I have a synth, but I also play piano, acoustic guitar and banjo, I need to get a midi for the synth and piano though and then I can for sure play
I can sing, but I learned how to sing by singing along to Beatles and John Lennon songs over the course of four years. Once your voice is trained to John Lennon, low notes become bitches.
And what is that supposed to mean. This will probably end up like A Song for Chi, the bassist for the Deftones. A bunch(I mean a BUNCH) of people got together and collaborated to make an awesome song. We could put it on itunes and use the money to help support Forgehub, because let's be honest, who wants to donate hard earned money to charity nowadays.
How do you get songs onto iTunes anyway? But yeah, iTunes, CDs, Rock Band Network, Guitar Hero (My neighbor's dad is friends with the executive producer of Guitar Hero, soooo...), YouTube. There are tons of possibilities.
I don't know, Apple sucks ****, but i think you could just send them an email. There's a bunch of people that aren't signed on to record labels that are on iTunes.