
Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by xBLTZxSTOCKYx, Sep 29, 2010.


    xBLTZxSTOCKYx Forerunner

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    By: xBLTZxSTOCKYx && CompleatRozzer

    Put your skills to the test with this epic puzzle map, the players must navigate there way through a course of tricks and traps until they can escape to their freedom and earn the right to watch the friends suffer.

    max 4 players
    all people must be on same team (Red)

    all puzzles can be done solo
    put your game invite only as if someone chooses another team and leaves the game ends.


    Text version by: xBLTZxSTOCKYx

    In this nice square room you will find yourself near three teleporters one behind glass on to the left and one to the right. the one behind the glass is in a small room called the "death room" if you make a wrong turn you might find yourself in there allot. you may also notice that the teleporter on the right is sunken into the ground because of this you can pass though it into The Tunnel by crouching otherwise you will be in the "death room". the teleporer on the left will just link you to the receiver in the same room.

    The Tunnel:
    in the tunnel if you go straight forward you will find a teleporter this will kill you ignore it and turn around there is a secret tunnel go through that and get into the mongoose, take it back into room1 and block the receiver node with it.

    The Fork:
    this split in the road may seem full in consequence, but both paths technically lead to the same room (the purple light room) however you will need to fin your way back to here later on.

    Purple Room:
    this room has purple light floors(if i remember correctly :p) ok now you either got here through the trick roof or the one way wall eaither way your here now so lets move on, never Ever take that teleporter unless your a huge fan of Rozzer evil cruel trap we like to call the "death room" one of the wall panels is actually a (not so secret) secret passage which will take you onwards to the "underground"

    The Underground:
    now if you have gotten to here by yourself than you have probably ran around in circles and are about to punch your TV while visualizing what i look like (6ft male 17 if that helps :p) well thee less obvious path will lead you to the hidden jetpack room
    Note: face-palming kills braincells.
    once you have the jet pack continue on the "normal people path" get into the mongoose and climb back up to the fork (with the jetpack of course) now take the top path and jetpack over the "trampoline pit" and onward to the upper Hall

    The Upper Hall:
    now this one is my favorite (that good for me not you BTW) it is so secret you'll be like OMGWTF or something like that (*hopes people don't know where i live*). well its simple look up and run around in circles until you find the vent shaft in the roof.. oh yea forgot to tell you about that one :) well grab the evade from in there and use it's uber rolly abillity to roll through the kill boundary ahead in record speeds and continue forth to the teleporter room.

    The Telepoter Room:
    if your a fan of randomly running into walls than you'll love this part.
    in this room you'll first see a teleporter at the end of a hall and a passage that leads off a cliff, ignore these... for now. if you run around against the walls you may see it asking you to jump into a mongoose well do it and ride that mongee up the rank and down the hole... and into the teleporter ... but wait i don't trust that teleporter its evil... well that's fine because your not going through that teleporter your going through the one merged into that one that only accepts the mongee and not humans. after this you will find yourself at the leap of faith...

    The Leap of faith:
    hmm a small gap you can probably make it... if you just tried that from reading the first part I'm sorry, the idea is to get allot of momentum that will propel you on the other side. To do this just use your evade that you still have to give you the extra distance and speed required. to do this walk up to the edge and hit evade.
    and yes the rocket is just there to shoot yourself with :)...and now your outside.

    The outside:
    well this part is simple don't take obvious way look around off the edges for a secret man cannon this will give a bigger push and you will make the distance.

    Once you make it past over the man cannon (the hidden one) you will find four more man cannons to test which one to take you should use the holograms hidden behind the rock just past the flags to test which man cannon to use afterwhich i would recommend getting back the evade as it might be usfull if thing don't work out. go though the man cannon and you'll find yourself on the floating rocks.

    The floating Rocks:
    well this is just to simple jump down... onto the one way shield that will launch you over to the kill ball area.

    The kill ball area:
    there are two ways of doing this one way is to block the killball with the golfball and walk over but I've been told this can sometimes not work and the alternative is to evade straight through. NOTE: watch your steep :p

    in the next room there's some toys to play with if your bored :) otherwise jump into the man cannon and be launched to he mongooses and than you can go for a drive.

    Video version by: Kaywat

    #1 xBLTZxSTOCKYx, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  2. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    your post is not up to date. according to the rules it is REQUIRED that you have at least one picture or video embedded in your post. if you are having trouble with embedding screenshots, please see this forum.
  3. Volcom Guy992

    Volcom Guy992 Forerunner

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    This map is pretty challenging so far. Right now me and a friend are stuck at the jet pack part where you go up then down or up then through the teleporter. Anyways I am liking this map a lot just need to finish it.

