Remake Atrium

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by x black kn1ght, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. x black kn1ght

    x black kn1ght Ancient
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    Map Creator - x black kn1ght

    Map Summary: A very accurate remake of the Halo 3 map RatsNest. Supported gametypes of Version 3 include Slayer, Neutral Assault and Capture the Flag. Overall I'm pretty happy with how this has turned out. There's some differences when it comes to weapon and equipment placement. HealthPacks now replace regens, dropshield replaces the bubbleshield, plasmapistol replaces maulers and the concussion rifle replaces the bruteshot. I will be posting a Relic remake tomorrow hopefully and then I'll start forging some MLG specific maps :]

    Atrium v5

    Weapons/Vechicles and Equipment:
    Ghost- 120
    Mongoose x4 - 30
    Warthog - 75

    DropShield x2 - 90
    HealthPacks x3 - 45 at Regen / 60 at snipe
    Invis - 180

    Multiple DMR's that replace all BR spawns.
    Concussion Rifle x2 (1Clip) - 90seconds
    Hammer - 150
    Magum x2 - 45
    Rockets - 150
    PlasmaPistol x2 - 30
    Snipe - 150
    Shotgun x2 (1clip) - 90
    Spiker x2 - 30
    Turret - 150
    *1 less plasma in mauler tunnels
    *1 less frag at the ramp beside the hog spawns


    Halo 3 Version comparsion: (Quite an old screenshot which I'll update).

    Flag Room shot:
    Kitchen/Lobby shot:

    Mauler Tunnels:

    View from sniper street to rocket street:


    Red Base Front:

    View of outside of rocket street:


    If you guys could rate the fileshare items that would be great :p

    Thanks to: Seasoned Veterans, HaloWheelmen, LLBTB, A unholyturtle.
    Special Thanks: LittleHoundi and WatchGrassGrow for the banners. Yozified, Kirby for playtesting an general feedback and The WorkPlace!

    Thanks for viewing :]

    EDIT: Apprantly my thumbnail didn't post. If a mod could add a thumbnail with the rocket street pic or the first banner that would be great. Thanks.
    #1 x black kn1ght, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2011
  2. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Wow, first great Rats Nest remake I've seen yet. I'm one of the few people who actually love playing Rats Nest, and you definitely did a great job recreating it. Proportions are probably the one thing people make mistakes when remaking maps, and everything looks proportionally accurate.

    Also, I love the Falcon setup there. Adds a little nostalgia from H3 ;)
  3. x black kn1ght

    x black kn1ght Ancient
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    Thanks lol... You had me there for a minute. The first version is there if you just want to run around and look at the map. Version 3 is more for smooth gameplay as I had to remove some pieces such as the Falacon area to help with framerate issues with large groups of players. Seems to be an issue with Forgeworld :[
  4. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    Wow, just wow. I actually considered remaking Rat's Nest, but thought that it would be too big for Forge. Looks like I was wrong, because this is amazingly accurate. It looks really smooth and looks like it would play great, just like the original. My only complaint is the lack of supported gametypes. Do us all a favor and PLEASE add all gametypes to this incredible map, or at least most of them. I'm positive that Territories, Headhunter, Stockpile, Race, Oddball, etc. would work fantasticly on this map. If you do add more gametypes to it, I will declare this the best Reach remake ever made.
  5. x black kn1ght

    x black kn1ght Ancient
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    I intend to add Headhunter, 3plots and Stockpile for sure. I'm waiting until I get some more playtesting done tomorrow night incase I need to move somethings around so I've only got the basic gametypes for now. Then I'll post Relic too ;)

    Also thanks to the mod that updated the pic :]
  6. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Wow this is very an indeed accurate remake. Everything looks like it was, roads seem strangely wider than the original for some reason. Ive also noticed you took out those fun pipes (catwalk sort of) that hang on the walls. Took a little time to think about it, its good that its not there, some one can take a jetpack and fly and camp. So mistake or not, its good its not there. You have also built it in the right place, anybody can easily recognize that wide open sky and the pelican from Halo 3. My only complain is that you should have made a pelican instead of placing a falcon, just for good ol times. Hint: Use the pyramid as the head.
  7. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    okay i have never i maen NEVER thought anyone would make this. i saw the words rats nest, what? so i clicked. and this is awesome. very cool map. but did you remake the pipe system and set it up for infection? also, what is the difference between the aesthetic and gameplay version??
  8. zakrox

    zakrox Forerunner

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    AWESOME!!! dude, you are a great forger! im DLing! i loved this map in h3. keep up the great maps!
  9. x black kn1ght

    x black kn1ght Ancient
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    I could do this but I don't see any point to it as it would requite too much resources and doesn't add to gameplay in a positive way. Besides the Falcon looks better IMO and is only present in the Aesthetic version. I was also running low on objects :[

