The Waterworks This aged structure once served Rome's citizens but has since lain empty for millenia. by: Iron Tusk 1 Download: [The Waterworks Download: Conquest V2 Best Size Party: *4v4 (8) *5v5 (10) *6v6 (12) ________ The waterworks is a conquest map made from Shock theta's 1v1 Showdown map Aqueduct. There are Five Territories on the map making for fast paced, run and gun action. It takes 10 seconds to capture one and while you capture the first few, you arm yourself to the brim. At the center point the two teams meet and its a fight for the extra territory.Second, there is a teleporter that will bring you to the enemies’ teleporter box. The teleporter box is a box on the enemies’ side that allows one person to go in via teleporter and this person can attack the enemies as they got down their hallway. There is no way to escape the teleporter box other than death so make sure you keep some grenades to kill yourself in case you run out of ammo. The weapon arsenal in this map includes the following weapons for each team: 1 Sniper Rifle 45sec. respawn 2 Spikers 30sec. respawn 2 Plasma Rifles 30sec. respawn 1 Needler 45sec. respawn 1 Brute Shot 45sec. respawn 1 Carbine 30sec. respawn 2 Spike Grenades 10sec. respawn 1 Battle Rifle 30sec. respawn neutral weapons: 1 Brute Shot 60sec. respawn not at start 1spike Grenade 30sec. respawn not at start ________ Conquest pictures 1st & 2nd Territories 3rd & 4th Territories here you see the tele-box in action in the distance you see the tele-door 5th Territory I like to call this last one "Blood Fog" _______ don't Forget to Down Load The Waterworks ANDConquest V2 Now with more killing. STAMPED WITH LIGHTOUST225’s SATISFACTION GUARANTEE OR YOUR DL BACK. (Yeah I went there Lights... I went there) ________ Do you pine for more Conquest? Faction The Cellars Indiana Wine 10 Paces & Turn Echo Terminal Vertkwest Deterioration Zion Cabbage Patch The Cathedral Harvest Installation 06 Cliff Hanger Traction Deep Freeze
Aaah you butchered it! Jk man, glad you could expand a 1v1 map into a conquest one. Wait till Shock sees this, lol. Anyways I like the tele door, that is a good way to hide the teleporter.
I actually contacted shock while I was building this to get his consent. He was in a lot of the testing also. The map it's self is set up for all game types except: Zombies and VIP. EDIT: I fix the link also
I looked at the first pic and i said to myself, "This looks a hell of a lot like adequte" Then i read everything. Anyway, awesome looking map. I like how you turned it into a team game from a 1v1 map.
Yeah every time I loaded it to test every one was like "THIS IS SHOCK'S MAP YOU STOLED IT, MEAH(this is a loud angry grunt noise)!" and I would have to explain it to them during the game. I did the tele-doors because I wanted to have some cool Aesthetic's in the map, plus tele's just look ugly some times.
Man this looks awesome. I mean Shocks was awesome to but it I personally like 4v4 ,rather than 1v1 maps and this one delivers. A DL for me.
what are you talking about? personally this map looks great and it looks like you expanded shocks 1 vs 1 map very well for more than 4 players. great job looks like fun and competitive.
Beautiful, simply marvelous, I might have to steal the tele dorr though! No really, that is a great idea.
Great job on creating another great Conquest. It flows great for the gametype. I love the sniper battles from the corners. That's a great way to occupy time in the middle of the round. People say Conquest is all about he final crucial 30 seconds anyway, so it works out perfectly.
I'm going to post it tomorrow on so make sure to leave comments if you want. ________ Try the map before you bash it please. ________ thanks Pred. I thought about putting cover in the Halls but it would take away a lot from the map and it was not as fun with it. P.S. did you notice that you were the one making the Blood Fog?
Great job with this map, plays really nicely. The stand-off in the corridor is awesome if you possess the mighty Sniper. Or Needler. Or Brute Shot. Or BR. : ) It kinda looks like my map though... wait, did you steal my map!? >: ( : D
Oh noes!1! the cops are after me now, why Shock WHY?!?!? I'm glad everyone is liking it so far. If any of you want to play some conquest or stuff and junk send me some inv's or Fr if ya want GT:Iron Tusk 1
Yeh i saw the disclaimer... i don't know who LIGHTSOUST225 is but when I find him I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind about stealing my Satisfaction Guarantee. Lol looks good Iron, I loved Aqueduct and I'm glad to see it expanded upon. I'll be back.
He also supports Tarantula Tower... Coincidence? I just don't know anymore. I just don't know. neutral assault is very fun and so is oddball if any of you get tired of Conquest.