Gear of War 3 Delayed 'till Fall 2011

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Devil95, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Gears of War 3 has been delayed until Fall 2011.

    Microsoft says the shift occurred so that Gears of War 3 could be positioned as the company's big holiday title for next year.

    "Gears of War 3 promises to be the biggest entertainment launch of 2011," a Microsoft spokesperson said. "The teams at Microsoft Game Studios and Epic Games have done great work thus far readying the title for release in the Spring of 2011.

    "However, we've elected to move the launch of Gears of War 3 until Fall 2011 to make it the marquee title for the holiday season."

    Gears of War 3 was originally supposed to launch on April 5, 2011. This delay will certainly give Epic Games additional time to add any polish that may be needed.

    **Copied from Ign**

    Why the F**k is this happening to every game. Portal 2, Gears 3, LittleBigPlanet2. I mean come on. Deliver the games already. You annouced and Confirmed it, but now your moving the release date. Techinically thats False Advertise. You annoucing a game's release and end up changing a couple months before. Infact Gears 3 has been pissing me off for too long. The 3rd Carmine is pretty much why, We payed our money, We got the damn T-shirts, now tell us if he dies or not. Epic games is full of ****. Don't try taking Halo's Date Zone. Fall's were all Halo. I know keeping it a secret is gonna to cause lots to get excited but I want to know now. If its being delayed, Im not waiting another year. They keep putting there games on dates they can't manage and thats why the videogame industry is going down into flames. Not now, but in a couple of years it will. I got to give them some props, Ending Gears of War doesn't sound easy. But at least there ending it, same with Halo. Something that Call of Duty should of done years ago. Whats Next COD? I know Calls of Duty: Outspace Warfare. It'll sell!

    Portal 2 is gonna be my favourite of the bunch next year. Maybe Gears, Depending on if the campaign is still garbage. F**k Microsoft!
  2. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Good sir, nothing has made me cry and then cheer up suddenly unlike this post. First of all, sad news Gears is Delayed. I was actually hoping for it to be out soon.

    Now, on to the parts that made me laugh. "Fall 2011" is not a time dedicated to one game. Halo CE, 2,3 and Reach just happened to be a fall release, and there's a very good reason behind it, Q4 was a major selling point. It's when Christmas is. When TONS of shopping is done. So why not have it here? Many people get like Christmas bonuses and stuff too.

    Second, quit your bitching. If a game is pushed back, it's a good thing. More time for the game to be fine tuned, unlike games like Modern Warfare 2 which have that set date and cannot deviate from it whatsoever. Wait the year. Honestly, you do more waiting for a Bungie title to come out rather than from Epic.
  3. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Get over it. Yes the game was delayed and while it may upset some people, it's a better move for the company and the fans. Like Bloo said, Q4 is a major selling point. If any company was smart they'd want to release their games during this time because of the amount of Christmas shopping being done. Along with the financial plus, this also gives Epic Games a chance to give the game some touch ups which could end up making the game better anyway.

    No offence but I've noticed that you whine quite alot. The game comes out a few months later than it was planned to. You're still getting what you want, except you just have to wait a while longer.

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