Clue : Reach

Discussion in 'Reach Gametypes' started by Vicious Vice, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
    Senior Member

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    In Celebration of the Ghost of Onyx [GoO] and Forgehub affiliation I will be posting Clue: Reach.
    Everything after this is Tender Bisquit a.k.a. The No Post Architect​

    It didn't take long to get the GoO favorite over to Reach and after extensive testing with many various gametypes, it ended up sticking closer to its roots than one might expect. Clue is a game of companionship, trust, faith, treachery, betrayal, murder, and fear all rolled into one beautiful, harmonious blood bath! If you never played the game in Halo 3, no worries. For the most part, the rules must be re-explained so that all can enjoy the game to its fullest. For those that have played, prepare yourselves for a whole new experience with some nostalgic touches thrown in there.

    very boring to read
    Score to Win: UNLIMITED

    Teams: DISABLED

    Clue: Reach Options
    > Ball Count: 1
    > Auto-Pickup Ball: NO
    > Hot Potato: NO
    > Bomb Fuse Timer: 30 SECONDS
    > Bomb Random Timer: 30 SECONDS

    Weapons and Vehicles
    > Primary Weapon: RANDOM
    > Secondary Weapon: RANDOM
    > Weapons on Map: MAP DEFAULT
    > Grenades on Map: MAP DEFAULT
    > Vehicle Set: MAP DEFAULT
    > Indestructible Vehicles: DISABLED
    > Abilities on Map: MAP DEFAULT
    > Turrets on Map: MAP DEFAULT
    > Powerups on Map: MAP DEFAULT
    > Custom Powerup Traits >>

    >> Duration: 90 SECONDS
    >> Shields and Health >>>

    >>> Damage Resistance: UNCHANGED
    >>> Shield Multiplier: UNCHANGED
    >>> Shield Recharge Rate: 125% FASTER
    >>> Health Recharge Rate: 110& FASTER
    >>> Immune to Headshots: UNCHANGED
    >>> Immune to Assassinations: UNCHANGED

    >> Weapons and Damage >>>

    >>> Damage Modifier: 90%
    >>> Melee Modifier: 90%
    >>> Infinite Ammo: BOTTOMLESS CLIP
    >>> Weapon Pickup: DISABLED
    >>> Equipment Usage: DISABLED

    >> Movement >>>

    >>> Player Speed: 110%
    >>> Jump Height: 90%
    >>> Player Gravity: UNCHANGED
    >>> Vehicle Use: UNCHANGED

    >> Sensors >>>

    >>> Motion Tracker Mode: NORMAL MODE
    >>> Motion Tracker Range: 25 METERS

    >> Appearance >>>

    >>> Active Camo: UNCHANGED
    >>> Waypoint: UNCHANGED
    >>> Visible Name: UNCHANGED
    >>> Forced Color: UNCHANGED

    General Settings
    > Number of Rounds: 1
    > Time Limit: 8 MINUTES
    > Sudden Death: DISABLED
    > Base Player Traits >>

    >> Shields and Health >>>

    >>> Damage Resistance: UNCHANGED
    >>> Shield Multiplier: UNCHANGED
    >>> Shield Recharge Rate: UNCHANGED
    >>> Health Recharge Rate: UNCHANGED
    >>> Immune to Headshots: UNCHANGED
    >>> Immune to Assassinations: UNCHANGED

    >> Weapons and Damage >>>

    >>> Damage Modifier: UNCHANGED
    >>> Melee Modifier: UNCHANGED
    >>> Primary Weapon: RANDOM
    >>> Secondary Weapon: RANDOM
    >>> Starting Equipment: NONE
    >>> Grenade Count: 4X EACH
    >>> Infinite Ammo: ENABLED
    >>> Weapon Pickup: ENABLED
    >>> Equipment Usage: ENSABLED

    >> Movement >>>

    >>> Player Speed: UNCHANGED
    >>> Jump Height: UNCHANGED
    >>> Player Gravity: UNCHANGED
    >>> Vehicle Use: FULL USE

