Greatest infection map ever!!! Fun when listening to rave music! Please download I believe it's a great map with loads of fun and I want it out there. Special Thanks to Tub3Baby, Tyl3rr, Kittrage, and Nap18! Heres is some pictures of the map! - Kittyrage's awesome zombie spawn! - The front of the club, yes I know it looks a little plain but the inside is great! Ran out of money to decorate =\ - Zombie Entrance! - Can't Have a club without a dj table! - 2nd Floor has a round stairs case up to it and a shortcut! - 2nd FloorStrip Pole - Bar2ndFloor - Stairs3rdFloor - Room#1 - Room#1pt2 - Room#3 - Shortcut If you have any suggestions for fixing or changing the map please let me know and also post any opinion of the map I would appreciate it! Enjoy the map =D
It only deserves to get out there if people download it, and they usually only download if you have more pictures.
the map looks cool but i cant really understand the whole map. If you add more pictures and add a detailed description maybe il go for the download... or yes imma going to dl cause it looks cool from the pic.
kirkley did u fix the spawns already? and thanks for mentioning who built the amazing zombie hot tub spawn
hey, your that person who told me about this map about a week ago. Mine was called the club, and its sort of similar, if a little more laid back then this one.
Its a great map. The forging is great, and the dancefloor idea is pretty cool. Both the zombies and humans have even chances in this map, which is great. There are no serious camping spots where the zombies find it tough to get in, and there are loads of little pathways around the entire building. It makes for a pretty fun, but repetitive game of infection. 9/10.