Final Run (Invasion)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rigest, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
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    This is my first Invasion map and I really hope I'm on the right track. I spend a lot of time building this and really learned a lot about Invasion. The problem with Invasion is that you have to test it with at least 10 to 12 people. I really hope that after this preview there will be people who want to help testing this map :) .

    Welcome to your Final Run.





    Phase 1

    The Spartans spawn at a beach with only the infiltrator load out (sniper and active camo). They have to sneak in to the Covenant base and claim it by capturing a territory. The Elites spawn in the base with a sword and evade (and one plasma nade).


    When the Spartans take over the base the barricade at the garage dissappears and phase two starts.


    Phase 2

    The next objective is to blow up the power of a Covenant sattelite. The Spartans can choose their favorite Warthog or mongoose to make it into a car bomb. The bomb and all the other hogs try to get across the bridge. Kudos to Cannonball whose bridge is still way prettier than mine.

    The Elites get two revenants and on the bridge lies a focus rifle and a plasma launcher.


    Phase 3

    When the satelitte is destroyed the battlefield changes to the powerstation on the mountain. Two falcons and two banshees will spawn or you can choose to use the teleport. The Spartans have to steal the powercore and secure it at the bridge.


    I hope that the gameplay in the different phases has as much variety as I hoped for. So if you're interested in testing or maybe even help forging (I really have trouble getting the spawns right) let me know!


    Final Run
    Final Run Invasion gametype
    #1 Rigest, Sep 28, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2010
  2. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    When the Tester's guild reopens soon, you can submit it for testing and get feedback.

    Also, the human vehicles shouldn't be lined up so much. An enemy can just camp there and destroy them, causing a huge advantage. Spread the vehicles about the human base areas.
  3. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
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    Tnx for your tip on the Tester's guild, will definitily keep it in mind. As for your other tip on the garage, I don't really know if that's necassarily. First off there's a shield door (you can't see it in the picture) and if you want to get there you have to walk all the way around trough the base. Second off the Elites only spawn with one plasma grenade, so they can't do a lot of damage. Will keep it in mind though and if testing proves that your right I'll change it :)
    #3 Rigest, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2010
  4. shidarin

    shidarin Forerunner

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    Or do a 1 way shield and have the humans spawn in the garage. Sounds like that might already be in place though.

    If the Elites can't do much damage to the hogs- how are the elites supposed to defend against the hogs with 1 plasma grenade?

    Other things:

    In the first screenshot, the initial spawns look a little forced. Players seem to spawn right where you want them to hang out, removing freedom from the player. Is there a way you can spawn them where they won't be shot at- but have multiple paths to choose from?

    In the second screenshot I'm seeing a ramp that doesn't go all the way to the ground, probably causing people to caught/disrupting flow. Unless you're at 0 budget, try to iron out a lot of those edges so that people CAN'T get caught even if they try.

    Finally, I'm not seeing much gameplay benefit from the custom game type VS normal invasion. I'm not saying the game settings need to be more custom- rather saying maybe remove the custom aspects all together.
  5. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
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    Thanks for your comment and feedback shidarin. To clarify your point about the Elites loadout, that's only the loadout in the first phase. In the second phase they get plasma pistol and more nades in each loud out. Also there will spawn 2 fuel rod guns, 2 revenants and a ghost.

    Good eye on the ramp, indeed a bit sloppy. Although I indeed have zero budget left, I'll sell something to make that smooth. In the second screenshot you see that the "power cable" has a blue light and some plasma batteries. Do you think that really adds something? Because that costed me like 500.

    About the initial spawn I don't really think you can judge that from this screenshot, I'll make a better one. But there are 4 entrances in to the base and you have a lot of cover. Besides the Elites only have sword so they probably won't go outside because in open areas camo + sniper = win.

    About not using a custom gametype I'm afraid that's not possible. Since I have to set the gametype and duration for each phase. Also the bomb carrier can now drive so that you actually have the feeling of a car bomb. It's really cool because instead of arming it you jus thave to ram in and everything will explode instant =D.
    #5 Rigest, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2010
  6. Crock

    Crock Ancient
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    I would suggest taking away ALL of the aesthetic stuff that doesn't change game play, and fix everything that's wrong, once you fix everything use the left over budget to make something aesthetic, oh, and I will help you forge if you want me to (my xbox should be back by the 5th or 6th)
  7. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
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    Apparantly a friend of mine sneaked into a forge session while I was afk. He then hid a weapon stack and a tank (the hiding place was pure genius though) so he could abuse it later -_-'. Anyway, I fixed the ramp and added rocks nexct to the bridge. This way the bigger vehicles (warthogs and revenants) have to take the bridge, but the mongooses and ghost can go through the rocks. I'll upload a new version as soon as I have figured out the spawns. Oh and crock you can add me, my GT is RIgest.
  8. Crock

    Crock Ancient
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    Your friend sounds like a genius! And I am definitely playing this if I get some friends to play it on.
  9. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Some more screenshots to give you guys a better idea about the map's layout.

    The beach where the Spartans spawn, they have four ways to enter the Covenant base.

    The Spartans have blown up the power cable of the sattelite.

    The base in the hills where the core is held.

    Just a few more steps to victory!

    Added after 16 Hours 51 minutes:

    Still looking for testers people! Let me know if you're interested and if you're not, let me know why not and what I should change!
    #9 Rigest, Oct 7, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2010

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