
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nexovus, Sep 27, 2010.


Feedback - Do you like the map so far?

  1. Yes.

    1 vote(s)
  2. No.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Use less vehicles.

    1 vote(s)
  4. Use more vehicles.

    0 vote(s)
  5. More medium/close combat area. Its too 'empty'.

    0 vote(s)
  6. Asthetics need improvement.

    0 vote(s)
  7. Blue spawn under-armed/too small.

    0 vote(s)
  8. Red Base too big.

    0 vote(s)
  9. I CANT WAIT FOR THIS!!!!!!1!11

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Nexovus

    Nexovus Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Satellite And Missle Observation Satellite
    Gametype: Intended for Invasion
    Players: 8-16


    SAMOS is intended to be an invasion map where the Red Team defends the satellite and the Blue Team must try to destroy it (single objective). This map is primarily vehicle based, and all vehicles are on fast respawn times. Bases are also loaded with both Covenant and Human weapons with a respawn time of 1 second (not sure if that means instant respawn). Turrets are placed in 4 spots around the map for AA.

    This map is still a WIP! Would like a partner to help adjust/edit the map and balance. Running VERY low on funds in forge which is limiting me from creating a blue base and more filling between the two bases. If you would like to help with this map, send me a friend request on live with a message.
    I work a lot (2 jobs) so I will respond/update when I can :monitor:












    -Nexovus (Scoootr)
    #1 Nexovus, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2010
  2. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    First impressions, it looks nice but is this supposed to be a UNSC armoured vehicle storage facility? because FOOKMESIDEWAYS that's alot of vehicles?!?!?

    I'm hoping you've restricted the majority of the vehicles to only spawn in the third phase? I.e the scorpian

    I hope you've also allowed the opposing team enough weaponry / vehicles to combat that massive battalion.

    If you insist on having so many vehicles, i also recommend spacing them out more. If the opposing team does have their own vehicular army, it appears like it'd be easy peasy raping kiddies as they run to those vehicles as theyre all in the same area.
  3. Nexovus

    Nexovus Forerunner

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    Haha not quite, its a Satellite And Missile Observation Satellite complex. Honestly I didn't know what else the purpose of the structure could be, as well as the objective that must be destroyed. So, I turned it into a really big outpost.

    One thing Ive noticed from playing Team Slayer, CTF and Big Team is that people always rush for a vehicle, or either a sword or sniper rifle. In CTF on Hemorrhage, I see someone crouched next to the Scorpion spawn just waiting for it to respawn every time, even if someone just drove off in a warthog with their flag.

    I ran out of money after doing the 3rd base and arming the attacking team so that limited my ability to create content for 3 phases, so for now I have one (or all 3 objectives in the same spot). So as of now (V0.1) all vehicles are available immediately.

    I figured that the defending team would have more equipment but also a handicap (decrease damage resistance, or increase attacking team damage output). This could potentially create fast paced and mildly chaotic (since there's so much space and includes flying vehicles). I would also like to increase the flight speed of the falcon and banshee as well as the turning speed of she shade turrets, but I don't think you can do that.

    Attacking team has:
    1x wraith
    2x warthogs (one LAAG and the other missile)
    1x ghost (might add 2 more if I can)
    1x Revenant
    2x Mongoose

    1x Banshee
    1x Falcon

    Defending team has:
    1x Scorpion
    3x Warthogs (LAAG, GAUS, Missile)
    2x Ghosts
    2x Revenants
    2x Mongoose

    2x Banshee
    2x Falcon.

    That was actually done intentionally to provide an obvious plan of attack to neutralize defenses in order to infiltrate the base and destroy the objective. However, this wont be too easy considering the positions that red team can reach before any blue team arrive. That strategy would be simple, but with proper balancing could prove difficult even with a red team handicap. Its possible that an approach like that would end in more of a standoff which would come down to piloting/driving skill.

