Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rolfero, Sep 26, 2010.

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  1. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
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    I'm not sure if this carries on into custom game mode, but if you set a weapon to fixed in forge, pick it up, and then drop it again, it will float, block players and you won't be able to pick it back up.

    To fix this, place the weapon (fixed) in the position you want it, pick it up and drop it, then change the dropped weapon to normal and it will respawn in the fixed position without actually taking on the fixed properties.
    #21 Chan, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2010
  2. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    OI! Where is my name added to this post since it was me that found both of these lol.

    Also, you get varying shades of green depending on where the object is in relation to the tree. I'm not imaginative enough to see how this could be useful though...
  3. Vicious3745

    Vicious3745 Ancient
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    Couldn't you make a conveyer belt with one way shields, placing them at an angle to propel players horizontally?

    ... Are objects not affected by shield doors? D=
  4. Rolfero

    Rolfero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for all the input. 10 total tips 'n' tricks so far. Going to work on expanding the WATER INFORMATION list soon, don't worry.
    Also, please ask for credit if you come up with something on the list and I'll add it if I feel it's not something anyone would've thought up. For example, a lot of people thought about the One-Way Lift.

    Love, Rolfero.
  5. Norbo11

    Norbo11 Forerunner

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    Well, i made a thread 2 days ago, nobody really replied to it, but maybe people will look at it if its as a tip on this thread. I really think it would help out alot of people, because i heard many forgers whining about this.
  6. pred10122

    pred10122 Ancient
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    That is so incredibly helpful! You just saved me sir.
  7. Drew Baye

    Drew Baye Forerunner

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    No offense, but my four year old figured out how to do this on his own so I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people out there who didn't hear it from you figure it out and write about it.

    Added after 4 minutes:

    Don't apologize. With the number of people Forging the odds are a lot of people are going to discover the same things totally independently of one another.

    If you figure out something cool, share it. If someone else gets their panties all bunched up over it that's their problem.
    #27 Drew Baye, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2010
  8. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    Can you or anyone clarify, what if I want the object to look a certain way (like flat against a wall) because the way you seem to be saying this works it that the weapon will now spawn in the place it was dropped. Or am I just mis-interpreting this?
  9. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    In forge, position the weapon how you want it and set it to 'fixed'. Go into play mode, pick it up, and then drop it. It should be floating now. Now, without picking up the weapon in forge mode, change the dropped weapon to 'normal' and restart the round. It should spawn in the position you initially put it in.

    Note: phasing another object into it will cause it to fall at the start of the round.

    Happy forging.
    #29 Chan, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2010
  10. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    Thank you so much, this should defnitely be added to the tips 'n tricks. I'll be using this for my map, in the many multitude of places with fixed weapon spawns
  11. Em0srawk

    Em0srawk Forerunner

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    Firstly, this should be stickied. Secondly, I have some things to say (sorry if these have already been said, I only read the OP):
    - Vehicles are only effected by one way shield doors if there's someone in them
    - I've done an investigation into fall damage, I didn't do much but could possibly do more: Click here!!!
  12. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    How supportive :p

    Anyways, GREAT list! I'm so glad you posted this for those people (including myself) who don't have the time to mess around in forgeworld.

  13. SirPalesAlot

    SirPalesAlot Forerunner
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    About the shield door part. I was constructing a race map and was trying to make the landing for a large jump just right. Using the shield door perpendicular to the landing ramp tends to slow you down almost to a crawl. I wanted the drivers to maintain as much of the speed they had as possible. After messing with the one way shield doors for a while I found a way to make it where someone could land a large jump even at a bad angle and not lose all their speed due to the shield door. The trick to it is making the angle of the shield door right. If you angle the door enough, it will actually not only slow you down, but it can change the angle at which you are traveling (not in a major way, but only enough to save you from wrecking).

    Examples of angle changes and what they do are:

    If you want the vehicle to be thrown straight to the ground, angle the shield door with the top in the direction the driver is coming from. ___\___

    If you want to create a soft landing for someone doing a jump while moving at high speed all you have to do is angle the shield door in the opposite way listed above. ___/___

    Depending on the angle that you use you will get different speeds at which it slows you down while forcing you to the ground or softening your landing.

    When I say it softens your landing I mean that it decreases two of your speeds rather than just one. It decreases your forward speed of course, but it also decreases your falling speed. So when your wheels hit the surface you do not bounce.

    Also to be noted, if you are moving fast enough, sometimes you may have to place more than one shield door to get the desired results. These shield doors most of the time do not need to be at the same angle, but they should be decreasing or increasing angles in the series (decreasing or increasing depending on what results you want to achieve).

    There are some other things to be mentioned about the affects the one way shield doors have on vehicles but it would be better to show them with a video...Which right now, I can not do.

    Sorry that post was so long, pictures would have been easier to describe it. I have a map with a demonstration on it if anyone wants to check it out I will be glad to show soon as I get off of work that is. lol
  14. Rolfero

    Rolfero Ancient
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    If this is supposed to make a weapon spawn at a certain spot, then fall to the ground and be pick-uppable and stuff, you can just place a weapon in the air with the fixed properties, release it, look at it and pressing x and from there change the properties to normal.
    If this is not what its supposed, to do, like if its supposed to float, be pickuppable, dont float when you throw it away, and stuffs then please explain better on how to do it. I am unable to replicate the results.

    Edit: I am testing submitted tips and tricks and they will be added soon.
    #34 Rolfero, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2010
  15. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    About the weapon spawning, it is only a fix during that forge round. When you reset the weapon to normal without picking it up, when it spawns next, it falls to the floor (at least for me).

    To do floating weapons you have to put an object as a base, place a normal weapon lying on top of it, then delete the base object. This is how the sword in countdown is floating. The only thing is that when the weapon is shot, or a grenade hits in the proximity it will fall, just like the sword in countdown. But now at least the weapon will act normally.
  16. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    To make weapons float, all you have to do is use the method I posted on the second page.
  17. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
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    Many people may know about this, but I'll post it anyway. Grids can be stood on just like regular floors. It can make for nice aesthetics, if used right.
  18. Rolfero

    Rolfero Ancient
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    Chan, may you please explain in more detail how to do it. I can't get it to work in custom games.
    FlamingArmadillo, I'll check out that, 2 sec...
  19. jcboston69

    jcboston69 Forerunner

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    I don't know if/how the trick works, but it's pretty obvious from the pic that the man cannon and the object aren't really in contact. Next time try spawning the man-cannon with the energy flow at nearly a right angle to the object and you might be able to claim to have disproven something, that is if the object didn't splatter you.
  20. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
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    I don't know if anyone has said this but you can survive a heavy fall by crouching nearly right when you hit the ground. It is very hard and unreliable but I've survived jumping off the Spire.
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