
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Flywheel1, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. Flywheel1

    Flywheel1 Forerunner

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    Submersion v1.2 --- Updated with Forgetacular Entry


    Thanks for checking out Submersion! If you like it, please recommend it to your friends list. This is version 1.2, produced using feedback and prepared for submission in the Forgetacular contest as a CTF map.

    My thanks to the following for playing this thing multiple times with me and giving great feedback to produce this version, in no particular order and apologizing for anyone left out: Ragemaster42, General LiWar, Hokets, Juke777, ThrowinSomeBows, TitanC005, Jovial1, ProLogic1 and Parasite561. These guys are great forgers and I highly recommend you check out their fileshares.

    Gamertag: Flywheel1


    (2x) Machine Gun Turret
    (2x) Sniper Rifle
    (2x) DMR
    (2x) Needle Rifle
    (2x) Needler
    (2x) Plasma Repeater
    (2x) Assault Rifle
    (2x) Plasma Pistol
    (2x) Magnum
    (1x) Shotgun
    (1x) Grenade Launcher
    (1x) Rocket Launcher
    (10x) Frag Grenades
    (4x) Plasma Grenades


    Submersion is an above- and under-water map designed to use the low visibility in water and the surface break to enhance gameplay and to offer an in-the-pipe "Mario Brothers" feel. It's symmetrical, making it ideal for team objective-based games. Submersion v1.2 supports all game types except for Race and Invasion.

    There are 2 base platforms with "tanks" in front of them consisting of underwater rooms. You need not fear dying from being in the water (this includes the ability to crouch safely). As long as you're not jumping all the time, the guardrails will keep you from walking off into the depths when you're underneath the surface. The only exception is on the Basin, which can only be reached via man cannon or by jumping from the Perch above. There are 4 general paths between the platforms, 2 above water and 2 below, each having specific advantages and disadvantages. I have tried to make them interconnected enough such that the map is fun on both Slayer and Objective games. The break in visibility from the water surface is a big factor. Above water, this is generally a sniper map. Below, it becomes close quarters, but you can still snipe people through the surface if you know where they're hiding.

    The decision whether to rush to your goal exposed, to take your time sneaking through the depths, or to reload on weapons is constantly before you in Submersion!


    Version 1.1
    - Restructured the tank-like room on the pipe, the glass barricades, the shelf, and the pipe ends
    - Drastically improved the spawning mechanisms for team games
    - Inserted catwalks underwater to connect the Pipe exits to the Shelf, and the Perch ramps to the Tanks
    - Reworked the barricades surrounding each base
    - Added numerous glass pieces underwater to "glow black" and enhance sense of orientation
    - Added colored lights in the tanks to show which team they belong to underwater
    - Added frag grenades in each base's upper level and plasma grenades in the Basin
    - Spent most of the remaining budget on aesthetic improvements
    - Added the Juicy FX

    Version 1.2
    - Removed the least important aesthetics and recouped $1500 to restore framerate stability, including removal of underwater lights and the Juicy FX
    - Inserted additional glass pieces to improve visibility of underwater structures
    - Added frag grenades on the Perch and upped the grenade launcher's ammo to 6 shots
    - Reworked the flooring of the Shelf for better visibility
    - Reworked the central spire to make it more of a simply aesthetic structure, essentially removing the temptation to keep trying to jump to it and falling to the depths
    - Removed the land mine from the bottom of the Basin

    Rendered CTF Video:



















    #1 Flywheel1, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2010
  2. Spartanchief34

    Spartanchief34 Forerunner

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    There is a certain distance you can go under water before dying, how do you not know this, This seems to be cutting it close you probably would die if you crouched though.

    Anyways, you probably should have had more than just you playing in the screen shots, you should take some pictures in an actual game to display the epicness of the gameplay. Even so you could tell just by these pics that this map would proably be very fun for at least a team slayer, it's nice how it's compatable with at least 80% of all the game types, veyr versitile. This map is great I would definently recomend to download it.
    #2 Spartanchief34, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2010
  3. SideShowBob963

    SideShowBob963 Forerunner

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    ah i have a map like this except its almost 100% underwater. i'll be posting it soon. its a symmetrical team slayer map :3 and if you set the height for -4.6 then you can move freely, however -4.6 comes with a anti-camping feature. you crouch, you die.
    #3 SideShowBob963, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2010
  4. Flywheel1

    Flywheel1 Forerunner

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    You can crouch just fine without dying, but if you turn into a Guilty Spark and touch the floor pieces, you're toast. It works wonderfully - you only die if you fall off the edge.

    The trick is location. I discovered soon after getting my copy of Reach (by sheer chance) that there's an area where you can go deeper than elsewhere. I tried other areas, and always died in the submerged rooms. In the area where I placed the map, you can go deeper and be alright. I kept that little tidbit to myself until I was finished with the map. =)

    I essentially built it above water, with the lower level floor pieces being just level with the water surface. Once it was ready, I sank every piece by 1.1 map units, then placed weapons, objectives and spawns. I tried to lay out lots of glass pieces underwater because they glow black and can help you see where you're going. But make no mistake, the low visibility in water is part of why I wanted to build this. Above water you need a sniper or DMR. Below, you need a shotgun. You can shoot through the surface with explosives if you have a good idea where the enemy is, though you can't see them.

