Hey guys I'm running a show on Machinimarespawn as well as my channel, Gameplays247, showcasing the best maps created in Forge World. This should be a popular series and I've come on to this website to find the best maps. I'm no expert in forging and I'm not exactly a regular on here, so anyone that wants to lend me a hand can help me out. Anyone who wants to test maps, or capture clips, or help me select maps to feature, add me: My AIM is Busydude247 My Skype address is HaloFuntage Thanks
A good place to start would be the testers guild, these guys test all the newly submitted maps and generate feedback on maps to their creators. They should be able to give you pointers on great maps and/or the forgers to look out for! I would start by sending a PM to Insane54 or one of the heads of the TG (I have linked a list of the TG members below). Hopefully that will help. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/testers-guild/100066-testers-guild-members.html
Best maps created in Forge World? One question: How do you define "best"?... ... ...While it's an okay idea.. I just don't like how these "best" maps and makers get the spotlight, gain a rep, get attention for basically every map they make (unless it's terrible), and the cycle continues. All you'd be doing is influencing this cycle. But I guess that's life. ...continue on with your discussion...
Maybe include several maps in each episode (because, as we all know, there's going to be thousands of maps built in the near future). But yea, nice idea.