    >> Sensors >>>

    >>> Motion Tracker Mode: OFF
    >>> Motion Tracker Range: UNCHANGED

    >> Appearance >>>

    >>> Active Camo: UNCHANGED
    >>> Waypoint: UNCHANGED
    >>> Visible Name: NO NAME
    >>> Forced Color: BLACK

    > Respawn Settings >>

    >> Respawn Time: 5 SECONDS
    >> Suicide Penalty: 5 SECONDS
    >> Betrayal Penalty: 5 SECONDS
    >> Lives Per Round: 1
    >> Advanced Respawn Settings >>>

    >>> Synchronize with Team: DISABLED
    >>> Respawn Time Growth: DISABLED
    >>> Respawn Traits >>>>

    >>>> Duration: 90 SECONDS
    >>>> Shields and Health >>>>>

    >>>>> Damage Resistance: INVULNERABLE
    >>>>> Shield Multiplier: UNCHANGED
    >>>>> Shield Recharge Rate: 200% FASTER
    >>>>> Health Recharge Rate: 200& FASTER
    >>>>> Immune to Headshots: ENABLED
    >>>>> Immune to Assassinations: ENABLED

    >>>> Weapons and Damage >>>>>

    >>>>> Damage Modifier: 0%
    >>>>> Melee Modifier: 0%
    >>>>> Infinite Ammo: UNCHANGED
    >>>>> Weapon Pickup: UNCHANGED
    >>>>> Equipment Usage: UNCHANGED

    >>>> Movement >>>>>

    >>>>> Player Speed: UNCHANGED
    >>>>> Jump Height: UNCHANGED
    >>>>> Player Gravity: UNCHANGED
    >>>>> Vehicle Use: UNCHANGED

    >>>> Sensors >>>>>

    >>>>> Motion Tracker Mode: UNCHANGED
    >>>>> Motion Tracker Range: UNCHANGED

    >>>> Appearance >>>>>

    >>>>> Active Camo: UNCHANGED
    >>>>> Waypoint: UNCHANGED
    >>>>> Visible Name: UNCHANGED
    >>>>> Forced Color: UNCHANGED

    > Team Changing: DISABLED
    > Friendly Fire: DISABLED
    > Betrayal Booting: DISABLED

    Ball Carrier Traits
    > Shields and Health >>

    >> Damage Resistance: INVULNERABLE
    >> Shield Multiplier: 4X OVERSHIELD
    >> Shield Recharge Rate: 200% FASTER
    >> Health Recharge Rate: 200& FASTER
    >> Immune to Headshots: ENABLED
    >> Immune to Assassinations: ENABLED

    > Weapons and Damage >>

    >> Damage Modifier: 300%
    >> Melee Modifier: 300%
    >> Primary Weapon: UNCHANGED
    >> Secondary Weapon: UNCHANGED
    >> Starting Equipment: UNCHANGED
    >> Grenade Count: UNCHANGED
    >> Infinite Ammo: BOTTOMLESS CLIP
    >> Weapon Pickup: ENABLED
    >> Equipment Usage: ENABLED

    > Movement >>

    >> Player Speed: 120%
    >> Jump Height: 125%
    >> Player Gravity: UNCHANGED
    >> Vehicle Use: UNCHANGED

    > Sensors >>

    >> Motion Tracker Mode: ENHANCED MODE
    >> Motion Tracker Range: 25 METERS

    > Appearance >>

    >> Active Camo: UNCHANGED
    >> Waypoint: UNCHANGED
    >> Visible Name: VISIBLE TO EVERYONE
    >> Forced Color: WHITE

    As in the last installment, this variation of Clue: Reach is somewhat reliant on some honor rules. This time around, there are far less of them to go by, though. Let's go ahead and get those out of the way. I'll list them first then go into more detail below the list.

