Remake High Noon

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Decadence Night, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is a remake of Hang 'em High from Halo:CE. Now, I know what you're thinking. "We've seen literally hundreds of Hang 'em High remakes. Why should this one be any different?" Well, before you shrug this one off, consider these things; I got Reach on launch day and the first thing I did was start this map, I already remade Hang 'em High in Halo 3, during the production of both maps I had Halo:pC open on the original to ensure the greatest accuracy possible, and Hang 'em High is my all time favorite map out of any shooter ever made. I know this map backwards and forwards. There is no way that I would ever remake it without doing it justice.

    Also, consider this initial reaction to the map
    So if you've made it this far, I'll assume that you're interested in the map. Take a look.


    I have changed several structures on the map in order to save objects. The shotgun bunkers have been completely overhauled. You can now climb up them normally, like in the original. I had previously forgotten about a plasma rifle, it's there now. For you purists, the DMRs at the trench were swapped with assault rifles. I have made the map compatible with Multi-Flag, Assault, and Neutral Assault, but remember, I do not recommend those. I think that's about it. All of the screenshots have been updated to show the changes. Enjoy.


    As some of you noticed, there was one glaring flaw of my previous versions; the top of red base was way too close to the wall. At the time, I believed this would be impossible to fix because I had so few objects remaining. I was wrong. I shuffled some things around on the map, recovered a few pieces, and used just about everything I had left over to fix that one annoying section. The map has basically been lengthened by about 4-5 units. There's more breathing room on top of red base, and the hallway underneath has been moved over a bit, as well as the corresponding shotgun bunker. A few more tombstones have also been added to fill in the resulting empty space. This all adds up to be better for gameplay and more accurate to the original. win/win

    I also took the opportunity to walk around the original HeH a little to make sure I didn't mess up on anything. As it turns out, some of my weapon placements were a little off. The grenades were all moved a little bit, as was the rocket launcher. Also, the space on the far left of blue base was a little too wide. I fixed it. The walkways going over the trench were too wide. I fixed that too.

    Anyway, that's it for this time. The screenshots have once again been updated to show the changes. It looks like this might be the final update, but hey, there a few more day until the Forgotten Treasure 2 deadline. I might find something else. Enjoy the changes, and have a nice day.

    • 3.1 update. Plasma rifles replaced with repeaters. Missing frag grenades added. Missing tombstone on far left of red base added. Incline tombstones rebuilt to look better. Blue base ramp cover made smaller.

    Well, not as important as 2 and 3, but still important. I was able to improve the underlying construction of much of the map, which gave me more pieces to work with. I used those to make a few changes. There were only a couple of noticable changes. The upper walkway that runs past the sniper tower in the original was a bit wider than the others, and with more blocks, I was able to make it so in my map as well. As always with my updates, I took the opportunity to load up the original again, and realized that the big ramp going up to red base in my map was too wide. It need to at least be thin enough to jump across it at the top. It's fixed now. What makes this an important update are the underlying changes. Most notably, I got rid of all unnecessary building pieces. I had previously been using some of them for flat surfaces, since I was out of walls and blocks. That's obviously extremely inefficient, but it's been fixed now. If you've been seeing any lag on the previous versions, this one should be better.

    This update resolved many lingering accuracy issues. I left them alone because the map was really good and I didn't want to deal with adjusting everything. With talk of a remake community playlist floating around however, I decided that the map needs to be as good as it can possibly be. Here's everything I did.

