How to set up Gametypes This guide shows you how to set up your map for a specific gametype. Simply jump to each section and follow the steps. This is just a basic guide on how to get your map playable for specific gametypes. If you have any advanced requests, feel free to message me. Assault Spoiler Once completing your map, you will need to save your map and exit Forge. Stay in the forge lobby and change the gametype from "Basic Editing" and select Assault > Neutral Assault. I recommend Neutral Assault as it is a symmetrical gametype. Place your objectives in the desired locations and do the following: Hover over the item and bring up the properties menu and select "Advanced" Select Spawn Sequence and set it to anything above 0 (I havent experimented using negative numbers) Select Gametype Specific and set it to TRUE (This will mean the objective will spawn only for the gametype you set it for, meaning when playing Team Slayer, you won't randomly have a bomb detonation point looking mildly out of place) Select Label and choose any one of the following Labels: Assault, as_bomb, as_goal, as_res_zone, as_res_zone_away. The Labels are pretty self explanatory. As_Bomb, is the Bomb Spawn, As_Goal, is the detonation point etc... Points to consider: Using the base tag in any gametype, you can specify ANY object to be enabled specifically for that gametype. In the Assault gametypes, you might want the players to have access to certain vehicles. Set the item to gametype specific, and set their label to the Assault label and it will only spawn for assault gametypes. You can further this by setting its type to Asymmetrical, Symmetrical or Both depending on what type of match you want the vehicle to be available for. You don't HAVE to label a new starting point for each gametype on the map. If you do want to dedicate a specific starting point though, again, use the Base Gametype label so Reach knows it's specifically there for that gametype. Capture The Flag Spoiler Once completing your map, you will need to save your map and exit Forge. Stay in the forge lobby and change the gametype from "Basic Editing" and select Capture The Flag > Multiflag. Place your objectives in the desired locations and do the following: Hover over the item and bring up the properties menu and select "Advanced" Select Spawn Sequence and set it to anything above 0 (I havent experimented using negative numbers) Select Gametype Specific and set it to TRUE (This will mean the objective will spawn only for the gametype you set it for, meaning when playing Team Slayer, you won't randomly have a flag stand in your way) Select Label and choose any one of the following Labels: CTF, ctf_flag_return, ctf_res_zone, ctf_res_zone_away. The abbreviations pretty much speak for themselves. Flag_Return is the Flag spawn and return point. Res_Zone is a respawn zone for CTF when the flag is at home, Res_Zone_Away is for when the flag isn't at home, i.e when the enemy have it in their mucky paws! Points to consider: Using the CTF tag, you can specify ANY object to be enabled specifically for that gametype. For example if you want to block a path off specifically in One Flag to make it harder for the Attackers, set the Item Label to "CTF", and set the Type to Asymmetrical. Again, you need to set the Spawn Sequence to anything greater than 0. You don't HAVE to label a new starting point for each gametype on the map. If you do want to dedicate a specific starting point though, again, use the Base Gametype label so Reach knows it's specifically there for that gametype. Headhunter Spoiler Once completing your map, you will need to save your map and exit Forge. Stay in the forge lobby and change the gametype from "Basic Editing" and select the Headhunter gametype Place hill markers as the scoring zones and complete the following: Hover over the item and bring up the properties menu and select "Advanced" Select Spawn Sequence and set the values to anything above 0. You initiate it's spawn order with these values so if you want a central score zone as the first area, set it to 1. Select Gametype Specific options and set them to TRUE (If you don't want the hillmarkers visible in other gametypes) Select the Label and set it to hh_drop_point. Points to consider: There aren't any extra options in Headhunter, it's a pretty easy gametype to set up. You can just use the base gametype tag to display certain objects in that gametype. You can also give items specific properties to spawn in either Free For All (FFA) or Team games by giving them tags like, team_only or ffa_only. Infection Spoiler Once completing your map, you will need to save your map and exit Forge. Stay in the forge lobby and change the gametype from "Basic Editing" and select any Infection gametype. As Infection is primarily a "I'm going to kill you" kind of map, there aren't really any "objectives". However, this is the gametype most people struggle with so you MUST place a hill spawn somewhere on your map (Whether it's in boundaries or not doesnt matter) Hover over the hill spawn and bring up the properties menu and select "Advanced" Select Spawn Sequence and set it to anything above 0 (I havent experimented using negative numbers) Select Gametype Specific and set it to TRUE. Select Label and set it to inf_haven. Next place initial spawn points where you wish for the undead to crawl out of their graves from. Access the advanced properties menu and set it's label to inf_spawn. Points to consider: There aren't really any extra options to use in infection, unless your map is designed for All gametypes, you might need to use the base gametype Label (in this case, Infection) to make specific items available in that gametype. Other than that, you're good to go! Invasion Spoiler As Invasion is a very indepth, scripted gametype. I will write up a seperate guide once running through each aspect individually and insert in this spoiler. For