    Clue: Reach Rules & Guidelines
    1.There are three (3) classes of players - God, The Killer, The Victims
    2.Loadouts are available for use only by those player classes for who they are designed
    3.You must witness a violent act by The Killer in order to perform any violent act
    4.There is still no standing on God's head

    And that's it! We cut the number of rules in half for the new edition! That tended to be the biggest complaint in Halo 3 when playing the game. Now for the breakdown of those rules:

    1. Classes
    God - the one who sees over the game and acts as a sort of referee to ensure everyone follows the rules. God is the one that picks up the ball. God is the one that chooses the killer. Ultimately, God is the one that technically wins the game (if you go by points and crap).
    The Killer - the one who dishes out death like the crazed lunatic they are. The Killer is the only one in the game that is allowed to perform a violent act*. But make sure you do it in secret... with no witnesses. If someone sees you do the deed, your fate is possibly sealed!
    The Victims - this class of lowly individuals didn't quite make the grade when God was trying to decide who would be best to be his weapon of mass destruction. They are sheep, roaming the endless hills of oblivion in wait of their shepherd to lead them to their slaughter. They are unable to perform any violent action unless certain prerequisites are met**.

    2. Loadouts
    There are five loadouts available for use by the players in the game. However, each loadout is designed specifically for one player class, thus your class determines what loadout you get. These loadouts are identical between Spartan and Elite character models. The loadouts are as follows:
    Camper: prim wep > unchanged, sec wep > unchanged, equip > sprint, gren > unchanged, not hidden
    Camper is intended for use by ALL VICTIMS and also the killer if they so wish to have random weapon starts.
    Angel: prim wep > random, sec wep > unchanged, equip > active camo, gren > unchanged, not hidden
    Angel is specifically designed for GOD ONLY. Anyone caught by God using his loadout will feel his wrath!
    Ninja: prim wep > energy sword, sec wep > shotgun, equip > sprint, gren > unchanged, not hidden
    Ninja is designed for those Killers who like to seek out the Active Camo AA right off the bat and sneak up on unsuspecting victims with stealth and close quarters combat.
    Power: prim wep > rocket launcher, sec wep > gravity hammer, equip > sprint, gren > unchanged, not hidden
    The Power loadout is for all you brutes out there that just like shear firepower and battlefield dominance when it comes to relentlessly decimating innocent souls.
    Dark Assassin: prim wep > sniper rifle, sec wep > energy sword, equip > sprint, gren > unchanged, not hidden
    For those that like a little balance with your power, we give you the Dark Assassin loadout. Fully capable of bringing down a full 117-point Spartan from 1.5 clicks out and gives you that "rest easy" feeling with the sword at your side.

    As stated above, this game relies on people follow one very major honor rule - DON'T DO ANYTHING THAT COULD BE VIEWED AS VIOLENT UNLESS YOU ARE THE KILLER OR YOU HAVE MET CERTAIN CRITERIA TO PERFORM A VIOLENT ACT. You may be asking yourself what exactly constitutes a violent act. Well, that's what this section explains. *Violent acts and the performance of therein can be defined as any act of aggression that may or may not cause bodily harm, injury or death to someone else should they be anywhere around you. Things like meleeing the air, a wall, or some dead corpse are all considered violent acts. Pushing an explosive barrel onto someone's head is a violent act. Even something as minor as reloading a weapon can be considered violent simply because it can be assumed that you were the one who fired it in the first place to causing you to want to reload. this one may seem a bit unfair since people can pick up used weapons and instinctively reload them, but this is your warning to be aware of your actions. These are just examples... there are many more, I'm sure, but those tend to be the big ones.

    **If you are not the Killer and you desperately want to do some damage to someone you must meet the following criteria:

    1.You must witness someone perform a violent act
    2.You must not lose sight of that person (if they turn a corner and you turn the same one and they are gone, they got away and you must again witness them perform an act of violence)
    3.You must know deep inside your heart that you are gonna take this bastard out beyond all shadows of a doubt

    If you meet those three stipulations, then it's time to go kill you some bad d00d!

    God's Head
    Seriously people... he's sacred. Don't defile his holy aura by being so lude as to stand on the guy's head... it's just not right!