    • Lowered all of red base, part of blue base, the needler walkway, and the rocket walkway by about 0.5 units. More accurate.
    • Made the main red base ramp less steep. This kept the length of the ramp accurate and compensated for being lowered.
    • Moved the main blue base structure about 0.5 units to the right, in order to make the right-side ramp thinner. More accurate.
    • Moved most of blue base in by 1.0 units. This is more accurate and saved a couple of blocks. It looks better now too.
    • Made the left-side blue base ramp thinner. More accurate.
    • Lowered the ceiling. More accurate.
    • Added XL ramps to and lowered blue base thingy. Bigger and more accurate.
    • Moved sniper tower further from OS platform and wide walkway. Made jumps more accurate.
    • Moved one of the needlers closer to blue base. More accurate and balanced.
    • Deleted the lights to help framerate.
    5.1 edit

    • eliminated certain pieces and replaced others to reduce split-screen lag.

    ^Overview from blue base^

    ^Blue base^

    ^Blue base aesthetic corner^

    ^Overview from red base^

    ^Top of red base^

    ^Shotgun hallway^

    ^Outside windows and ramp^


    ^Shotgun bunker^

    I have updated this map multiple times over the past four months to make it as accurate as possible, while still working well with Reach's gameplay. The only compromise I had to make was with the base colors. I had to swap them because red team is the defending team by default in objective games. That's only a small alteration though, so I'm very happy with the map.

    I did take a few liberties with the weapon list. Where there were pistols on the original, I replaced with DMRs. Where there were plasma rifles, I placed repeaters. Where there were 4 grenades, I placed 2. And I decreased the extra ammo and altered respawn time in many cases.

    Weapons & Equipment

    2x Assault Rifle, 2 extra, 30 sec
    2x DMR, 2 extra, 45 sec
    1x Sniper, 1 extra, 120 sec
    3x Shotgun, 0 extra, 90 sec
    1x Rocket Launcher, 1 extra, 150 sec
    2x Needler, 1 extra, 60 sec
    2x Plasma Repeater, 45 sec
    4x Plasma Grenade, 30 sec
    8x Frag Grenade, 30 sec
    1x Overshield, 150 sec
    1x Active Camo, 150 sec
    2x Heath Station, 120 sec

    The map is compatible with all standard gametypes. However, it's an asymmetrical map, so I do not recommend symmetrical gametypes.

    While we're on the subject, I really do not recommend jetpacks. It would greatly throw off the balance. You could just jetpack straight to the sniper/rockets/overshield. It just wouldn't be fair.

    Anyway, I put a lot of effort into this map, and I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I enjoyed making it. Have a great day.

    Oh, one more thing! If you want a Tombstone remake, as opposed to Hang 'em High, check out Casket by centurionomegai. Even though I prefer Hang 'em High, myself, this one is still awesome. ​
    #1 Decadence Night, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2011
  2. Dirt Jockey

    Dirt Jockey Forerunner

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    Wow! This is a flawless remake, I am really impressed with how accurate everything is. I literally cant wait to play this. Thank you for bringing back one of my all time favorite Halo maps, especially with such detail. Great job man. GREAT GREAT JOB!

    ANEVILSPAR7AN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is pretty accurate, but I would enjoy it more if there was an original weapon version, but thats my opinion, otherwise a solid remake.

    Added after 1:

    This is pretty accurate, but I would enjoy it more if there was an original weapon version, but that's my opinion, otherwise, a solid remake.
    #3 ANEVILSPAR7AN, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010
  4. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I see what you mean, but I thought it would be pointless to have ARs and pistols when players start out with ARs and pistols in every standard gametype in Reach.

    ANEVILSPAR7AN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, I see your point, but it gives me a feeling of euphoria when I see a carbon copy of a map I played on religously fron H1, plus I'm one of the few people who runs out of ammo for those weapons before I die, so it wouldn't be useless to have them on a map.
    #5 ANEVILSPAR7AN, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010
  6. ZServ

    ZServ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh god. The only way this could be more perfect is if you lowered it into water to give the trench water.

