
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by evan12075, May 3, 2008.

  1. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    This is my first Avalanche map EVER! i haven't been forging in a while due to other games (GTA 4, COD4) anyway. when i first got the idea of this map in my head before i even started making it. i was thinking something along the lines of narrows. but when u look at my pictures i know you'll say, How the heck does resemble Narrows?, exactly what i said. it turned out to be completely different than my idea but i think it is waaaay better than my idea anyway. I have all the gametypes set up but i think snipers or team snipers would be preeetty fun on this map. o yeah and its a little small so more focused on smaller parties. 2-8 players probably. anyway how about those screenshots.

    Somewhat of an overview

    Overview kind of too.

    one of the buildings/sniper towers

    another building/sniper tower

    and the last building/sniper tower

    lower walkways

    secret rocket spot o0o0o0oo0o0o0o0o00o0oo

    and another half overview

    Just to let you guys know i dont think the screenshots justify this map at all. it was really hard to get overview shots because the roof of the cave was right up there and i was limited to my air space. please download and check it out then give me feedback. thanks.
  2. yomtvraps

    yomtvraps Ancient
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    no offense but im really over maps that are set in here. this one loooks about average. the main thing i dislike is te rocket place

    SPAGETTII Ancient
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    looks nice good use of the cave.. one thing though.. i cant tell from the pics but did you use interlocking.. cause that would make it smoother
  4. shortspeedy

    shortspeedy Ancient
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    Reminds me of Ascension from Halo 2
  5. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    These kind of maps have been done to death already, so if your gonna do one it has to be awesome.
    I wouldn't call this awesome, it looks alright, nothing really special. And I also think you should've blocked off the small base behind each man cannon.
  6. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    ok i know i've seen a couple maps in this area before. but if u can show me a better one i will agree with u completely. Also you cant even judge the map if you don't play it so dont say it's nothing special or it's not awesome if you haven't played it. even though it might now be considered awesome. and also i kept the bases to make the map bigger. without those little rooms behind the mancannons the map seemed a little crammed and too small.
  7. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    this is getting to mbe more of the same
  8. Boukary777

    Boukary777 Ancient
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    Sorry, but most of the people in forgehub are picture biased and rarely test the map themselves. It's rare to have someone actually download and give a thorough review, but don't give up on posting in these forums.

    Edit : From what I see, even though there have been a couple of maps in this area that are similar, every one is unique and it's just the author's perspective on how it should be made. Just because something is done over and over again doesn't mean it's bad
  9. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    thanks Beat Down. like he said. there's been a lot of maps made in this area but they aren't all the same and the play differently. and liek shortspeedy said, it's got a little Acsension feel to it. with the rocket spot and the sniper towers.
  10. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Third picture reminds me of Ascension from Halo 2, nice looking.
    Good Job.
  11. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    ya I was thinking the same thing myself CaMOfo. if i have some free time i might make an Ascension type map thats not in the Cavern.
  12. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
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    looks good, parts of it actually remind me of H2 lockout. nice map
  13. Cheshter

    Cheshter Ancient
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    lovely map is superbly done congrats to you man i have dl this and i will keep it once again thanks for building such a good map
  14. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Is it just me that the links isn't working for? I tried it on my brothers computer and the page loads but all I get apart from the comments is a tab saying file share item, none of the normal pic/link.
    I really want to have a look around this map as i personally am not bored of avalanche cavern maps yet, this looks cool and fun
  15. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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  16. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Yeh, I think its bungie as some others are having the same problem but not everyone. Going to the fileshare still works though, thank you T3echnomonkey.

    I downloaded this and really liked it. I haven't downloaded too many avalanche maps yet and like this one. I have seen a few in this cave but its kinda like the base in Last resort, its just the place that lends itself best to smaller maps.

    I like the way this uses the ground at either end of the cave well and fits within the space well. Its alot of fun to move around and jumping works really well. Weapon placement seems ok but I can't tell how they will work till I play a real game.

    Some things are a little shakey, the sword hole is awkward to get into/out of, but far from impossible, because the ledge above you when you jump. The same is true of the steep ramp, you can only get onto it at the top for half of its width because of the ledge above.

    It is alot harder to get things flat with these maps as they're fully floated and you have no ground to work off. There are a couple of things you can do as well:
    placing the first objects, the ones that extend from the floor at either end of the cave are very useful. If you take time getting them flat and inline with the edge then you can use their flatness as a guide, placing further objects on top of them can make your level bumpy, but it helps to have a flat plane to compare each object to when you're floating it.
    Guests can also be very useful. Having two players on your box does make your screen smaller but, even if there's no one to help you, you can just plug in a controller, sign in, move the guest to a useful, different perspective just to make sure everything's aligned from another direction. You can sign more guests in for all angles but your screen will get even smaller if you have 3.
    Placing a spare flat object on top of an object you know is flat then floating the new object in from underneath, using the spare object as a guide is easier as you can just push the new object into the corner formed then save.

    Sorry to rant but I really like the visuals of avalanche objects and the way this map is constructed, Its gonna stay on my HD for a while, nice to have 1 on foundry variant
    #16 Pegasi, May 29, 2008
    Last edited: May 29, 2008
  17. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    wow thanks for that. best reply i've ever gotten. and yes i know what you mean with the flatness and all of that. oh and the sword i tried to make hard to get becuase i didnt want people to go on sword rampages. anyway maybe i'll do a v2 but i don't know really, this is actually one of my older maps... a v2 is still possible tho. and i like the guest idea. i've used a guest strategy in my newest map Fulmination actually. i used the guess to place the power lines (small barrels and weapon holders) what i did is hold up the barrel where i wanted it with the guest, then place the weapon holder to hold it in. save/quit. repeated.

    anyway thanks for the great feedback.
  18. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I see what you mean about the sword, it would be pretty devastating on this map if it was easy to get and I noticed its a 180 respawn which is good. Weapon placement in general seems nice the more I forgethrough this map, especially once I noticed that you used either end of the cave as bases. (This is probably the standard for maps in here cause it makes sense but I don't know that many personally)

    I'm gonna show this level to my mate as a bit of variations in our 1v1 splitscreens, looks like it'll be fun. I'd definitely download a v2 but this map is pretty decent as it is.

    Nice tip as well, I never use guests to hold stuff in the air, either for placing objects or setting stuff on top of them, I'll try it from now on. Thanks
  19. Fireguy13

    Fireguy13 Ancient
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    i really like this map. i am going to download this right now
  20. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    alright well i hope you like it.

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