Not letting you in as your seriusly new and the one on minecraft forums was another one as i clearly said i took the concept.... this isnt the one..... and u created an account just to join. Sorry. Added after 27 minutes: SandStorm arena was added to minos. Sandstorm! The game in a game! - Minecraft Forum - Official Minecraft Forums Added after 4 Hours 55 minutes: We had a great run today, new city need ms to post here. Made a highway to gooses town. Mongoose u think u can get an updated carto as much was added.... Seriously. Btw check out the sandstorm game link. There is a arena in the town to play, u can also bet . anyone want to play me?
Me and Vince Noir bought a town today (Lunar Scandal) It's an island pretty far out in the bay. How I'm thinking of organizing real estate is (and I haven't talked to Vince about this) is to have six random plots where you wanna place them, and be able to extend the house past the edge of the island. Costs will run from 5 to 10 g per plot, but you could purchase multiple plots if you want, also prices can be up for negotiation, as well as bartering can be an option to pay for property. Umm, I can't think of much else, tell me if I'm missing anything Jay.
Yeah Randle, that sounds good for real estate purposes, as long as I can build my sheriffs office so I can be Andy Griffith. Yeah Jay, we have a public mine, a public pier, and a Friendly Sheriff (Me) Added after 51 minutes: I thought this was supposed to go on at 1 central?
So I'm curious Jay, am I allowed to purchase a second town? I'm only asking because both me and Howard own Lunar Scandal, and with the new damage added I'd like to start a game-based town. I'll describe later, but I would like a second town, if it means transferring lunar scandal mayor license to Howard, that's fine. They'd also be pretty close in proximity and I was gonna make a roadway between the two. EDIT: I read up on the rules, and apparently you need to be a king to make two towns I suppose I can petition to be one? I've only been a mayor shortly, but with the new damage, I have some great ideas I'd like to be put into place.