    Edit1: Well overall that was a very good map. It was constantly challenging. You actually had to figure the map out. We were stuck for awhile then we cheated and went to forge to see what we had to do and then back to custom game 2 finish. We cheated twice :p. Good job though.
    #3 Volcom Guy992, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2010

    xBLTZxSTOCKYx Forerunner

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    done I'll finish up the tutorial soon it will have pictures throughout it.
  5. Ultrainium

    Ultrainium Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My favorite puzzle map out so far. It was very challenging. A few friends and I completed it in about 30-45 min. I hope you make another soon.

    The one thing that I did not like about this map was when you died you had to start all the way over from the beginning. And we died....a lot. So if you can put some sort of checkpoints into your next map then I will be very happy.
    Thanks. I love these puzzle maps.
  6. Tw3ak

    Tw3ak Forerunner

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    im stuck on the same spot as volcom, only difference is, even when i do go into forge i cant figure it out. so im either an idiot and i cant go through it fast enough, or im an idiot and dont see the trick to doing it faster. any chance i could be enlightened? because either way, right now, im an idiot. and i dont want to be an idiot, i wanna finish the damn map
  7. lnich13

    lnich13 Forerunner

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    This map is so good me and my brother are stuck at the jetpack part been about 30 mins :) anyone got any hints? thanks for this map its great (Y)
  8. Tw3ak

    Tw3ak Forerunner

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    also, one small problem with your man cannon part. with the jetpack, you dont need to find the hidden cannon. and you can also just fly over the rocks in the second part straight to the next area. i suggest adding something that requires the person to use a different armor ability to get past it so they dont have the jetpack anymore. but your budget is kinda gone... so im not sure what kind of piece youd add to the puzzle, but everything else was made very well so im sure youll be able to figure something out
  9. lnich13

    lnich13 Forerunner

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    oh i think i know now :) i turned around
  10. Tw3ak

    Tw3ak Forerunner

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    nope, thats death

    xBLTZxSTOCKYx Forerunner

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    ha ha, Awesome stories keep em coming me and my friend that made this like reading them and to Tw3ak um how did you get up to there with the jetpack there was a hidden evade you needed to pass two earlier parts

    oh almost forgot ill finish the tutorial soon sorry it might not have pictures for a bit... well we'll see :)
    #11 xBLTZxSTOCKYx, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2010
  12. Tw3ak

    Tw3ak Forerunner

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    theres an evade somewhere.... you sneaky little... can i swear on here?

    xBLTZxSTOCKYx Forerunner

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    mate, i have no idea how you still have a jet pack as you needed to have evade for two of the last parts but if you got through the crouchy tunnel that goes up and down without **spoiler** evade **ok your safe to continue reading** than gratz (assuming your using the game type that came with it and not forge >.>

    oh well refresh the page in 10min and the next bit of the tutorial will be up
    #13 xBLTZxSTOCKYx, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2010
  14. CDawgz69

    CDawgz69 Forerunner

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    so me and my mates are up to the bit where a teleporter goes outside and theres a rock path thing. do you need to evade jump?
  15. Tw3ak

    Tw3ak Forerunner

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    yeah that would make sense. i skipped that part so i still had the jet pack. sorry man.
  16. lnich13

    lnich13 Forerunner

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    haha i know now :) but i found where evade is but im stuck on the part with the teleporter that takes you to the ocean
  17. Tw3ak

    Tw3ak Forerunner

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    so, i figured out how to get past the teleporter over the ocean. well, actually, a friend of mine, and self proclaimed puzzle pro, jigsaw 53, figured it out. evade roll off the top platform right after you go through the teleporter with the mongoose. and you get launched to where you have to go. im assuming he just put that rocket there to make us think we needed it. tricky bastard...
  18. killer6088

    killer6088 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is a great map 5/5. The promblem i had was with the jet pack section with the kill boundry. I could not find the evade if my life depended on it. I only found it threw forge, but after that the rest was great. I loved how there was no little pieces to jump on or something like that. I hate that stuff. Great 5/5.

    xBLTZxSTOCKYx Forerunner

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    yea i love the evade hiding spot its so obvious but still so hidden
  20. Tw3ak

    Tw3ak Forerunner

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    yeah, definite great job on the map. my favorite puzzle so far

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