    With Reach, there came a slew of new features and gadgets and fun things to toy around with. Armor abilities are now used in Clue! This adds a whole new level of awesomeness to the game. However, only certain types of Armor Abilities should be used (Sprint, Evade, Hologram, Active Camo). If others are used, it can somewhat drag the game down and make some things "too easy."

    Another really cool feature is the subtraction of player names appearing over there character in-game! This one feature did away with, like, 14 honor rules from the Halo 3 edition! What's amazing is that even when people know who the killer is, and know what their armor looks like, the Killer still does a great job - sometimes even winning! To test that out, UC Gollum had his flaming helmet on all throughout testing, and he did quite well! because of this, chatter is completely open - weapon callouts, name callouts, location callouts are all perfectly acceptable. Chances are a Killer won't stay in one spot for too long anyway... add to that the fact that no one can see anyone elses' name and the game just got that much better.

    This also changes how the Killer is chosen. We have found through testing that the best time for God to choose his Killer(s) is right before the loadout screen comes up. this way, the Killer(s) can choose their loadout(s) and everyone knows who the killer is without having a chance to study their armor in pre-game lobby.

    The game ends the same way with either the Killer killing everyone or getting waxed himself. The next God is chosen the same as well. In the end, we have a similar gametype, with far less confusing honor rules and way more fun.

    - Load up the Clue: Reach Oddball game variant
    - Load up any Clue sanctioned map
    - Party Leader (aka - "First God") starts game
    - Before Loadout screen, God calls out at least one killer
    - Players choose their appropriate loadouts (Killer has choice of four [4])
    - Game Begins
    - Killer has fun while God runs around with a flaming skull in his hands and other people run around hysterically unsure of whether or not they are near the person God called out
    - Game ends once either A) the Killer successfully dispatches all other players OR B) all Killers are dead
    - New God is whoever killed the Killer or the Killer if he killed everyone (that's a lot of kill words there...)

    That's pretty much it! Like I said, we tested this out on about four different parent gametypes and it just turns out that Oddball was by far the most fun. It had better options to customize; it retains some of that old-school nostalgia with the presence of God and how he chooses a killer; it is just overall the better build for it. Besides, having some of the changes that are now in place, it adds a bit more openness to the game. there seems to be more conversation going on in games now.

    Below is a listing of current Clue: Reach maps with download links and author names. If you have a Clue map that you would like added to this list, please let me know via PM.



    Expect 3 more maps coming out this week or next week by three different GoO Forgers. [T****ed T**er, ** **a**au, R*a***r C*r*] good luck guessing the names.
    #1 Vicious Vice, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2010
  2. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    I've been waiting for a Clue variant to come out and I knew that with the getting rid of names option it'd be soo soo so much better and like you said cut out several honor rules by itself.

    I honestly believe Bungie added that feature in honor of Halo 3 Clue.

    I started to build a clue map in Halo 3 but ran out of ideas/budget/ways to work around budget. I'm thinking I could easily bring that same concept into Reach nicely
  3. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is both funny and sad for me. Funny because I had already created a Clue map on Reach, but I didn't believe a successful gametype was going to be created/released. Sad because I preemptively deleted it because of that (...). But after looking back at it, honestly 'twas dreadful anyway...

    Anyway, I've already played a bit of Clue on Reach and found to it be every bit as fun as Halo 3, if not much more. Can't wait for other GoO members to start posting more variants, since they seem to understand Clue better than most. Although I'd also love to see it being adopted and utilized by the Forgehub majority at large.
  4. MrCasperTom

    MrCasperTom Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That's because those three up there aren't really members. Unless they're anagrams of course.
  5. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Time to start working on the clue map idea I've had since Halo 3 then.
  6. Tdrone

    Tdrone Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    i have never played clue in halo 3 but will definately try it in reach but its quite hard to understand so please correct me if i'm wrong:

    god: does nothing but wait the whole game and looks if everyone keeps himself to the honour rules. he picks up ball at the end to finish game

    killer: kills eryone who comes on his path BUT tries to do this without being seen

    victim: tries not to get killed and looks if he can sneaky see the killer kill a victim and then kill the killer
  7. AwfulDarkJedi

    AwfulDarkJedi Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    So, what if one of the victims notice that somebody has a killer only loadout, therefore, identifying the killer. Can't they just follow him and wait until he kills somebody then they can kill the killer?
  8. MrCasperTom

    MrCasperTom Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That's pretty much the basic rules, yep.

