Why Forge World could have been better

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Chan, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    You've now made me feel ashamed for having in any way agreed with this thread.

    The only legit complaints are the framerate lag issues and "why the hell do railings and columns cost the same $50 as Brace, Larges???" Every other complaint boils down to "I will never ever be happy with Forge World because it does not include every feature I can imagine."
  2. Mr Lamar

    Mr Lamar Forerunner

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    Vehicle options should also include how it looks (Fully intact, damaged, or Destroyed) and if it is scenery or not (cannot be used).

    Also the ability to add/remove water and terrain. I want to make a WW1 map where it's just a trench fight, and hopping out of the trenches results in getting "sniped" (kill zoned)

    also changing the terrain type, such as sand and dirt and grass
  3. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    .....You can do that, currently. Really easily, in fact.

    It seems like the lag isn't an issue for the average player, and isn't even an issue for a player like me, who's in terrible need of a new, not half-dead Xbox, and a better internet connection. If someone in my position isn't experiencing the lag, and it's something a few people on a Halo Forge-specific website are complaining about, then I'd wager a guess that it's a very small cross-section of the overall Halo: Reach community who are experiencing these lag issues, and probably a smaller group inside of that who are noticing them.

    On the other hand, back when I bought my Transformers: War for Cybertron game, he first disc I got wouldn't even load in an Xbox, so I had to return it and get a new one on the same day, release day in fact. Perhaps I should have found some WFC websites and complained about Activision's poor service or something.

    Clearly, it would be a stupid claim to make, because I'd be in the stark minority experiencing the problem, relatively speaking, and thus, it wouldn't be something that would diminish the overall game experience for the community as a whole.

    In layman's terms, it's not something to complain about.
    #43 ProtoFury, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010
  4. Mr Lamar

    Mr Lamar Forerunner

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    Really? no idea. And you can do what exactly? everything i want to do?
    And how?
  5. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    I'll PM you with my idea so's not to spam the thread.

    EDIT: I was referring to your whole sniper/trenches thing when I said that, sorry if I confused you.
    #45 ProtoFury, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010
  6. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
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    Well, guys. This is right about where the thread went downhill. The original points were mostly valid, but this post and one not too late afterwards are basically just wish lists.

    Please understand that there are limitations to what can be done. You can only fit so much onto a disc, after all.
  7. used man

    used man Ancient
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    I love FW, but there are a couple problems IMO. I think that bungie should have made sure that there is a location in which every reasonably sized halo map could be remade. I have yet to find a spot in which any of the Halo PC maps could be remade(except danger canyon, but I needed to scale that one down.) The second, is the item system. The fact that they literally lied about the size of the budget is rather angering, (increase the budget hugely, but every item costs way more than it would have in H3) and the fact that I cant even use it all without causing full on flickering in custom games. I knew that going from the SC2 editor to the Halo:Reach editor would be a awkward transition, but this is a little more than i expected.
  8. chain42

    chain42 Ancient
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    Lol none of my suggested features take up space on the disc. They're all programming. Except for the textures, which I'd settle for a color/tone/brightness switch in place of. I said we should be grateful to have forge at all, but now that I think about it, it was a selling point for me, and I find the feature to be incomplete, especially considering they had a whole new game to make it what Halo 3 Forge wanted to be.

    I do have some idea of what's possible, reasonable, and feasible. I didn't ask for 200 extra block shapes or an entire cityscape, I asked for some extra flexibility in gametype and object options and the ability to use the resources already in the game.
  9. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
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    Maybe you've been just living under a rock because I've seen complaints about it everywhere.

    Reach is the first Halo game I have played where I have seen bad framerate drops not attributed to the needler or grenades. Just because it affects a minority doesn't mean that it's not an issue, and just because the game is perfect in your eyes doesn't mean that it cannot be subject to criticism.

    I think you're just disagreeing with me just for the sake of it. I don't see why anyone would not want more forge pieces to use and cleaner maps. Do I not make perfectly valid points? Do the majority of people that have agreed with me not know what they're talking about?
  10. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    If you'd read some of my other posts, I did say that some valid points were made, so no, I'm not just disagreeing for the sake of disagreement. I recognize ForeWorld has it's limitations, and there are certain aspects of Forge 2.0 that can be improved.

