I want to finish my game... Added after 1 50 minutes: I guess then No Rp for today, even though people were looking forward to it. I finished the rules to MineWars - Official game of Minos. I really wanted to test out with someone to change certain rules and such. Mongoose, atleast have the server on by tomorrow. Added after 13 Hours 24 minutes: Mongoose Is Serve Goin On Today?
Ya I want to work on something -_- Added after 51 minutes: Oh man... I don't think server is going on today. Mongoose hasn't started it and it usually goes on at 2-3 Est. IT'S 3:30. I really wanted to work on the thing...
Ya, but the thing is, he had a program that Started and Shut Down the server at the times it suppose to. Mongoose is obviously not at home so he doesn't see the problem. I'm trying to find a way where if the server crashes then it restarts right after. I think it all malfunctioned when server crashed yesterday.
I'd very much like to join this (Ya know, when the server is up). My IGN is hawkblade207. If you need any other info, I'll be happy to provide it.
Hmmm. Joined today and First post. No. We can;t just have new people join the site to just join the Rp. Get yourself comfy first. Added after 52 minutes: Goose! Just make it 24/7 Added after 1 9 minutes: Did Mongoose Die? Well Mongoose when you read this just make the server 24/7 Please and immediately start it. Added after 12 minutes: Server is up
Pit and Mischgasm Are Banned For Griefing Jk Added after 5 minutes: Btw We are starting Fresh Again. So the Town is decided by the community and not me. We will have sort of a Democracy where any Ideas/Suggestion will be voted by the people, so im not like complete king. I know many things will be lost, but look at the bright side... We only played for like 4 days, so only a little is wasted.
I'll still be doing public works after the update. Any towns can contact me for work. Once the server is started I'll be giving options. Either you can A: Pay nothing for them, and have a decent amount of advertisement on the work. B: Pay a slightly reduced price, and have only one sign saying G33K Inc. on it. If it is a large work with more than one entrance, every entrance will have the sign. C: Pay full price (Usually 1-5 gold more than reduced) and have no advertisement whatsoever on it. You can always upgrade later. Any public works I make in my free time, without request, will automatically be free. They will also have one sign saying G33K Inc. on it. Possibly more, following the same conditions as option b. You can pay me one diamond later to remove the ad and prettify it. I will also align myself with ONE town. This town will get absolutely no advertisement for free project, a VERY reduced price for standard non advertisement jobs, and many less advertisements in the standard free version. I will not align myself for a few days, probably a week. That way I can get a good gauge of which town will either need my help most, or will benefit most from my work. I look forward to seeing all of you again. Edit: Oh yeah, and Jay. I think prices need to be looked over again. I personally think that shop prices should stay the same, private land be a little greater, like maybe 50, same with mines, and I think that towns should be ten times as much. Because at my current point in the last server I could have own 2 towns. In the sky. Having only mined for a total of 3 hours. Get my drift? It's too easy. Towns should be expensive so that there's a real goal towards getting one.
How are these prices? Mines = 50 gold Land- In a town- Prices are decided by the mayor of the town the lot is in. Later there will be a reference list of each and every mayor’s town post (where they post details about their town). You may have one lot in each town, provided that no two towns you reside in are hostile towards each other. Private land- Private land costs 25 gold per cubic area of 125 units (5x5x5) Shops- -Tool Shop = 12 gold -Ore Shop = 10 gold -Wood Shop = 10 gold -Metal Shop = 10 gold -Armor and Weapon Shop = 15 gold Towns- Sky = 750 gold Underground = 650 gold Underwater = 700 gold Island = 600 gold Regular = 550 gold Town sizes- When you buy a town, it is considered a village, and must not go over the max amount of buildings for a “Village” (see below). You may not be satisfied with these limitations, so you can buy upgrades. You must purchase them in order. Village- 4 lots and a town hall (this is what you buy with the town) Large Village- 6 lots, a town hall, and one public works building (i.e. Sandstorm arena, incinerator, etc.)- 250 gold Small Town- 8 lots, a town hall, two public works buildings- 500 gold Town- 12 lots, a town hall, three public works buildings, and a fence surrounding the town (if you choose)- 750 gold Large Town- 14 lots, a town hall, five public works buildings, a fence, and one watchtower.- 1,000 gold City- 20 lots, a town hall, eight public works buildings, a fence or small wall, and two watchtowers.- 2,000 gold Castle- 25 lots, a town hall, eight public works buildings, a large wall (max 30 blocks height), and four watchtowers.- 5,000 gold Civilization- Purchasing this final upgrade means you are one of the richest in the server. Your castle is nothing compared to what comes next. One Castle, one City, two Towns, and four Villages. So total, that’s 85 lots, eight town halls, 22 public works buildings, and six watchtowers. Cost: 20,000 gold
Updated Prices. Since We are trying to run a Well Built Gvt/Economy In this game, Im going to add Taxes. It's 2 gold Every Friday. Last Server We had too many Rich people and no poor guys, it wasn't a well economy. I might also add other things later. Who knows. Added after 55 minutes: Also Adding A Quest System. Muck like challenges in Halo Reach
2 things: Mongoose, I attempted to start a tool shop, however, with the tool glitch still apparently staying for a good long while, noone needs tools. Armor is not needed whatsoever, as we don't have any fall damage, zombies, etc. Just about the only thing that might be needed is a wood shop, and even then, only sparingly. To Jay, so you would rather people be poor then have the opportunity to buy whatever they wanted? COOMMMMIIII. Also, some people don't even play enough to earn 2 gold every Friday, nonetheless get on to pay you the tax.