Object respawning issue.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Aramis, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. Aramis

    Aramis Forerunner

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    Could someone help me with one issue I'm having while forging as I'm not such pro Forger :D
    I have one map in progress that is KotH variant where players are on plate that is the hill and it's in the air.. the objective would be to get enemy off from the platform and so conquering the hill while the are man cannons around the platform that shoots out objects that are supposed to distract and push player of from the platform.

    So the real issue is that I'm able to put objects so that they spawn example on/in front of the man cannon and then fly across the plate, and when they drop off from the plate they spawn after little time back on/in front of the man cannon so that they can be launched again?.. (Hopefully I explained it clear enough :DD)

    As I'm having problems on it.. if I put example Fusion coil there and put it in Normal state in launches as it is supposed to and the explode.. but after the spawn time it spawns in the place where it exploded..

    If someone would tell me I would be grateful..
  2. cj822

    cj822 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    put those objects there as "phased" or "fixed" and let go of them, then after you do that, just change the object back to "normal" without grabbing it. This did work for me.
  3. Aramis

    Aramis Forerunner

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    Thanks.. got to try that out

    Added after 1 4 minutes:

    In my case it seems not to work.. I placed Medium Rock 1 in front of Heavy Man Cannon in phased (Spawn at start: False, 10 sec respawn time) and after that without grabbing it as you said oped the Object options and switched it to normal but it won't budge.. just remains hovering in the air ignoring the man cannon. And if I grab again it will ofc launch from the cannon but it won't respawn back after falling off from the platform in to the water..

    I first thought that it was because I was in forge and saved the map and tested it out in Custom, but it still remains hovering in the air even when it is normal..
    #3 Aramis, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2010
  4. cj822

    cj822 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    oh, well the medium rocks are always a "solid" objects.. objects like fusion coils you can do though and crates. Do you know what I mean?
  5. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    I'm 90% sure on this solution.

    What you need to do is essentially the same thing you did in Halo 3 with the fusion coil minefields. You have a fixed object right below where you want the flying object to spawn, then you lay the normal (instead of phased/fixed) flying object right where you want it to spawn so that its stationary on the fixed object you placed earlier. Then once the flying object is stationary on that temporary platform, you can delete the fixed object below it, and there you go (for ultimate safety, start a new round before deleting the fixed object.)

    Hope this helps, if it does please confirm, because as I said I'm not 110% on this.
  6. Aramis

    Aramis Forerunner

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    I see.. Well I was wondering about that it was because of the rocks itself too.. but what could then be a good object for that same purpose then that would fly..
    And got to try that fixed object method.. ty for tips :D
  7. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Rocks arent movable objects. Sadly, forgeworld has a massive lack of movable objects. The best objects that are movable are listed in the "Scenery" category in the menu list. Crates are the biggest items you could launch. Hover them in the air on FIXED/PHASED then deselect them, access their properties without picking the item up and set their properties to NORMAL (As stated above) that way, they spawn where you place them and fall as normal.
  8. Aramis

    Aramis Forerunner

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    Yeah I realised that too.. It's just as I said: I'm not so experienced forgerer so I didn't know that at first. Thanks advice.. need to try those crates then as they are good sized for that purpose too :D

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