Remake Turf

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Gamefreak1792, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. Gamefreak1792

    Gamefreak1792 Ancient
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    This is a 1x1 remake of the classic Halo 2 map Turf. This remake is an almost carbon copy with the exceptions of a few weapons and headhunter. All the weapons are in the exact same spots as they are in Halo 2. I replaced the brute shot with the concussion rifle, thesmg with the pistol and the brute plasma rifle with the plasma repeater. Unfortunatly i could not get all the spawns where they were in Halo 2 for obvious reasons but i got them as close and as smart as i could.





    Weapons List:

    * 3 DMR- 10 sec

    * 1 Sniper Rifle-120 sec

    * 1 Shotgun-120 sec

    * 2 Concussion Rifle- 120 sec

    * 2 Plasma Pistol- 90 sec

    * 3 Plasma Rifle- 30 sec

    * 1 Plasma Repeater -60 sec

    * 2 Pistols - 45

    * 8 Plasma Gernade- 15 sec

    * 4 Frag Gernade- 15 sec

    * 1 Warthog Default- 120 sec

    More Pics:





    So thats it, Please Download, Rate, Comment and Recommend


    #1 Gamefreak1792, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2010
  2. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I am not disappoint. Great job, looks almost pixel perfect.

    are those dice I spy in the corner? Porque?
  3. The1ToFear

    The1ToFear Ancient
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    That's great, looks identical to the original. Didn't play much Halo 2, but I still recognize good 'ol Turf. Great job.
  4. Gamefreak1792

    Gamefreak1792 Ancient
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    Thanks for the awsome comments, and haha yeah those are dice up in the bridge background, if you look closely its 5+2=7 there are a few little hidden easter eggs like that around the map if you can find them.
  5. LeonVIII

    LeonVIII Ancient
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    that doesnt make sense ahahahaha but the map look great thank u very much...1 thing shouldnt u have replaced smg with assault rifle...w/e i guess lol map looks perfect
  6. Gamefreak1792

    Gamefreak1792 Ancient
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    thanks for the comments and i dk why i didnt just use the assault rifle just decided to use the pistol just for the hell of it i guess
  7. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I'm loving that someone has remade this map. I'm going to run around it first thing tomorrow. The one immediate criticism I can give this map that may help it's authenticity more, would be to colorize certain pieces of the map (The Scarab Leg green would be ideal). Also possibly coloring other parts of the map orange maybe? To give it a warmer color.

    And one last thing:

    If I were you, I'd somehow find a way to make those shacks a bit cleaner looking from the side, as well as the dumpster. The clipping is a bit detracting, but that's personal taste. Once I run around may favorite map from Halo 2 again, I'll possibly come back with more suggestions. Overall it seems like a solid effort.
  8. Gamefreak1792

    Gamefreak1792 Ancient
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    Thanks and i cant really put anymore color onto the scarab, the parts i used to make it dont have enough color changing properties to make a difference, but the rest of the map i can go in and try it with, thanks for the suggestion and ill let ya know what it looks like and if its different enough to release a V2
  9. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
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    Why bother recreating the bridge? You realize it's a bridge, right? I know you're trying to do a remake, but the bridge wasn't even part of the map, it was in the skybox. Anyway, the remake is nice...also don't know what's up with the dice. 3/5
  10. LeonVIII

    LeonVIII Ancient
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    the bridge is for aesthetic purposes i actually love its there and i love the scarab too the only problem i have with the map tho is i really am not digging the natural rock replacing the trucks and crates on that side of the map besides that most things are very good exceptional even good job :)
  11. El FlyingCondor

    El FlyingCondor Forerunner

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    Have to say, this is pretty impressive. I was literally just thinking the other day that I wish someone could remake Turf, because it was a fun map. I appreciate the little details for aesthetic purposes, like the Scarab leg, or the two bridges I may not have originally noticed. I only wish there could've been something to use as the bridge you can knock down near the sniper spawn.
  12. Gamefreak1792

