I have recently made a map that is designed for Team games, a variation on Blood Gulch. My problem is that although I have put Hills and Flags into the map, the game says that the map variant isn't compatible with Capture the Flag, King of the Hill or Stockpile game modes. I want to be able to play all these on this map, like you can on Hemorage. Any tips on getting this stuff to work? I have a flag stand with the appropriate team colours at both bases, and hills and neutral flag stands across the map. Any input would be awesome.
Hi Tasty, It's likely you need to go into Forge with the game modes you want to support selected instead of "Basic Editing" once inside, you'll need to change the hills etc to "Game specific" and change the object tags to the game it needs to support. KoTH would be: KoTH_Hill
I'm gonna delete this thread because I literally just figured that very thing out. ^ ^;; Thanks for the input though dude.
Hi Tasty, I too have done a map which is a variation of the canyon which blood gulch/hemorrage is based within. I would be interested in seening some pictures if you have posted any? With regards to your question. You have to access your map in each of the required game modes to create objects specific to that game type as oposed to opening forge in 'Basic Editing' Once you have done that you can place objects that you want to be specific to that game type, weapons, vehicles etc.... If you need anymore help add my GT, were both in the UK so I'm sure we will both be on at some point.
What you're going to have to do is go throgh each game mode, and edit the objective objects (a new one for each mode) and make sure you have all the required forge objects, see thread linked below. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-forge-discussion/105195-required-forge-objects-guide.html
Good call Armadillo, Funnily enough I was just looking for that on the Bungie forum, I hadnt realised it was over here too.
Thanks to a little help from bungie.net and you guys, my map now has full functionality with every game mode apart from Invasion. Gotta say I'm pleased.