This map is incredibly small, it is meant to be very intense, It is best played with PLAYPEN RESPAWN but any regular slayer game will work just is made with just 4 corner wall would just make it confusing...enjoy Variants Map: Game: As far as the gametype goes, it is called PLAYPEN RESPAWN, it is called this because the respawns are practically instant, but because the map is sooo small, the instant u respawn you have a gauranteed second to live because of the 2x overshield you receive, i say gauranteed because the weapons you get are totally random, and if that other guy ur playing against has rockets or a sword, watch out, the only weapon that can kill you on the spot is a direct hit from the hammer, other than that, you have enough time to look for a weapon on the ground or change weapons before you get killed again, enjoy... EDIT: well, u guys asked for some pics, so here you are... here are some pics of the guy is in the same position in all these pics... And here are some action pics...
well, i am not sure what to tell you, the only picture i would be able to get is a box in the middle of the foundry, you are inside of 4 corner wall pieces, thats it, nothing is on the map, because you wont be looking for stuff on the map, you will b looking inside this box for the next guy to aim at...again, any pictures i post would make things more confusing...just think of a babies play pen with a roof on top, and that is what you are in except its like, i dunno, a 20 foot by 20 foot box...I just found it to be really fun, and all the people in my clan enjoy it thoroughly especially on our open practice nights...which are every week.. one thing i could add to the gametype is that the game goes until someone reaches 250 seems like a lot but its not...ur so close to each other that it goes by really fast...
Generally, it's a rule that you need to have pics. Unless you make a canvas, it's required. I suggest fixing it fast, lest Orange come in, saying 'Your map has been locked due to neglect'.
put them in your first post now and the map looks like it could have been made in 5 seconds but i guess the gameplay will tell.
you are partially right, it did take about 15-30 minutes to make, but its not the size of the map its the effectiveness and replayability of it
this may seem like good idea but when you look at it anyone can make a map like that it takes no skill to place 4 corners not even worth a download man sorry
Sorry but pictures dont work and the description doesnt really sound good , sorry but you havent got my Dl.
thing is that you didnt think of it first, and no it isnt just made up of 4 corners, you need a cover to make sure no one gets once you respawn you immediately have 2x armor, the only way to be killed instantly is to be hit by the hammer, nothing, not even the rockets or the shotgun can spawn kill, other than that hammer... as far as the pics go, I hav no idea why they arent working...I will check up on my uploading service... EDIT: I just figured out that the website I used ceases to exist...i will repost them tonight...
umm, im not really sure what to say about the map. i guess all i can think of to say is that its stupid. show us the rest of the map if there is a rest of the map.
Actually things like this have been made since the dawn of foundry. Ill post one that i looked at awhile ago and i have to say it looked a good bit better than this. It was slightly larger and actually contained stuff.Will have link in a little bit,have to search for it.Sorry but i hate to burst your bubble if you thought this was original. Bah skimming over a number of pagesin both casual and min-games and i cant find it again :S. If anyone else remembers it its was one similar to this but was bigger,everyone was pink,had random weapons but it had teleporters and other shiny stuff in there to look pretty.If anything the fact that its in the recess of forgehub time shows how popular these "box" maps are
yah your "action shots" are only one guy (most likely you) shooting at random walls. if you want some real action shots, get someone else to play with you, plz. if u need ppl to play with you. just post a thing that asks for people to help out. that should make the outcome of how many downloads you get much larger.