First strike is after Halo CE... that would be tough. I loved the campaign. However, I thought the ending was weak. I know they rewrote the fall of reach but the ending was not like the ending in the book which is why they may have rewrote it. My brother came up with a badass ending: You see the master chief on the autumn going into a cryo chamber and he says to cortana "wake me when you need me." They should at least have had covenant ships chasing after them like they did in the books and beginning of CE.
Finally finished solo legendary. Pro tip: Plasma Pistol and DMR. Hunters aren't too hard either once you know the dance. How would you guys felt if you played as master chief instead, or saw him alot during the campaign? I would have to go with the latter. And have the legendary ended like the one said where it's like Halo 3's.
I've never liked Master Chief that much. If he was in the game I think I wouldn't enjoy it as much as I did without him.
The first part of First Strike still takes place during the Fall of Reach (battle, not book), and then it leads up to Halo CE.
I don't miss the chief, I'm playin as a spartan so... why would I care which one? I don't understand the longing for more appearances from the chief in this game. We had him for three games, I was ready for a new character I think the campaign was great, and how many times does it need to be said that it has nothing to do with the books? books = not canon. don't want to hear about them, cause 99% of us don't care
I don't miss him either. He was a cool character, but i prefer story. I hated when my friend said that Halo Reach was going to suck because the chief wasn't in it and the helmet didn't look like it, and was like WTF!
I finished the campaign Legendary solo in 12 hours, the hardest mission IMO are Tip of the Spear and Nightfall. All the other ones aren't too bad. The last mission is really not that hard if you- keep a needle rifle handy especially for the last part with the brutes (3 shots for super combine, brutes don't have shields). On the last part with the zealot elites pick up a plasma pistol, there is a DMR inside the building near the entrance. It's also good to have some needle rifle ammo because of the engineer inside that building. Honestly the hardest part of that mission is the hunter fight because of all the skirmishers. Also to the people who said the part with the cannon was challenging. You can just wait for the covenant ship to get ready to fire before getting into the cannon. It won't be destroyed by the phantoms and banshees. In the mean time just stay in cover.
I've only found one data pad but I hear there's one for every level. Reach is FULL of easter eggs. Reach Race Grunt Errera Halsey's Lab all full of lols I'm sure there are more too.
Club Errera was the most epic thing ever. Me and my friend were doing the campaign on co-op normal, and we were looking for the switch for about half an hour, when we realised we had to defend the hospital first. We play campaign from 6:15pm to 1:30am the next morning. Good times.
SPOILERS!!! There were some good missions, but I didn't like how the story had nothing to do with the books, I'm not even sure it fitted in that well with the other games? and what the heck was with cortana? is she meant to be a foreruner AI now or something? I'm not sure why they needed to put that in. I did like how it ended with the start of Halo1 but not really how they did it! Also the elites were pretty dissapointing, they didnt seem big, hard or scary at all. being realistic Nobel team should have all died near the start after being attacked by three elites with energy swords. Granted the elites did get harder towards the end of the game. and they hardly ever said 'wort wort wort!
Beautiful Cinematic; the graphics, atmosphere, voice acting, music, animations, all absolutely amazing. I hope game developers see the work that bungie put into its video-game-cinematography. Then there is the story (and how it was presented)... Dull, no imagination, no risks, I didn't give a **** about ANY of the characters, I never really cared what was going on. One of the main problems the last few Halos (3,odst, reach) have is they lack any sort of introduction. They just jump you into the game assuming you are already attached to all the characters. Why should I care about Carter, or Jun, or Emile, Jorge. Kat opened doors If i remember correctly, but I didnt notice any doors not opening when she died. Who is the Covenant? Why are these aliens attacking? No introduction. No immersion. This goes for the objectives of each level too; I never really understood what i was trying to do except move from area to area blowing up ****. I just had no reason to remember what i was doing. Also since Halo 2, I have wished for a longer campaign and had only have them shorten. The Halo universe is Huge and complicated. A 8.5 hour game, simply cant go into the detail that a story of Halo Reaches magnitude needs to go into. (I beat the game on legendary in 12.3 hours.) Then there is Level-design; Something I noticed appear a few times throughout the halo series (starting from halo 2 and then becoming more frequent in Halo 3, ODST, and now reach) is spaces being designed for reality rather than for good game play. It sounds intelligent to say that realistic environment design leads to more powerful immersion, but this is not always true. Great gameplay is a product of clever, strategic design. it seems at times in the campaign that entire spaces were built without thinking about things like enemy placement, or player movement, combat hotspots, weapon location, or plot objective. Having played through on legendary i noticed that the places i got stuck at usually involved me being in a small place while getting shot at by explosive weapons. Its easy to claim that these situations were intentionally placed to make the game hard. But why then is, say, the rest of the level "run-through-without-dying-able". Wouldn't the level be more consistent in its difficulty? I claim poor level design.
Having recently played the entire halo series in order.. I was able to compare all the games. It not entirely accurate of me to say that Reach had no intros at all, rather information was presentation in a way that made everything seem trivial and unimportant. In halo 1 and 2 most of the characters were introduced in a way, usually showing why they where important to the plot and the gamy mythology. Take Cortana for example. She is first introduced as a disembodied voice first (which she appears to be most of the game). Then we see her as an AI which she exist as in the mythology. She then is shown giving advice to captain keys; this introduces cortanas function within the game. Throughout the first level, Cortana is constantly feeding your advice, occasionally referring to the fact that she was in fact an AI, confirming your understanding of the character. This constant remainder of what she is about, only strengthens the players "relationship" with Cortana as a game character. This is an intro. I don't exclusively mean cutscene intros or intercom-voices narrating the plot. I'm talking about the game itself introducing you to the characters. This sort of introduction is absolutely necessary for characters who play as big of roles as any characters in noble team. I would say even Dr. Halsey deserved more of an intro than she got. Of course Im not suggesting 'that guy who talks when you use the target locator airstrike' should have gotten a glorious entrance. Im think mainly about characters that have any significant affect on the the plot or the game mytho.
Did the same thing on legendary. 2:30 - 2:40 Also, my friend survived for so long that they had to cutscene him.
Crap, i completed Reach campaign but i skipped the largest part of all cutscenes. Now i have to complete it again...
I love the fact that they're telling more about the history of the Halo universe, I hope 343 Industries follows suit. I'd like to see a sequel for ODST(or another ODST game entirely), because in all four Spartan based Halo games, your a walking tank, mowing down waves of enemies. In ODST(the true missions at least), you had to worry about making it out alive. Gameplay from the Marines point of view would be cool, but you'd get mutilated in the first mission, so that's not really that fun. Histories and backstories from previous characters (Like following Sgt. Johnson all the way from Harvest to Halo 3), and filling in plot holes, or just filling in missing bits of the story. I'm actually kind of disappointed from a fanboy point of view. You, being a spartan-III, have about the same power as a Spartan-II. Maybe not as much, but still. Jorge seemed underpowered, and the rest of the squad seemed overpowered. Still, the campaign on Legendary is hard, and I don't want it to be harder, but I'd still like it to be more "realistic", using the term lightly. Has anyone beat the campaign solo on legendary? I'm up to the 4th or 5th, whichever one where you have to destroy the Corvette, I'm stuck on the part where you have to clear the bridge, and there's a ton of invisible assholes with swords.
I agree with Shroomz too. It is also hard when you get in the cannon and have to take down the dropships, its easier, but still hard because they increased the damage for the banshees and the phantoms.