This topic is all about discussing your talents, and what you use them for. In fact, I should call it BRAGGING TIME. I'll start. I'm talented in all areas. I know that if I try, I'm good at everything. It's applying myself that's the problem. I pretty much can do it all. I have yet to master something though. I haven't really used my talents for anything productive really.
I'm good at analyzing stuff. Mainly, I read people's faces and try to to figure what they are thinking. This comes in handy in other areas as well, school, sports..etc.
Im very observant i tend to spot things people don't normally pick up. this comes to my addvantage while playing sport cause im also good a analyzing people. I play a lot of rugbe League and i know what a player is going to do because i have to look/read what their doing: Example: their eye movement, therir sholder movement, their foot movement, even their mouth movement and i have become reall good at that kind of stuff. Quick reaction time helps me also. So just basicaly put it im very good a Rugbe league.
Gay or not. I just wanted people to talk about themselves, and gain more self-confidence. Your "chick" looks like she's loaded with plastic. I'm serious. She dyed her hair, loads herself with plastic, and looks like a *****. You'll probably either get dumped, or cheated on in a couple weeks or less. No offense dude, but that's a chick I would not want to brag about. As for the question as to what sports I play, I mainly just play soccer, basketball, and tennis. All of this is just to keep me in shape really, and to have a good time with friends. Is that all you need to know? As for your sports, you're doing great. Keep it up. I would suggest working out more. You look a little flimsy to me. Nice job getting A's. I'm sure you've got scholarship by now. Good job. I mean honestly guys, why all the rage? This isn't about who's ***** is bigger, it's about how well you know yourself. Some people need to express themselves.
I guess you didn't catch the reference at all Frag, since you took Mich's and Bro's post as legitimate posts, when mich is trollin you and Bro is just agreeing with him haha. Well played guys. Also, art and music for me. I suck **** at everything else. Oh and I can dunk on a 10' hoop.
im good at being really, really, ridiculously good looking. one day, while i was looking at myself in a spoon, it thought "why not do that for a living?"
Well, I am good at drawing, I am observant but have short attention span at times, I can troll in real life quite well, I can sing fairly decently, I am good with technology, and thats about it. jeezus theres a lot of trolls here.
Could not have said it better. Seriously though, I am not the troll here, frag man is. INB4 people who take this thread seriously.