    But relatively speaking, when the more specific problems aren't ones that everybody is dealing with and they're things that, in terms of what we've been given to work with, aren't major issues, then I think that all of these complaints are merely for the sake of complaining. Sure there are some valid points, and stuff I agreed with you on, but there are also a lot of things where you need to be able to look at it from a level perspective and say hey, they gave us a hell of a lot more than others have, and there's a ton of stuff in the game to play/work with, so maybe we should cut the devs some slack. After all, while the game is great, if it were perfect, it would be marketed as such and would be the last game ever made. Just because there are some relatively minor issues does not mean that it's been unfinished or half-assed, and just because there are some great elements does not mean it can't be improved. You need to look at it for what it's worth, and be satisfied for the time being.
  11. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
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    Ok, but it isn't just for the sake of complaining.

    My intentions were to reach out to other people and to Bungie, so that they could possibly improve the existing Forge World, or keep these things in mind for future DLC's.
  12. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    @ Turkey bag
    they are VERY major issures. they could increase our object limit by half. they are unnceccesary limitations. we want the best forge possible, and it seems like bungie said, hey impostering is new and cool. lets halfass the rest. i feel like we should put a limit on walls, even though just a budget would suffice. lets put a ton of polygons on a piece, when it looks a little weird and the pieces dont work well together trying to merge, and it decreases the amount of pieces we can use without exploding an xbox. lets take something great we had in the past, objectives, and make it about 5x as hard to use. lets take the gametype options, and just put overall weird options on them, take away some, add new ones, dont make instant spawn, etc.
    these are things that are very easy to fix, especially for guys as skilled as bungie. im pretty dissapointed.
    i feel like there are so many things that couldve been done with this game. what did bungie spend all of their time doing?

    i know a lot of you love bungie. i love bungie, but they can do better. i know bungie gave us a great game, but there are so many things that just make me thing, wtf bungie?
    #52 xWooden leafx, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010
  13. Ix Massacre xxI

    Ix Massacre xxI Ancient
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    I saw this thread and thought... I have thought everything people have said.

    When I first got in Forge 2.0 I ,ade sure to go through all the peices to get a feel of them and see which ones would be useful. The first thing I noticed about them was they were just not goodlooking. Like when you put a 5x5 Blox Flat somewhere you HAVE to have the lines in the middle (glass part) facing the same way or else it looks like ****. You have to be careful of what you put down and where unlike Sandbox or foundry. Don't get me wrong, it took SKILL to make a great map on halo 3, but when you put a Block huge down you didnt have to worry about seeing the egde of it through random glass on the ground.

    Although sandbox wasnt pretty (just brown and dusty) you could makew the map flow. With all these peices in Forge 2.0 only a handful are useful at times. In my mind Bungie shouldn't have taken that much thought about the pieces just about the enviroment. They NEED to make a snow or urban based Forge World with simple pieces like the Collosus Wall.
  14. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    Personally, I would be extremely surprised if they doidn't already have at least one new ForgeWorld concept in the works already.
  15. deathtoearth596

    deathtoearth596 Forerunner

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    I hate all the stupid realism in the game. Like others have said, better graphics are fine, but it doesn't mean you have to add so many more polygons. If the graphics were improved, as well as the textures, I would be fine, because the game would still look pretty damn good, but of course they had to make the game have a bunch of complicated shapes and unneeded polygons.

    Don't get me wrong, I love this game. Great campaign, Forge has become much easier to forge with, I love matchmaking, and firefight is fun too.

    However, Bungie didn't not give us sprinkles when it comes to the polygon thing, but they gave us a cake made of sprinkles. I don't know about you, but I would get sick of a cake made of sprinkles pretty quick, and I'm getting sick of the lag and lower budgets that stem from the blocks with increased amounts of polygons.

    As I said, I love this game, and Bungie did a great job, but they COULD'VE done better, which is true with almost any game, and for games to get better, people need to state their opinions about the games.
  16. Ix Massacre xxI

    Ix Massacre xxI Ancient
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    Someone should link this thread on Bungie.net. Maybe they will take some of these thoughts into consideration.
  17. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    Good point. Personally, I think Bungie could easily fix the polygon issue in a ForgeWorld 2--doing something in a Sandtrap-ish style would easily bring the object back to a simpler polygon level.
  18. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
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    I've posted it on Bnet but I can't seem to keep it going.

    There are so many threads complaining about their credits being reset that it keeps getting pushed back.
  19. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    After all of that reading, I agree. The pieces just don't fit together well. Bungie put a little too much detail into their objects. A little too much of one thing isn't good. Except for a budget.

    I hope in the next forgeworld the objects become simpler, dumpsters and barrels, which gave maps in foundry purpose and meaning come back, and the environment changes from forerunner. It's a lot to hope for but we all know bungie will deliver.
  20. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
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    These are movable objects and take up much more budget than a similarly sized forge object. This is why the palette was nixed and why a camping stool costs 25 dollars of the budget.

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