now, all I can say is; it follows the same aspects of each of the other gametypes, spawn sequence and labels are needed for the gametype to work successfully. King Of The Hill Spoiler Once completing your map, you will need to save your map and exit Forge. Stay in the forge lobby and change the gametype from "Basic Editing" and select any KOTH gametype Place Hill Markers where you want the hills to be and complete the following: Hover over the item and bring up the properties menu and select "Advanced" Select Spawn Sequence and set the values to anything above 0. The spawn sequence is also the order in which the hills appear. Select Gametype Specific options and set them to TRUE (If you don't want it visible in other gametypes) Select the Label and set it to koth_hill. Points to consider: koth_hill is the only tag required in KOTH to have the gametype function for your map, all other tags are standard like ffa_only tag or the base tag KOTH. You can also give items specific properties to spawn in either Free For All (FFA) or Team games by giving them tags like, team_only or ffa_only. Oddball Spoiler Once completing your map, you will need to save your map and exit Forge. Stay in the forge lobby and change the gametype from "Basic Editing" and select any Oddball gametype Place a flag spawn / score point as the ball spawn point and complete the following: Hover over the item and bring up the properties menu and select "Advanced" Select Spawn Sequence and set the values to anything above 0. Select Gametype Specific options and set them to TRUE (If you don't want it visible in other gametypes) Select the Label and set it to oddball_ball. Points to consider: Oddball is similar to headhunter, it's fairly easy to set up and doesnt have many requirements. Use the Oddball tag to dedicate specific items to the gametype and set them to gametype specific. You can also give items specific properties to spawn in either Free For All (FFA) or Team games by giving them tags like, team_only or ffa_only. Race Spoiler Once completing your map, you will need to save your map and exit Forge. Stay in the forge lobby and change the gametype from "Basic Editing" and select Race > Race. Place Capture Plates/Hill Markers where you want your checkpoints to be and do the following: Hover over the item and bring up the properties menu and select "Advanced" Select Spawn Sequence and set the first checkpoint to 1. For the second checkpoint, set it to 2, for the third; 3 etc... etc... Select Gametype Specific options and set it them to TRUE (This is only required if your track is useable for more than one gametype) Select Label and set it to race_flag. Next, you MUST MUST MUST!!!! set individual starting points for race gametypes. When placing them, go to the Advanced menu and set the labels to race_spawn. Points to consider: Again, Race isnt exactly that indepth to make the gametype work for it. If your map doubles for another gametype aswell, you can place mines etc... and set them to only spawn on race using the base gametype tag (Race) You can also give items specific properties to spawn in either Free For All (FFA) or Team games by giving them tags like, team_only or ffa_only. [*]As discussed with Buddhacrane, it might not be completely necessary to label an initial spawn as race_spawn. My map didn't work without it, buddha's works without it. He has respawn points, my map doesn't. So it might be that you need one or the other in this instance. Stockpile Spoiler Once completing your map, you will need to save your map and exit Forge. Stay in the forge lobby and change the gametype from "Basic Editing" and select any Stockpile gametype. Place Capture Plates/Hill Markers where you want your score zones to be and do the following: Hover over the item and bring up the properties menu and select "Advanced" Select Spawn Sequence and set each score zone to any number greater than 1. Select Gametype Specific options and set it them to TRUE (This is only required if your map is suitable for more than one gametype) Select Label and set it to stp_goal. Next, place flag spawn objectives where you want the flags to spawn, follow the same principles with the score zones and label these stp_flag. Points to consider: You can assign any score location / flag a team using the "Team" option and simply selecting it's colour. You can also give items specific properties to spawn in either Free For All (FFA) or Team games by giving them tags like, team_only or ffa_only. Territories Spoiler Once completing your map, you will need to save your map and exit Forge. Stay in the forge lobby and change the gametype from "Basic Editing" and select any Territories gametype. Place hill markers in the desired locations and do the following: Hover over the item and bring up the properties menu and select "Advanced" Select Spawn Sequence and set it to anything above 0 (The number you choose, is represented by this in game in numerical order. Select the numbers 1, 4, 5, 7, 11 will spawn as 1 = 1, 4 = 2, 5 = 3, 7 = 4, 11 = 5, basically in ascending order. You can only have 5 territories.) Select Gametype Specific and set it to TRUE. Select Label and set it to terr_object. Points to consider: You can use the base tag to dedicate items to the territories gametype by making them gametype specific and labelling their tag as Territories. Any extra information I find useful, I'll add to the guide. I'll create an acceptable Invasion guide when I have more information on it. Thanks.
If there was/is, I haven't seen it, and it appears a lot of members havent either seen as though it's a frequent question to ask "why isnt my map working" on this forum But cheers matey. EDIT: I found it, it was in sticky's. ¬_¬ It appears people just don't like to read anything these days. Sorry waxy, didnt know you'd beat me to it. AND we'd done it in the same layout xD What a waste of time that was lmfao. Mod: Please lock