Reach. Weapons: DMR x4 NR x2 AR x4 Plasma Repeater x2 Needler x2 Spiker x2 Magnum x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Sniper x2 Shotgun x1 Frag x6 Sticky x8 Artifact is symmetrical, mainly designed for CTF and Slayer games but supporting other gametypes. Not much distance between the two bases, but enough cover that you won't be able to shoot each other (unless you go for the sniper at each base). You can take a quick path around to get behind the enemy base, or you can go right through the middle for a Shotgun. EDIT: Railings added, more "dance floor" created, Grenade launcher removed, lights moved. EDIT2: Team spawns fixed. Weapons reduced, grenades reduced. KoTH added. Basement health packs moved closer to ramps. EDIT3: Team spawns fixed more just in case (anti-zones added to opposite bases). Infection (Safe Havens work, but do not recommend), and 3-Plot added (Attack/Defend Territories doesn't really work).
I like where you chose to put your map, the waterfalls are a nice touch. But you should put guard rails on this map. People don't like it when they randomly fall off of the map. Plus could you add a weapons list? Thanks. Good job man, hope to see more from you soon
Yeah, that might be the first thing I do.. I played it earlier, 2v2, and the other team kept blaming their deaths on falling off. Not nearly as bad as my Halo 3 version (the spawns literally had you run off the map.. I sucked) but yes, I will.
Like in the original "incompetent Cartographer", this map needs a little more dance floor. I like that you tried to add lots of different routes to both sides of the map, but I don't like the overall design. It looks to open, and it looks like it needs lots of guardrails - and then bigger pathways, because you need to prevent grenade spam. A good idea if you are going to have a lot of the action on pathways is to have pathways/bridges that are 3 units wide. Also, max players twelve? You may want to reconsider. Have you tested the map for play with twelve people? I don't think the map would work.
Since I'm out of building blocks (srsly), should I just use double walls? I will attempt to create "more dance floor" mainly on the outer catwalks, and yes I'm adding rails. I meant to put 10.. I tested it with 12 but it was too frantic. 10 seemed ok. Post edited (my fileshare also says 12 for some reason.. will fix later). 10 is max, but I think it plays best just 3v3 or 4v4.
You can delete the floor and replace it with two colliseum walls, that will open up your budget dramatically. Then you can add more "dance floor"
Map updated, new screenshots added. Btw, those walls are way too large.. Added after 2 Days: Updated again.