The H2 remakes are terrible.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Chan, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
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    All three of the Halo 2 remakes are awful to play, especially pinnacle.

    In most cases on Pinnacle, blue team will get their hands on all the power weapons and both snipers, and camp at their tower. Usually I get stuck on red team, so I lose almost every game on that map. Not to mention the horrible spawns make it easier to camp.

    Reflection is just a campfest. I know it was that way with Halo 2 but it seemed to work better than it does with Reach. Maybe it's just me?

    Asylum isn't too bad. It's definitely the most tolerable of the three. If they got rid of all the hiding spots near and above the sniper spawn, it would be just fine. It's too easy for someone to camp there and snipe, and then run away when attacked.
  2. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Strange you say this, considering geometry-wise, Sanctuary/Asylum is the one that has changed the most. Players are much more exposed now, compared to the Halo 2 version.

    And the tower is only popular on Reflection because everybody wants to get the power weapons to the safest place, if you don't patrol around there, then you won't feel like all the action goes on there. I tend to control the shotgun ramp, and the air lift next to it.

    And Pinnacle was never really a hardcore competative map in the first place. I mean it became popular out of the custom 'tower of power' gametype, which was SWAT with shotguns, and basicly narrowed down to a prehistoric game of infection. It won't be long before this map is tweaked or just removed from Arena.
  3. Atik

    Atik Ancient
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    I've actually been planning on 'fixing' Pinnicle (Seriously, a whole half of the map has been turned 45 degrees!) and Asylum. I agree; I love Hemorage, Zealot, Spire, and Boardwalk. But the other maps just plain suck.
  4. Vicious3745

    Vicious3745 Ancient
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    Funny, i absolutely hate Pinnacle and Asylum, both provide no cover, i feel they're just places to get shot at while having your way with your target. You can never get a private moment, ya know?

    Meanwhile, i actually considered reflection to be the best map in reach. I love hemmorhage, but you can blame that on old school nostalgia and a fetish for vehicles. I really feel that Reflection plays a totally new and exciting way with armor abilities, where as the other three remakes seems to just make them a hassle.
  5. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
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    Ah I completely forgot about Hemmorhage.

    Yeah, Bungie needs to fix Pinnacle soon.

    I wouldn't say Reflection is broken, it's just not a map I like much, but Asyum needs to be changed to keep snipers from camping so easily.
  6. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Are we talking about the same Pinnacle? You do know Pinnacle is a remake of Ascension, don't you?

    I just looked at overhead shots of both maps and was surprised at how close they were! The only real difference is the area around the sniper rifle furthest from the base and even then its not like that ruins the map!

    Anyway, Chan, most of your complaints seem to be an issue with the maps, that is to say, those things were in the originals. Ivory Tower nearly always had players at the top of the lift and the inclusion of jet packs probably makes that less of an issue.
    And I remember grabbing the Rockets on Ascension then teleporting to grab the shotgun.
  7. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Don't be hating Halo 2. I personally love Pinnacle. I feel like Im playing Halo 2 with upgraded weapons and graphics. Though that may sound like a different game, it doesn't to me. Hemmorage is a F**king sniper heaven. Asylum is not that great, compared to Halo 2. I feel like they just rushed it and it just doesn't have that old feel. Its kinda funny for me. When Halo 2 was dying, Sancutary was my last map I played on. First day I got reach asylum. LOLZ. Reflection made me hate Ivory Tower forever. Everytime I've played it, they just camp at the elevator. Zealot is the shittest map they could ever make. Swat is the most played gametype on that map. Even Halowaypoint showed everyone what they should do on Zealot. Camp in the gravity zone. Easy Kills = Shitty Gameplay. Countdown, way to small. Boardwalk, nothing against it. Love it. Its just f**kingg retarded that they made 13 maps.

    2 of them are for invasion/invasion slayer only
    4 of them are on Forgeworld
    4 of them are remakes

    I'm gonna need about 5 Map Packs Bungie.
  8. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    IMO, Hemmorhage is too big. Also, Team Snipers on Hemmorhage is too imbalanced. The only posssible place the blue team can go for cover is their cave. Red Team pretty much controls the whole map.

    Asylum is great, it plays well and stays true to the original design.

    Pinnacle sucks. Blue team always gets all the power weapons and pushes red team back to their tiny little tower.

