Ok Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you a revolution. This map is seriously going to change the way you think about the capabilities of Forge. The Premise: Complete the weapon trials before the time runs out, try not to be defeated by the guest, whom isn't playing. THIS IS A 1 PLAYER MAP Sparknotes: In short, all you need to do is load up the map/gametype, sign in a guest to blue, make sure you are red, and go. DOWNLOAD THE MAP HERE DOWNLOAD THE GAMETYPE HERE (Seriously download them both, you need them. You will probably have them on your hard drive forever though, sorry...) Instructions: READ CAREFULLY 1. Sign in a guest, and switch them to Blue team. 2. Make sure you are on Red team. 3. Put down the guest controller, grab your own, and begin the game (you play as RED, no one plays as Blue) 4. You MUST complete your objectives to move to the next task; they are as follows. - Destroy the 10 pallets with the Fuel Rod cannon - Move through (now open) teleporter - Find the Dummy guest and kill him with the shotgun - Move forward through the (now open) teleporter - Use grenades to kill dummy guest - Move forward through (now open) door to your left - Grab Spartan laser and go through portal - Kill dummy guest for the final time 5. Snicker in your weapons mastery prowess. The Tale of Red Killing some pallets, you need to destroy all 10, with the 10 shots, in order to move forward. This teleporter will open, and let you through, if it doesn't, then you missed one. Find the guest in the boxes; he can be anywhere! He also starts with Active Camo, if you you can't find him after 1:30, he will pity you and uncloak. After you find and kill him, the next area will be available to you via teleporter. Next is the grenade trial, depending on if he spawns close, far, or in the middle, you will have a different grenade to use. Far=Spike, Close=Frag, Middle=Plasma After you kill him with grenades, this door opens. Grab the Spartan Laser, and keep moving. The guest will now be on a randomized teleporter loop, I think you can figure out what to do from here. Additional Notes: -Don't bother with a Forgethrough, just load up the gametype/map and play! THIS IS A 1 PLAYER MAP!!! -This only works on 1 Xbox, you cannot play another player over xbox live (because of lag). Enjoy ~Dev
Ugh, stupid spam comments Anyway, this is a truely awesome download, and I had fun testing this for you. Cannot believe you managed to control the spawns of the opposite player. Absolutely amazing! This is feature worthy in my opinion.
You might like it if you try it, how hard is it to click 2 links and download? If I didn't tell you how it worked, you might be a little bit more impressed I suspect. In short, all you need to do is load up the map/gametype, sign in a guest to blue, make sure you are red, and go. Pretty simple actually.
Hmm this sounds like a well thought out training map, I will try to remember and download this tomorrow and give a full review. The only problem, having to split my screen up in order to do this (i like full screen) You make it seem as if you programmed this map with like C++ cause of all these "triggers". I never thought of how to make literal triggers to set off other stuff. Good work
Thanks, it most certainly is, I spent countless hours in Forge building this. I started in February. There was no testing done over a LAN, so I don't know if you can play on 2 TVs, but it might work. If you have the resources to test it out, please let me know how it goes. Though, I know for sure that it does not work over xbox live, because of lag.
Looks good, Devinish. Looks real smart. I'm gonna fire this up right now. What's your best time (i'm assuming you hold the record on your own map)? Are you prepared to have that record broken?
I've done it with at least 1:15 left on the timer. I'll have to give you an exact time after I get an official number.
What the hell. People are complaining about too many pics, while if you didn't have any or only one they would complain about that. People can complain about anything I swear. Pisses me off. As for the map, looks phenomenal. I am definitely going to download and play the final version of this. I know it will be fun.
This is a great little map. The gameplay itself is intriguing... even if I suck at the final lasering step. But more importantly, Devinish uses some very interesting techniques to make the dummy spawn properly/switch things on and off. Anyone who's trying to understand the finer points of forge should definitely forge through just to see how everything works. Nice work, Dev.