    Remember everyone who is a victim has random weapons so essentially a player could spawn with the same loadout as the killer. There is also three loadouts that the killer could choose from so you'd have to memorize all three loadouts and look for those with them. Plus everyone can still pick up weapons so the killer might pick up a weapon thus replacing a weapon in the loadout.

    The loadouts main job is just to allow the killer to spawn with weapons they want to at the start, rather then ending up with random weapons like a plasma pistol and a spiker (although they can use random weapon loadout if they wish).
  9. AwfulDarkJedi

    AwfulDarkJedi Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Alright, makes sense. I can't wait to get a bunch of people to play this with, sounds so awesome :D
  10. RodziR

    RodziR Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    I don't know did I miss something, but is God just Chilling out [after he has chosen the killer(s)] Didn't play this back in halo 3 'cause of its many honor rules, but now I'm definetly downloading
  11. Codmando72

    Codmando72 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    ok i set up the gametypeand went on reflection with friends but it didnt work. People could still see who killed who. Anything im doing wrong?

    Added after 1:

    i need help. I downloaded the map and the gametype but the player 1 killed player 2 thing keeps popping up. anyone explain because i really want to play this.
    #11 Codmando72, Oct 14, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2010
  12. MrCasperTom

    MrCasperTom Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    That doesn't matter as long as you can't see the name above the persons head. You know who the killer is anyway so the game telling you who killed who doesn't really matter. However you can't actually see who the killer is due to the lack of names above the player and so can't find them.
  13. Codmando72

    Codmando72 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    ah i get it. Thank you so much. Time to try it out.
  14. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    I still never had the chance to play this yet. You guys should set up a clue night every other saturday or something, I really love clue.
  15. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    ive played it. freaking amazing, map is campable though, which is a major problem. i cant wait to see more clue maps popping out.

    having god really isnt neccesary anymore, so you can make it slayer now. actually, you could even make it juggernaut so it is completely random. and the game automatically ends when you kill the killer, and you could probably set scoring up so you lose points while killing unless you are the juggernaut or killed the juggernaut.
    #15 xWooden leafx, Oct 16, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  16. AwfulDarkJedi

    AwfulDarkJedi Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Alright, I got a problem, I just played this with some friends and when the killer killed somebody, I saw it say (Gamertag) killed (Gamertag) and I wasn't God/holding the ball.
  17. MrCasperTom

    MrCasperTom Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Answered this above. Quote below:

    You're right, God isn't neccessary. TB did in fact create a slayer version (and a juggernaut but he may not have been able to get the fire away so it was obvious who was the killer) but it came down to keeping the old feeling of Clue. It was discussed whether God was needed or not and while there were points on both sides ultimately he decided to stick with God to keep the general feel of Clue in Reach.

    However, I do believe he said he may go about releasing a Slayer version of Clue sometime in the future when he gets the time.
  18. AwfulDarkJedi

    AwfulDarkJedi Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Oh alright, that makes sense. Thanks.
  19. Demetri

    Demetri Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Looking to get a Clue

    Hey, I just wanted to toss my GT out there: Demetri Spartan- if anyone is hosting a game or two of clue. It sounds uber interesting, and I'd like to give it a few tries before trying to run a game myself.
  20. Trousered

    Trousered Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Same as above, I'd never heard of Clue until after Reach was released and I'd love to play it. My gamertag is Trousered. I've been getting the the Castle in the Sky map, and found another map of similar quality called "The Estate" which seems to have been designed for Clue as well. They're both brilliant and I'd love to see them in action. Anyone planning on hosting some games of clue send me friend request.

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