In the forgeworld ViDoc there was a game being played of a KOTH with the warthog as the hill. I havent been able to remake it. Can it be done? How?
Oh yeah! i forgot.....yes, just go on to the warthogs' settings > Advanced > and change the warthogs' game type label to KOTH_Hill (or something like that) and it should probably work. (i haven't tried it, but it should work...)
This is a pretty stupid random question, but the thought has just popped into my head, if you can make the warthog the hill can you also make it the flag or bomb?
In short. No. Bungie said that was not an option. I don't understand how you think they could do that either.
I dont see why the "flag" couldnt be the warthog, it would be awesome to have to steal an enemy vehicle and bring it back to your base.
Can be done (sorta) by making the warthog the return point and have the flag in your base. Flag carrier traits: 0% speed and 0% jump height. Just get the warthog close enough (remember to change "SHAPE"!) and pick up the flag. awesomeness ensues
I still wasnt able to do it, but now i understand what you mean about labels. so i will try that. and the flag game sounds wiked fun, so i'm gonna try one of those as well. thanks for the help.