remake of the famous Alamo. We looked at pictures on the internet and made it look as close as possible. One spawning area is the mexican camps, which have a lot of good weapons and equipment because they dont have a big base. The texans are in the alamo with lots of cover. There are two sniping spots, and three turrets. Also in the alamo is a teleporter which leads to Jim bowies bed (with a shotgun behind it). One verson has cannons witch fire at the alamo's walls. (Cannons not invented by me) PICS: overview of alamo: Sniping spot Inside the alamo Bowies bed Mexican Camp Cannon (optonal) Download cannon verson Download no cannons Click Here to download The alamo version 2 the version 2 is the same(without cannons) but is made for assault and infection. Assualt Gametype Infection Gametype
well built...but unless it has a specific game type for it... it seems as if it would be very plain and not ver interesting... maybe add some stuff into the widely open stuff... i goin to have to pass on the dl for this map. sry. keep forging and youll get better.
You could use assault, territories (land grab), infection (Mexicans are the zombies and you tweak the settings so it is a fair match even then the alamo is over run), and i am sure with some out of the box thinking and experimenting you could use alot of gametypes.
posting a lot of maps today. This map, as well as the other one look neat except for afew spots, and as did the other one, this map, for me, from the screens, lacks the "WOW" factor
ya im gonna make a gametype for it when i get the chance. I think im gonna make an infection gametype and assualt
The Alamo has a roof. And walls. And things. It seems to me like you just made the front side look good (I really don't think it's too accurate either) and then the inside is just really empty. I know there air limitations to forge, but couldn't you have made it a building? It's a bit like an open map, less of a building. Good job for trying though.
There really isn't interlocking. And gametypes have nothing to do with "cannons or no cannons." I'd suggest a one flag game. A game where the Mexicans have to raid the base and grab the flag.
Yeah I looked at it and it is very plain i would add some more things into it (more cover or maybe a smaller building inside) just some suggestions
ok kronos the alamo is mostly a court yard and there are a bunch of small bildings in it. And i looked at a lot of pictures (most of them were diffrent frome each other) and made it as accurate as possible
have u ever seen the alamo in real life before? this looks pretty close for being a forge render. i bet the infection games on this map with 12 ppl or so would be epic.
good concept... poor execution... it seems as though you just built a wall...put a hole in the front of it... made ugly cannons, and called it the alamo... you shoulda gotten way more in-depth for this... from what I can see, you still have tons of materials and (more importantly) space for this... build a roof with holes in it... model the forge creation after the actual front side of the building at least... or even better... make the entire building from scratch... not just a wall... it would really recreate the tension of the last few texans fighting against the mexican army... more cannons or at least make the existing ones presentable be something nobody else has done before, you certainly have a lot of potential in the concept itself, work with it... that is all, - Sarge
good map compared to other alamo remakes, looks fun for assault, the front looks a little empty though.
Territories sounds good. I was planning on making an alamo map, you beat me to it. Not that I won't try to make a better one.
seems through together and a name slapped upon the map... work on your interlocking and straighten up some walls... 3/10