This was my first map in Forge, a remake of Shipment from COD4. Again, pretty small and good for small groups and local mp. It's compatible with all game modes except Invasion, Race and Multiflag (couldn't figure out how to get that one to work). Let me know what you think! Overview of the map. More detailed view of one of the corners to give an idea as to what was used for pallets/cars/barrels. Closeup of the crates.
classic CoD 4 map. i love it in cod obviously, but idk how well it would play in halo... it looks exactly like it though, nice work!
What's with the random columns? Were they just debris from the original map, or did you add them in? I get the feeling that they'd be frustrating if a player was to back into them during a firefight and get trapped, so it might be worth removing the ones connected to the other boxes, unless they're necessary. Other than that, looks pretty good.
The columns were meant to be the barrels. I was hoping there'd actually be some barrel items in forge that would have weight to them and whatnot but no go, so those were the best I could come up with... any ideas?
Yeah that was my first thought when making the map, but they're a little too big and still pretty immovable... If only there were more scenery pieces :'(