    Please let me know if you think anything needs changing! I plan to put out another version eventually with Invasion support and improvements from feedback.

  5. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry ignorant kids, this isn't just another water map. Yes there are a lot of those and honestly with good reason since it's pretty damn cool. But this is called UNDERWATER, meaning you're UNDER the WATER. I love it, since I was unsuccessful in making a map with 100% underwater passages that you didn't have to crouch in. I'ma download and steal yo secrit place!!!!
  6. Flywheel1

    Flywheel1 Forerunner

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    If I didn't want you to know about it, I wouldn't have said anything about the location. Go right ahead. =P
  7. VIciousdays

    VIciousdays Forerunner

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    Just wanted to say i love the map, but when your underwater, the visibilty of walls is kinda sketchy, and some parts of the under water path have no walls, but due to poor visibilty, you fall off with out noticing your near an edge. i Understand since you built it your more familiar with it , but i would recommend putting in more low walls so there wont be so many random fall off points. still best underwater map.
  8. Flywheel1

    Flywheel1 Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback! I went back and forth on this, whether to let falling off be a danger or not in some of the submerged areas.

    I imagine the spot you're talking about is on the walkways that hug the sides of the map just outside the bases? If you observe the floor, there will be glass pieces that glow black underwater to help you see the walkway. If I hear the same issue from others, I'll certainly add "handrails" to those walkways for the next version.
    #8 Flywheel1, Oct 4, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2010
  9. PandaKing

    PandaKing Forerunner

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    I used pieces with as much 'glass' as possible to improve visiblility

    BLACK SABBATH Forerunner

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    Well, if you post the map it doesn't really matter if you say anything about the location or not ya know? I mean, people can just see where you built it.
  11. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Forerunner

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    I love the underwater walkways and the red base, because it looks like it is sinking or it was flooded. Really nice map. CTF is great on here. Its like the perfect gametype.
  12. grimfandango

    grimfandango Forerunner

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    I have the same issue, I really like this map, but its sometimes a bit hard to tell where theres a 'floor' and where there isnt. especially if your jumping into the water from higher up.
  13. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Glad to see somebody did this. I wanted to make this kind of map myself but I got very annoyed with trying to forge underwater, and I didn't think to do what you did - build the map and then sink it. Good idea there!

    The place you're referring to, it's between the sandbars by a little island, right? That was where I wanted to build my map too, it seemed like you could get fairly deep there without dying.

    Added after 1:

    I would second this too (though I haven't played the map yet). From my own underwater experiments, even with as many visible pieces in place as possible, it's hard for the players to tell where to go and where not to go. Leaving any open edges is probably a bad idea because people will just run right off.
    #13 Nutduster, Oct 7, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2010
  14. Flywheel1

    Flywheel1 Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback guys!

    I've started placing guardrails for v1.1 to prevent the falloff deaths under the water that you're talking about. I'm also adding more glass pieces to enhance your sense of orientation underwater. I'm not sure there's much I can do for jumping from above water to below. Part of the intrigue is not seeing the enemy, and if you can see exactly where the paths are from above water, then some of that dynamic gets lost. I think after playing the map a couple times, you'll know where you can and can't jump off because most of the time there's a ramp provided for you. But this map is for all of you, not me, so if I keep hearing the same thing I'll certainly address it.

    Other updates will include aesthetic improvements using the leftover budget and Invasion Support. I have some questions for those of you who have played it:

    1. How is weapon placement? I was considering swapping the locations of the plasma pistols and the plasma repeaters to make more incentive to use the tank rooms.

    2. Any bugs in the various gametypes found? I tested them but not through extensive playing.

    3. There are 4 major "paths" between bases, and they're generally isolated from one another with the exception being you can jump from the Perch down to the Dish. Would it help to build ramps connecting the 2 left paths together, and the 2 right paths together? Red, blue, green and yellow represent the Nest, Dish, Perch, and Pipe passages respectively. Note that much of the blue line is spent in the air via man cannons. The orange and purple dotted lines represent connector ramps I'm considering adding. What do you all think?

    #14 Flywheel1, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  15. badgesaw3

    badgesaw3 Forerunner

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    c'est une map vrement original franchemen bien faite
  16. V ii T A M ii N K

    V ii T A M ii N K Forerunner

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    Counter to that; In the description its says you are free to crouch. Meaning your just above the death line. But nnice map man, definetly going to give it a try!
  17. Flywheel1

    Flywheel1 Forerunner

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    If you note the location, I found that the "dead line" is somewhat deeper in the lagoon between the mainland (near the cave) and the small island with 2 land bridges. That's what drove the creation of the map.

    Version 1.1 has a Beta ready for the Forgetacular contest. I just need a little feedback before I call it final and put it up. If you want to run some test CTF runs with me, fire me a message!
  18. Buburay

    Buburay Forerunner

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    This is a very nice map, I love what you've done. Keep up the good work :)
  19. Flywheel1

    Flywheel1 Forerunner

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    Updated for Version 1.2!
    #19 Flywheel1, Nov 17, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2010
  20. ShKai

    ShKai Forerunner

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    Looks like a cool idea for a map, I downloaded and will do a forgethrough/play test later today. Will send more feedback after so.

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