EDIT: RECOLLECTION (IS HERE!) http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-competitive-maps/108942-recollection.html SPAWN HELP NEEDED- I consider my self a "above average" forger in halo 3 standers but I don't know the average forge standers in reach yet :cry: constructive criticism welcomed. Hoped you like (released when spawns ,and testing are done)
Gaurd-Out? As in the old H3 map idea to fuse Gaurdian and Lockout? This looks sweet. The small rocky area doen't seem to have a quick way back to the map though. A man-cannon or teleporter would be nice. Looking forward to release!
ya i know the name is misleading that's why I put " Reconsidering name" under Gard-Out... any ways the rocky area has a man-cannon " barely visible in photo one (sends you to middle bottom") i know its hard to see but its there =)
Its kind of bland. There is nothing wow about it. Its just a decent walkwayed map to be honest. It doesn't suck but its not that great.
You mean my idea hahaha actually seriously i am doing my idea form halo 3 but i like the looks of this, as Atik said the green area seems a little out of place but other than that i like it, idk about the railed walkways though cause i like the more open walkways than the bridge walkways. Perhaps adding some larger areas along the walkways kinda like how Cage has it set up near Health spawn just a little something more to give it more dimension
Why is it gard-out instead of guard-out? Go ahead and post this in the competitive section, it looks good.
Again I'm "Reconsidering the name" most likely changing the name before i post as a downloaded-able map. Also stated in main post i need help placing spawn points and areas. along with some testing.
Sorry, I just skipped the text because it was colored. Place spawnpoints with the back towards a safe place wall/edge of map, and facing wherever the player would want to go (usually towards the center of the map on something like this). Place at least 40 spawnpoints, since the worst thing is spawning in the same place often; the more the merrier. Start points should go on opposite sides of the map, labeled red and blue for different teams. Eight for each team should be plenty. On a map this size and not meant for ctf/assault, spawn areas should be unnecessary.
Posted ok im doing major updates. Iv just finished adding spawns ,and revamped bottom middle testing is being done as we speak so stay tuned! NOTE: Ill be updating photos sometime tomorrow. Added after 13 Days 23 Hours: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details