Trap (It needs a better name.)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Celin Dion, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. Celin Dion

    Celin Dion Forerunner

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    Trap (Please suggest a better name.) :happy:


    It is a symmetrical map, loosely based on a quake 3 arena map (q3tourney6). I built it as more of a casual map, but I wanted it to be also capable for competitive use. Right now it is just setup for CTF and slayer.


    If two people go off the lower man cannons around the same time they will hit each other mid air and fall to their death.



    The above picture shows the route to the top platform off one man cannon into another man cannon that is floating in midair which has a perfectly placed one way door so the player takes no damage. Once they reach the top platform, they will find the jetpack ability and also the fuel rod cannon. But the trick is that there are a bunch of explosive items up there that can detonate the whole landing pad (shown below). SO once you're up, its probably wise to gtfo.


    Its my first map, so please give any suggestions or comments to make it better. Thanks!
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Make the mancannons slightly offset so this doesn't happen. (place them so the players fly along two parallel paths.) People will care more about being assured a successful jump than the map being exactly symmetrical.
  3. Izano Slayer

    Izano Slayer Forerunner

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    I agree. And: I hate your signature. So. Much.

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