    (Not really on topic, but) The Cage sucks. Everyone just camps cliffside and the only two paths to get there have zero cover whatsoever.

    Reflection is okay, but most people still just go to the top of the elevator and camp.

    (Again, not really on topic) Paradiso automatically becomes "Get to the top of the mountain and dominate."
  9. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Thats what the other map was, i totally forgot about pasidiso. I like it, but he pretty much explained why ^^^^. I know this is off topic.

    The Cage isn't really good either. Bungie put like what:

    A Sniper
    Grenade Launcher
    Plasma Launcher

    Thats alot for a small 3v3 map. Honestly, we need better maps.

    If you hate the remakes, get some friends and ask them to veto all the remakes. I know its sounds hard but trust me, its the only thing I can think of other than return the game. If you don't like, don't buy it. Just like Black Ops.
    #9 Devil95, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2010
  10. Atik

    Atik Ancient
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    Bull. Looking from the sniper tower in Ascension you can clealy look straight ahead at the other tower. I even popped in Halo 2 and checked this.

    Pinnicle has moved tghe towers around so they are closer, which leaves the landing pad nearly unused.
  11. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    the cage is one of my favorite maps! i'm surprised to hear this sentiment. I do play a lot of FFA though so maybe I haven't experience in inequities of the map.

    in fact, it surprises me how much people can whine about such an awesome game. there are things I don't like, but I guess I don't enjoy bitching about them in paragraph long tirades. I don't feel the need. I believe no matter what number/type of maps bungie put with this game, you'd all be here bitching about some aspect of it. am i wrong?
  12. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    I don't have an issue with any map except Pinnacle. I'm not sure if it was the same in Halo 2 but I feel like there is an angle on you every where you go. No place to hid and recharge your shields. I don't really have any fundamental issues with it, I just think it shouldn't be used in Arena play (which is where the map shows up the most for me)
  13. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Ancient

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    I'm surprised! I think they are good. The main reason you hate them is because Bungie carried over their bad spawning skills into Halo Reach. That is 3 games they screwed up on. I agree with the spawning thing, but the maps aren't bad remakes and I think I made your point on how you think the maps are terrible.
  14. RehnX

    RehnX Ancient
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    Ivory Tower was one of my favorite maps in H2, that being said, its biggest problem is weapon layout, something Bungie didn't bother improving on at all.

    And is actually more broken by the loss of working OV.
  15. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    So what you're saying is the Sniper Tower is directly opposite the other tower in Ascension and that Bungie rotated one of the towers 45 degrees around the map?


  16. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
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    Yeah, I agree that I'm being completely biased against Reflection, but Pinnacle needs to be fixed, there is no other way around it. It's the most unbalanced map I have ever played, and it's probably due to Reach's awful spawn system.

    A few times I've been playing Hot Potato on The Cage and Boardwalk, and the enemy team would be huddled around the ball in a bubble shield, it would blow up and kill them all, and then they would all respawn right next to the new ball.

    Sometimes I'll be shooting a lone enemy and his whole team will spawn around him and save his ass.

    Awful awful spawns.
    #16 Chan, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2010
  17. Atik

    Atik Ancient
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    Okay, now I see where I am getting this illusion.

    Go ahead and take a walk on Ascension and you will see what I see. From Sniper, you peer right into the tower.

    But now I can see that they shrunk the map and brought in in too close for this to be the case.

    Either way, wht have killed LoS. What was once a great map is now a sad veto.

    Being I entered Halo in H2, it feels wrong everytime I have to veto Reflection or Pinnical.

    And now Damn Forge World doesn't even have the tools to remake my beloved backwash. *sigh* I really hope I can eventually get a job at 343 Industries and fix this downhill trend.
  18. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    The geometry is practically identical. The models for the parts that are in Forgeworld are pulled from Halo 2 files, the base geometry is the same. If you see past the different illusions of height in both pictures, you can see that the distances are pretty much spot on. Besides, far far more changes have been made to gameplay mechanics, so even if the map was identical you would still have drastic change. Your arguement is really counter-intuitive.
  19. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i thoroughly agree. i dont mind asylum too much, but i cant stand the rest. especially hemorrhage and reflection.
  20. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    I'm glad that they're replacing the Scorpions on Hemorrage with Wraiths. That way it's easier to get out of the spawn-lock.

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