Townsville (Township-based Infection Map) Townsville Two years ago a Halo 3 map was posted on Forgehub by a fellow named Somethingggg. This infection map was called Township and was all about scavenging weapons, holding off against the zombies in little one-room buildings using temporary barricades, and required plenty of teamwork for the humans to survive as long as possible. Today I bring to you a preview of my map that I based heavily on Somethingggg's Township. It's a little city in the coliseum of Forge World, with 10 or so little buildings for you to choose from. None of the buildings are identical, so I hope that eventually people who play this map can come up with some call-outs for the different places. A few buildings, like in the original, have no objects to barricade, but those that can be barricaded, there are either human crates, covenant crates, or die for you to use. Just like in Real Zombies on Township, humans will spawn with plasma pistols and have 2 minutes to find some better weapons and prepare for the zombie attack. Then, they'll have to try to survive the remaining 5 minutes. This game is best played with a big party, of 12 or more players. Here is an overview of the map: And here are some of the buildings that you can hold off in: Would anyone like to help test this map and perhaps help me think of a more proper name for it?
i never got the chance to play the city with more than 7 players so sign me up im also making a map like this (but it turned out to be a mess. GT: Julenissen666
This looks great! I once played Township for 3 hours straight with a bunch of friends at 1 in the morning and never got bored. I'll test with you. Gamertag: Vigilante ZT
Does want. I'll help testing it with my friends if you want. I showed my friends township and they loved it so I'm sure they'll enjoy testing this out now. Please make sure there's a gametype for it though :/ GT: Em0srawk
the structure look very halo/reach ish so name it like the fall of reach or new mombosa or something lol .... anyways i love city ish map cant wait to test this out with some mad infection
I haven't played a proper game on it yet but I loaded it up to check out the map and have already discovered something, LOADOUT CAMS! You need to place some in. Although I never got the chance to be a human, I think the spare clips are an issue. Almost immediately (a few seconds into the game) my friend said 'oh wow I've found a full ammo shotgun' the point of infection maps is the absence of much ammo. Also, is there any hidden weapons? In Township there was a hidden sniper rifle I didn't see until about 5/6 games in.
I placed loadout cams in, several for each team, set to the sequences corresponding to the rounds, and for some reason they don't all work. I gave some weapons more clips after many complaints from people there weren't enough ammo in the weapons. I originally had put very limited ammo in the easy-to-find weapons, but through playing it, I received many complaints that it was difficult to find the weapons. There are plenty of hidden weapons, including the sniper rifle hanging above the gun store, a shotgun hanging above another building, a dmr sitting on a cable connecting two buildings, magnums underneath mongooses, and more. I played several rounds with a full party, and believe me, the full ammo shotgun doesn't mean game over for the zombies. I could always go back and fix things, although I might not be online for a while.
I meant including less ammo. Also, after playing with my friends I found that some of the doors are racist/specist, they are designed to only just fit a crouching Spartan and therefore any player who is an Elite can't fit in there.
I understood that quite clearly. Play with a party of 12 or more players and those extra clips are necessary. I played a couple rounds with 15 others and even then they ran out of ammo or died long before the rounds were over. With less than that recommended amount of players, yes, the extra ammo could easily be a problem, but this game is meant to be played with a big party. I should have put the recommended amount of players in the OP I suppose, but this is not the official map post. The city is intended for humans. If I could, I would restrict the gametype to Spartans only, but alas, I cannot. Making the crouch buildings accessible to the Elites would adversely make those buildings much less useful for the humans to hold out in. MODERATORS PLEASE CLOSE THIS THREAD. THANK YOU.