Tacoma Bridge

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Cannonball Clam, Sep 23, 2010.

  1. Cannonball Clam

    Cannonball Clam Forerunner

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    This is a CTF map fought on a bridge with two teams. Each team has their own falcon, ghost, warthog, and mongoose - one sniper rifle is placed at the top of the center structure of the bridge, a second sniper rifle is below the bridge and only accessibly with a falcon. In the very center of the bridge is a rocket launcher, above it on a platform is a plasma grenade launcher. An extra falcon is hidden on the water next to the waterfalls.

    Inside Base:


    Front of bases:



    In the middle:


    From the extra Falcon (on the water):


    Action Shot:


    This map was a lot of fun to make and even MORE fun to play - thanks to everyone who helped me test/balance it out! Enjoy!
    #1 Cannonball Clam, Sep 23, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2010
  2. ULikeThatDontYa

    ULikeThatDontYa Forerunner

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    Yes it is kinda hard to see the map with only one overview picture. From what I see though it looks like an awesome idea and the bridge is forged well. However, there is no cover on the bridge so why would you go out there if you know you are probably gonna get shot down within 10 seconds or so. Seems pretty good, but I doubt gameplay would match up to this aesthetic gem.
  3. Cannonball Clam

    Cannonball Clam Forerunner

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    good point - i'll add some more screen shots to the original post
  4. VIP3R0X

    VIP3R0X Forerunner

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    I like the idea, but maybe look into adding another way like a smalle bridge underneath the original. Right now it remindes me of Hula which was fun for the first five minutes
  5. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    awesome asthetic bridge
    and very good idea. not original but awesome nonetheless. just wondering how do you access the extra faclon??
  6. Cannonball Clam

    Cannonball Clam Forerunner

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    I did play with the idea of an alternate path under the bridge but what it came down to was how fun the game play was when the only alternate path is with a falcon (or sneaking in, or climbing the railings and jet-packing in). It made for a lot of great air battles and teamwork to pull off capturing the flag, and after testing it both ways I decided not to go with a lower level.

    Give it a try with a large group and then let me know if you still feel the same way about an alternative path. The vehicles and weapons respawn quickly so there is always some pretty intense action going on. Keeping the map so linear creates the need for some interesting strategies.

    I've thought about putting a control point in the middle and giving whatever team has control more spawn points - good idea? bad idea?
  7. Cannonball Clam

    Cannonball Clam Forerunner

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    You need a teammate to fly you down there - Makes for a lot of awesome air battles over the extra falcon since having control of two falcons gives your team a fantastic air advantage.
    #7 Cannonball Clam, Sep 23, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2010
  8. Cannonball Clam

    Cannonball Clam Forerunner

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    Anybody else get a chance to try it with a big group?
  9. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Um, great aesthetics, but there's one problem...that's a MASSIVELY LONG bridge, with no cover whatsoever. You might consider putting up a few roadblocks, or something else, just so that non-vehicular action can happen on the bridge. As it is, one sniper with any skill whatsoever could dominate the entirety of the bridge...not a lot of fun if all the Warthogs are gone. =/
  10. Cannonball Clam

    Cannonball Clam Forerunner

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    There is some cover on the bridge that gives you enough chance to block sniper fire, but yea once a good sniper gets on that tower you have to get pretty creative and use some fancy teamwork. I need to delete some things if I want to add any more cover to the bridge, I've hit my object cap.

    The warthog and falcons respawn almost instantly so there is usually always vehicles ready to go.

    But yea, it probably could use more vehicles and more cover. I'll see if I can't delete some things and add more cover in.
  11. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    Does the bridge collapse after a while?

    Because it would be awesome if it did.
  12. Cannonball Clam

    Cannonball Clam Forerunner

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    Man, that would be cool...
  13. XtK ReApeR

    XtK ReApeR Ancient
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    The gameplay was AMAZING! We only did 4v4 but it was still great. :) Good job, but for version two I suggest adding another level under, and I'm going to add death zones, and safe zones.
  14. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
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    I really like the design of your bridge, it looks awesome. I tried to use a bridge in my Invasion map but it doesn't look anywhere as nice as yours. Do you mind if I inspire my bridge on yours? I especially like the way it hangs with the middle structure. Kudos!
  15. Highlaw

    Highlaw Forerunner

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    It's nice, but I would do 2 things

    1) Remove the railings - it's more risky and fun

    2) With the added $$ put more cover/ramps on the bridge or make another level below (Like Narrows) to sneak around incase they have the sniper.
  16. pUn15h3r

    pUn15h3r Ancient
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    I haven't had a chance to play this yet, but I did a fly through and it looks like it would be really fun. I don't remember what the spawn timers were on the vehicles, but I'm hoping you kept them somewhat low to keep the action going, since walking across the bridge would be tedious.

    It looks amazing though. and vehicle battles in the middle of the bridge would be tons of fun.
  17. Cannonball Clam

    Cannonball Clam Forerunner

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    XtK ReApeR: Awesome! I'm glad you like it - Send me an invite next time you get a big group together!

    Rigest: Go for it :)

    Highlaw: I'll have to try that and see how it plays - those railings were really expensive

    pUn15h3r: The vehicles spawn in 1 second, so there's usually always something to drive or fly ;)

    Thanks everyone for the great input!
  18. Teaco27

    Teaco27 Ancient
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    Nice map, just tested it out with my friends, the only problem is that there isn't enough cover. I would add some cover if plossibe. As for the altrenate route, i think that the falcon provides enough of a side route and if you were to have cover along the bridge as well I think you'd be fine, although a few places where you could cut under the bridge in high traffic areas (like the center) would be cool. I would say that you should remove the "extra" Falcon and maybe add like another few mongooses or warthogs. Lastly I would try setting this up for a Conquest-like (for more info on conquest click here). All in all a great map, awesome aesthetics, although the game-play could be improved a little.
  19. Cannonball Clam

    Cannonball Clam Forerunner

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    I'll have to give conquest a shot and see how it plays! And I'll try to build more cover, I know you're pretty vulnerable out there on the bridge.
  20. pUn15h3r

    pUn15h3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OK, so I played a couple of games of this yesterday with a decent sized party (10-12 players). The main complaints i got were:
    -Snipers is too powerful
    -More cover, or a curve to the bridge
    -More vehicles
    -Few people said add a death barrier

    And a suggestion from me: The bases are a little camp-able, but I think neutral flag, bomb, KOTH, territories, or something forcing you into the middle would be really fun.

    And a lot of people said the falcon makes the map awesome :)

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