    I didn't make the pipe system as I don't really have enough objects left to make it so some cuts had to be made for areas that are more significant to gameplay such as the lobby and the bases.

    The aesthetic version is the version that looks the most like the original rats nest with the Falcon structure and a few other pieces.
    The Gameplay version is the version that is optimized for Gameplay. So the Falcon has been removed in this version to help with the framerate and has more supported gametypes. We tested 8vs8 on the aesthetic version and it proved to be laggy which led to this newest version.

    Thanks for the comments.
    If you playtest this and notice any other problems or anything that could be improved let me know.
  10. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Great job with this! Super accurate, and looks even better than the original in my opinion. I also really like the area where sniper spawns much more than the original. Excited to get some games on this in fustoms this week!
  11. LeonVIII

    LeonVIII Ancient
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    is there anyway u can support as much gametypes in the aesthetic version as the gameplay 1? im ok with the lag as long as i can play the gametypes i like lol
  12. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    Oh hai thar BK! Great work as always, I recommend this to any BTB fan. The only problems I found in v1 were some framerate issues (which you have tried to correct already) and the inability to make a jump in the kitchen, but otherwise, fantastic.
  13. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
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    Great job! This is very accurate and it looks great! It is a tad smaller than rats nest but I like that. I feel that the original was a little on the big size anyways so two thumbs up and a download. Did you make it where people cant get to the falcon with a jetpack though?
  14. x black kn1ght

    x black kn1ght Ancient
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    You won't be able to get the Falcon.
    There's a soft kill barrier to warn people that they can't have it and finally hard kill barriers. Hard kill barriers are really there so if someone falls of Rocket Street it doesn't take them 20 seconds falling and another 3-5 seconds respawning.

    The Falcon isn't there in the version that is tailored for competitive 8vs8 play as I found that it affected the framerate.

    You will notice that the "Ring" which is the drivable area of the map is slightly larger than the original. This was to take into account the new vehicle mechanics since the warthog is so much faster now. However it would honestly take me about 5 minutes adjusting this as I've built the map in such a way that I have tolerance to change things like this.

    Anyway thanks for the comments.
    #14 x black kn1ght, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2010
  15. x black kn1ght

    x black kn1ght Ancient
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    Got some action shots for you guys. Thanks to HaloCharts!


    Thanks for all the feedback!
  16. TheSwayzinator

    TheSwayzinator Ancient
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    LOVED this map. Rats Nest is one of my favorite Halo 3 maps and you nailed it. It's scary how exact the layout is. Great work and I look forward to getting some more games on this in the future.
  17. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
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    Rats nest fan so I jumped on the DL. Everything is exactly where it should be and everyone in my group instantly recognised it as rats nest.

    I don't know if it was my imagination though, but it just felt considerably smaller than the original.
  18. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    It looks very close in size to me, except the middle area seems considerably narrower (i.e. the space from one shotgun to the other is a lot less). Otherwise the map looks great. I always loved Rat Race, will have to give this a try.
  19. x black kn1ght

    x black kn1ght Ancient
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    Glad you guys are enjoying it.

    It seems smaller in the middle were the bridge and turret is. I've checked this in Halo with KoTH markers and then I used KoTH markers on this map and it was pretty much the same. I think it appears to be much smaller due to those 1x4 columns as they stick out a bit making it narrower.
    The distance from each wall of the turret is the same. I do have enough overlap that I could make the middle area larger but it would take some time moving both sides back :[
  20. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    This is a very accurate remake! I played a Rats Nest Remake about two weeks ago but it lacked the hard work and accuracy that you put into your map. I love how you managed to keep true to the original and you didnt go off on tangents to include stuff that isn't on the original. Great job and a dl!

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