    Gamefreak1792 Ancient
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    Thanks for all the support everyone i really appreciate it, and the reason i put in some of those little things like the bridge background and the dice is because i ran out of building materials for the map but i had aethestic materials left and a pretty good budget left so i decided to put little things like those in there. if you notice the 2 dice= 7-Bungie easter egg, and the bridge just made it look more like Turf even if you cant play it just makes the map feel better.
  13. Kitouski

    Kitouski Forerunner

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    Another amazing map, I actually downloaded it, played it and thoroughly loved it today before I even signed up here. The scarab looks really good for what you had to work with and I personally think the dice is a nice touch. It makes anything I make out of forge feel extremely amateurish whenever I run this map. I'd be nice to see this map compatible with the game type Infection and Safe Havens though.
  14. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    This is one of the better looking remakes I've seen, managing to keep most of the look and feel of the original. I love the details you've got like the bridge and what look like bell towers.
    Any reason for the dice?

    There were two problems I saw though.
    The first, four health packs in the first aid tent. Yes, it is more realistic but it will be terrible in games. Bungie uses 15 second respawn times for their health packs, all a player has to do is get to that tent with a CQ weapon and they're all set up.
    This then leads on to people avoiding that part of the map because they know its the perfect place for a camper (yes, in the tent).

    The second problem was you really don't have many spawn points. It doesn't hurt to double up a few spawn points, as long as they don't over lap. Halo 3 was limited to 100 spawn points, in Reach thats roughly the minimum Bungie uses on their maps.

    But I do like how you've made the map is somewhere. Just having the top of the bridge and being able to see the sky and cliffs helps give the impression that this isn't just a box floating in the middle of no where!
  15. Realistic

    Realistic Ancient
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    I only have one major gripe. Everything on this map is pretty excellent, except the scarab area. The scarab area in Halo 2 was much deeper, you could hide in the corners, and there were boxes there for cover as well. You took what was in Halo 2 a defensive base, and essentially walled it off. This serverely cripples this map, as the defensive base is where most of the action happens in all objective games. The scarab section is literally the only part that is truly holding the map back.

    However, a few other minor gripes from someone who played a lot of turf (all these can be addressed in forge in literally minutes)

    The bricks used for the soda machines are both too shallow compared to their soda-machine counterparts.

    The small crate behind the medic tent is too close to the wall. In halo 2, you could hide behind it if you so chose, which isn't an option in this remake.

    Likewise, the big blocks inside the warehouse are too close to their wall, it was possible in 2 to slip along the side of that wall behind the crates in there as well.

    These are the only deviations that affect most gameplay. There's a few missing lower roofs that could be accessed, but they are unimportant compared to the aforementioned things. Fix those, and you've got a perfect remake, imo.
  16. El Loco Cubano

    El Loco Cubano Forerunner

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    Very well done, best I have seen I think. Add some color as others have suggested.
  17. Dot

    Dot Forerunner

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    I really like some parts of this map, especially the scarab leg, but overall it just feels a little off all around a lot of the hallways feel too big, there's jumps you just can't make, kinda flawed all around. It's certainly not the worst rendition I've seen, but not the best either, the other one on this site is better even. Keep at it.
  18. Gamefreak1792

    Gamefreak1792 Ancient
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    thanks for all the great comments, as for some of the gripes.
    I cant really put color in, the pieces i used just dont have the color aspect that would change the map,
    The scarab i know is to far out into the base but at least its there, in other remakes i have seen people either make a horrible scarab or just dont put one in at all.
    As for the medical tent with the health packs, bungie has them set to 15 but i set them to 45 in there, yes it still promotes camping but at least with 45 sec it isnt as bad.

    If i decide to go in and address these things i will go back and see what everyone is saying and try to the best of my ability to fix all these.
    Again thanks for the DL and the comments. Also make sure to check out both this and a group of mines The Pit remake; both are in the Forgotten treasures remake contest. There is a link to photobucket pictures and the forgehub post links in my signature.

  19. henk de vries

    henk de vries Forerunner

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    it's pretty awesome. 1 remark though, the map seems somewhat smaller than in halo 2. driving around in the warthog is barely possible.
  20. theetechkid

    theetechkid Forerunner
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    For the opening doors you should you pallets so you can get in and out.

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