    This is.. just godly. Good freakin work, man.
  7. jigger

    jigger Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Downloading now, looks great from the screenshots. Only suggestion I have is swapping the plasma rifle with a plasma repeater.
  8. Jack OS X

    Jack OS X Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very clean remake of Hang 'em High! although it looks a bit wierd how the shotgun bunker has the banks barely touching the block. Other than that it plays great and looks beautiful.
  9. iTz Kneecap eH

    iTz Kneecap eH Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map is amazing, I love the aesthetic ceiling/ wall, and I like how you made the trench, I don't know why but it looks really neat to me. I downloaded the map after soaking in the pure awesomeness on this map while screaming and freaking out. Thank you for this sexy remake.

    KNCP= Kneecap (me) FRND= Friend

    KNCP/ FRND: *Reads first paragraph*
    KNCP: "It can't be that crazy or special, if I've seen one Hang em High map, I've seen them all."
    FRND: "Yeah, whatever." *Goes and plays matchmaking*
    FRND: "It can't be that grea- OH MY GOD!!! IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE?!?!?1?!? DL IT NOW!!!"

    [2 minutes later]

    KNCP: "ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod, this is like an angel **** in my hard drive!"
    FRND: "Just like the good ol' days"
    KNCP/ FRND: *Sheds tear*
  10. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for all the positive comments, guys. You're awesome.

    A new version of the map has been uploaded and the link has been updated. I made some minor respawn tweaks, and the map is now compatible with almost ALL of Halo: Reach's standard gametypes. I think stockpile might be particularly fun. Go try it out!
    #10 Decadence Night, Oct 3, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2010
  11. Stumanji

    Stumanji Forerunner
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    Wow! Strongly disagree with this comment. Some of my FAVORITE memories of this map were of multi-flag CTF. The layout of the map made traversing from either base with the flag a stressful chore, but hilarious at the same time.

    Rocket CTF on Hang'em High got me through 2 years of college.
  12. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    Maybe in Halo CE it would be ok, but Reach plays much more like Halo 3. I based my comment on the fact that I tested CTF on my Halo 3 Hang 'em High remake. Multi-flag was EXTREMELY unbalanced. Red team (the higher base) won every time. One-Flag, on the other hand, was awesome. I'm pretty sure the same would ring true for this map. I'll test it anyway as soon as I get the chance, but I'm not holding my breath.
    #12 Decadence Night, Oct 5, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2010
  13. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I must admit, I particularly enjoyed this. Everything is to perfect scale! I after playing quite few slayer games, Incan conclude that this map won't leave my HD for years to come. Fantasic job.
  14. Zoolader m83

    Zoolader m83 Ancient
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    You should transplant this map to the sandbar that links to the Island. This map would be awesome with water in the center canal. The sandbar provides calm waves and looks really good, I tested it but I just haven't had time to make a Hang "Em High remake.
  15. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That would be good for a Tombstone remake, which did have water in the trench. I much prefer Hang 'em High, and it does not have water. Great idea, though.
  16. bmurf

    bmurf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Amazing job. Best one by far. I can now delete all my other Hang 'em High remake downloads (with the exception of Casket because it is more of a Tombstone remake).
  17. LuiginDaisy

    LuiginDaisy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I loved that you did the whole ceiling and everything. I didn't like the DMRs much, I would've much rather had pistols. I was of the minority complaining though.

    I suggest you make one with your weapons and placements, then have another map with everything as it was in halo 1. That way, everyone is happy.
  18. ZappyChutoy

    ZappyChutoy Forerunner

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    Vary impressive, I can only find 2 differences in this huge indoor map and i bet they're budget based :p
  19. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Forerunner

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    Wow this is really good. I love the structure mainly. Its really good gameplay. Fun, slayer mainly=). Stockpile is great for this map. This is good for really any objective gametype. But I like slayer more then any gametype except CTF. That gametype is classic so I love it. Great map.
  20. flaminghelmet

    flaminghelmet Forerunner

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    Wow. this is sweet!

    It not only seems to be a perfect remake of the classic Halo map, but even the dark "feel" and coloring of the map is very similar.

    I really look forward to playing this with my friends. Great job!

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