    Making that the most obvious course of action allows the map to separate the single minded "kill kill kill, objective," people from the, well maybe we could "blah blah blah," battle strategist type of person. Teamwork would also play an important role in a conflict of this scale (about as big as it gets), but some people will just enjoy butting heads with players of great and somewhat equal firepower.

    This map would be played by people in private matches with friends (I hope lol), not on matchmaking where you're teamed up with random strangers and douche bags.

    I do REALLY appreciate this kind of feed back, I like to break it down into sections and process each point individually to increase the chances of coming up with improvements. Piece by piece :p
  4. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Right, just to recap the points. In total, you have 23 vehicles (not including turrets) available to players on the map.
    Reach only supports 16 players, so thats an excess of 7 vehicles if all players were in the vehicles. Not to mention some of the vehicles are useless without a second person (warthogs / falcons)
    I'd seriously suggest reducing the amount of vehicles available. Or perhaps, make some of the vehicles not respawn at all. Or only spawn in a different phase. You could initially start the defenders in the attackers base, and have the attackers spawn way out on the island and make their way on mongooses to their forward base. The defenders at this phase, should have no anti-vehicular weapons and such but it then allows the gameplay to warm up into the full vehicular combat. Rather than having 23 vehicles available and all flying out at once, it'd be more controlled and eased into the vehicles. I definately think the heavy vehicles shouldnt be respawnable either.
  5. Nexovus

    Nexovus Forerunner

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    You do have a good point, it would be impossible to have all vehicles occupied at any point which is a waste. I do like to give excess options to the players in order to compliment anything they formulate (that I didnt anticipate).

    Removing excess would slightly decrease available utilities for possible attack/defend modus operandi. However the credit gain from removing vehicles/docking structure could be substantial enough to apply a positive adjustment/addition that outweighs the loss.

    I like that idea, I might be able to work that out so the defenders holding the phase 2 attacker spawn have some/little resources to defend and place the 1st objective in the phase 2 attacker spawn. When attackers claim the cave (P2 attack spawn), the vehicles spawn for defenders in increments except the scorpion which would spawn initially but have a longer respawn time. Its possible with this approach though that both teams would push each other back and fourth on the field with the varying available resources.

    Now that you mention it, it would probably be a little too chaotic for a strategic plan to work if its just a ton of vehicles nuking it out everywhere all the time. I will have to look into this and figure out which vehicles / sections of structure to remove in order to have the credits to make this plausible.

    Add me on XBL so you can see the map in game and help conceptualize if you want! I would like to forge with someone, my GT is Scoootr.
  6. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It would be worth looking into.
    You have to imagine what a game plays like for both sides and all parties. If your intended audience is 12 year olds who tend to play infection day in day out where gameplay is literally about getting easy kills consecutively, then fair enough, but if your intention is to have a playable map for all types of players, then you need to introduce balance and it needs to be balance of on foot combat as well as vehicular combat. People don't enjoy games that they are constantly being killed by a tank or warthog etc...
    Like the blood gulch map sucks if one team has both scorpians, because there aren't any weapons to kill the tanks with.
    Standoff used to suck when one team had both warthogs, as the only real weapon to kill them with was in the centre of the map.
    If one team controls all your heavy vehicles in this, they have 2 rocket hogs, 2 falcons, 2 banshees a wraith and a scorpian. The guys who are running around, don't exactly stand a chance against that.
  7. Crock

    Crock Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would suggest making it race specific, have the elites have only covenant stuff, and the spartans only have UNSC stuff. And make sure those vehicles are spread out (might I suggest making a hanger (falcons) and a heavy garage (scorpion, rocket warthog, gauss warthog) and a light garage (mongoose, normal warthog) and an armory (DMRs, ARs, Snipers, Spartan laser, and so forth.) And make sure most of the heavy vehicles (along with the falcons) spawn in the 3rd stage. (light vehicles in 2nd stage, and on foot in the 1st stage, maybe with 1 ghost and a few mongooses)
    #7 Crock, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2010

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