As much as I hate the assault rifle, I will use it if I'm forced to. The only thing though is that if I whittle someone's shields down to the last little once before they pop, the beat down won't kill them. Sure, I mean, I guess that's not bad; their shields ARE still up. Yet somehow, whenever this happens (it's not too often, but often enough for me to notice), the person will land a melee and drop my shields all the way, and my melee just drops his that last bit. Which generally results in a double beat down. I really wish they would've made it so that in a scenario like this their melee would do less damage so they can't get that kill when they really should have been dead.
Lucky for you, Bungie posted tips on how to win in this scenario in the Weekly Update. "You gotta know when to punch ‘em, know when to shoot ‘em and know when to run…" About half way down the page
I've read it, and as I stated, It's not every time this happens. It's just the times it does that really make me mad. Seriously his or her shields will be like 1/20th of mine and all my melee does is pop that ****? I usually resort to the beat down because I'm out of AR ammo and I'm close. Otherwise a DMR fight is pretty one way, in or against my favor.
@cart0graph, so true @tyler 8 a baby, Well its the new melee system, and it applies to ALL players, so you've probably been able to sneak in a few kills on the opposite end. Plus you know the new melee rules, if they have any shield, don't melee.
Theres no bleed through damage. That means the first beatdown takes down all shields and that is it, the damage doesn't bleed into health like other halos. Then the second beatdown will kill them unless they had no shields to begin with. It does suck.
Man, I love running around with the pistol and beating people to death with the blunt end. I once went on a 8 melee kill streak just beating down elites on Boneyard.
Lol, thats pretty much why I never use the weapon. If people are gay and don't vote I just run around with the magnum or find a DMR.
I hate the AR, that is one of my three only gripes, the others being that if a melee can't kill someone with even 1% shields, shouldn't the same apply to frags? Also that when I go to assasinate someone right when they come out of armor lock, it doesn't kill them
you may not like it, but it makes sense. a punch doesn't do the same damage as a fragmentation grenade..... i mean if we all had personal energy shields, you wouldn't expect a punch to do much damage. you WOULD expect a grenade to though
Thing is when someone has full shield, both a punch and a frag will only take away shields, aka same damage
... A frag will take your whole shield and like half of your health depending on how close it is to you. Frags have bleed through damage, beat downs do not. They don't do the same damage unless you are far enough away where the frag only takes away your shields.
Sigh, not this argument again. To counter this point even though it's senseless, Spartans can flip an upside down tank in to the air. If they hit you in your face, it's going to really hurt, so don't start with the whole 'it's only a melee attack' thing. How exactly a Spartan that can flip a tank can hit someone and not send them flying miles (<3 H3 melees before patch...) is the point where this argument is exposed as senseless: It's not about realism, this is Halo for christ's sake, it's about balance. Validating a decision made for the sake of balance with arguments of realism is flawed at best, especially with a game like Halo that was never built to be a sim.