Hello, I'm new to the forums but wanted to join to let people see the maps I'm making. Sorry if I post in the wrong section please let me know. Here is my first one, its a remake of the classic 1970's 80's and 90's board game Cross Fire. Map Download Link: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=3356421&player=Red%20Shirt%20KRT Gametype Download: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=3356486&player=Red Shirt KRT It is based off of the game cross fire and is played as Head Hunter, each team has a turret on their side and the object is to take the skulls and score on the opposing side. Everyone spawns with shotguns and no shields. Best for games with 4v4 or more people. You all remember the commercial. CROSS FIRE! YouTube - Crossfire - Full Commercial Here are some pics of the map Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details You can give me complaints/critiques/things you like about it as much as you would like. My Gamer Tag is Red Shirt KRT and it is under my file share as CROSS-FIRE and the gametype for it is CF I believe. Please Download and play with your friends! Oh, and I'm also down to play customs with anyone to try out new maps so give me a holler! Download link: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=3356421&player=Red Shirt KRT Gametype download: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=3356486&player=Red Shirt KRT
1. Don't double post, just edit the original 2. Embed the pictures so people don't have to click on the links. Copy the following text into your post Spoiler [noparse][/noparse]
ill have to play to have any idea how this will work, but right now i dont get it. also, you should give us a download link.
I lol'd all the way through the advert. That is just TERRIBLE! As for a game in Reach? I don't think it would work especially well. I mean, you could possibly create a spin off of the recently featured flag frenzy by dropping the bomb into a "turret" and launching it up a team mate who's in the back of the enemy's base to arm the bomb? I'm not sure how it'd work overall like...
I think this is the link thing that you were talking about Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details and heres the gametype for it: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=3356486&player=Red Shirt KRT I'm not sure how to make it so you can just click on it but here is the page for it to be downloaded